Hiding my sexuality


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Realistically, you CAN hide it if you really wanted to. Should you? Well, I don't really know. If you want to pursue a relationship with someone later in life, it would be pretty hard to hide it. I don't think you should go announcing it to people, but you can tell someone when you're ready. You're in high school, so I would say you should keep it yourself for now. If you really feel the need to come out, tell one close friend or family member, and don't be ashamed of anything.

Maybe it would make you feel better to tell close friends and family members. But if you don't want to tell anyone else, you don't have to. :]

Well, I don't think you have to tell anyone unless they'd ask you. But if it like one of those things thats stuck in your head or whatever, then, umm, just tell someone you could really trust. And be proud of who you are. Being bi/homo sexual doesn't make you a bad person in any way. =] You're still going to have a nice personality and stuff, so, yeah, I don't really think you have to tell people unless you're forced to.

I'll just mention the flip side of that bit of advice... if everyone hates you and you announce your sexuality (which we are assuming is not straight) you may find yourself even more of a target for cruel and harsh comments - which you say you can't take.
If you don't want people to think negatively about you and you don't have many friends at school and people don't like you much, do you (honestly) believe that telling everyone your sexuality is going to improve their attitude towards you and make you feel more confident..?

Sorry Chris. I guess you know your peer group at school better than any of us on this forum. How do you honestly think they will react? :eek:
I guess I thought of it a little differently.

If you tell someone and stand up for yourself in that way, no matter what your classmates say, that would make you feel more confident. If Locky isn't the kind of guy who can take that, it's fine. It depends how you react - it might make you feel better to stay strong, but it might be too much annoyance for you also. If everyone is constantly bothering you, I see..


I think if you're comfortable about it, the others around you will be too. So if people at your school bother you because of what your sexuality is, you wouldn't want them to be your friend anyways. You want a friend who will like you for who you are. It's hard to have a friend you're keeping things from all the time. So, find out where your comfortable and don't be ashamed. there's more to you than your sexuality.


Good luck.

Cinderpelt has given you a pretty realistic indication of how a Christian minister would be obliged to deal with this kind of situation - so unless you want to be told (and to accept) that you are a sin against nature and must supress your sexual feelings forever, that route is kind of a dead end for you and probably won't help you feel happier at all.
You might want to consider how devout / practising Christians might also feel or react if you tell them you are a homosexual.
As a Christian, I'd like to say that the homosexual lifestyle is in fact a sin. That being said, I'd also like to point out that the appropriate way to deal with things like this is not in a mean or hateful manner. There are a lot of Christians out there, and even people who aren't, that can be very mean and hateful when it comes to things like this, and it's very wrong and sad when someone is mistreated by others who want to be spiteful.

The true Christian way to handle something like this shouldn't be hateful, but it is a serious issue and, as Cinderpelt stated, elders are obligated to deal with those matter in the church.

^ Being a Christian, you should know that no matter what sins you commit in your lifetime, God will always love and forgive you. Just throwing that out there.

As a Christian, I'd like to say that the homosexual lifestyle is in fact a sin. That being said, I'd also like to point out that the appropriate way to deal with things like this is not in a mean or hateful manner. There are a lot of Christians out there, and even people who aren't, that can be very mean and hateful when it comes to things like this, and it's very wrong and sad when someone is mistreated by others who want to be spiteful.
The true Christian way to handle something like this shouldn't be hateful, but it is a serious issue and, as Cinderpelt stated, elders are obligated to deal with those matter in the church.
But like, I don't think its something thats your fault And I agree with Nicki aswell.

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I think gotchi girl made a great point there!

& tbh, I think that homosexual men are very accepted into the society, but where I am from it seems that homosexual women aren't. I don't know why, but it's one of those things...

For the record, sorry, don't mean to offend, but are you male or female. xD You see, I haven't really spoken to you before so I wouldn't more. Because maybe that way I could give better advice?

If you keep hiding your sexuality, there's no way of exercising it in order to find someone to love (O: Profound xDD)..

I think it's important for you to tell someone, it would definitely make you feel better and I think it would be better than your parents etc. finding out for themselves.

"Can I ask you something? Are you a homosexual/bisexual?" (word the question however you like)

Think it would be more awkward to answer that, question than for you to just tell them straight.

It also shows that you're not embarrassed by your sexuality, which some people come across as when they hide it.

Hope this helps :3

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