His Dark Materials trilogy


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I'm reading these books right now, I've finished the second one and I'm saving the third one for my flight home (I'm flying from the UK to Canada for Christmas). I'm trying SO HARD not to read any spoilers! I can't believe I didn't know about these books before. I'm actually kind of inspired to read Paradise Lost, I'd like to see how many concepts come from that.

THEY ARE AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!etc.

Some people think it is anti religious. IT IS NOT!!! Just because it has "The Authority" that some people represent as God, IT DOESN'T!

It's funny how practically NO ONE noticed they were anti-god until someone pointed it out.

But anyways I wasn't too interested in the movie/books anyways, looked too much like Narnia, but boy was I wrong.

I want to read them but right now I have a million other things to read and do. A lot of people don't like it because they say it's atheist but a book can't make you not believe in god! Sheesh! I don't mean to insult people who don't want to read it, what you believe is what you believe, and what I believe is what I believe. But something gone a little too far: my friend read eragon and was going to read eldest but her mom wouldn't let her read it just because of this one little part that says that elves don't believe in god. But she told my friend everything in it anyway! And it even says that when the elf says it the main character is thinking that can't be right and still believes in god. Now that's a little overboard. But, anyway, I'm probably going to read the series once I'm done reading a million other things.

... But something gone a little too far: my friend read eragon and was going to read eldest but her mom wouldn't let her read it just because of this one little part that says that elves don't believe in god.
I agree, that is totally wrong.

First of all she probably wouldn't have even noticed that part/change her beliefs [or rather her mothers] and secondly she should have choice of her religion anyways, her mother is being a bad role model by limiting her daughters personal choices.

Honestly, if this is bad, then, Flight Of Dragons is bad. There were 5 gods. They were trying to kill the evil one, of course. So they kill god.

The evil "Lord" or god... king, etc. It's just like in any other fiction book

I loved them, the Amber Spyglass made me cry for about three days straight, and I cant wait to get Lyra's Oxford. Its coming in the mail.

I don't see what the fuss is about revolving religeon and the books. I think that Pullman has his beliefs. Whether or not these are his beliefs, I do not know. But really, I don't think he was trying to send an Anti-Christ message out to the world, I think he was simply trying to be creative, from a more atheist point of veiw. I highly doubt he was trying to encourage kids to try to kill God. I make up stories like this all the time in my head.

I really don't see whats the matter with it.

Anyway, I loved the books. The Golden Compass lost my attention for a while, and I liked the Subtle Knife and Amber Spyglass, I think, because there was the war with God, and the angels, to keep my attention. If you take the time to absorb it and not to critisize, you will actually find yourself quite interested.

The books haven't changed my veiws at all, just thought I would point that out.

I liked the Golden Compass, but... I lost it. It got boring at parts so I skipped around to see what would grab my attention. There was one thing that I absolutely hated, and that was the movie. The book was WAY better than the movie. The movie didn't even follow the plot >//< The one boy never died in it like he was supposed to.


I did not like the second one. Bored me. It bored me to tears to be percise.


Amber Spyglass was nice. I enjoyed that. It really got my attention.
