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Hello! *waves* I'm Tamagirl_Desy! Welcome to Tamatalk. Feel free to PM me at anytime for a friend, or if you have any questions. Try to follow all rules (you'll find them floating around the boards....and people will often tell you "OMG FOLLOW THE RULES" if you break one :p ) and just have fun! There are many things to do here! For starters, get an avvie and fiddle with your siggy. Create a profile and all sort of stuff! Once your all set......LET LOOSE AND HAVE FUN!

:D :D :) TGD :mimitchi: :nyatchi: :D

Welcome to Tamatalk!

PM me if you need help w/ your Uratama, I'm here to help.

Please have a look at the Rules and Guidelines of Tamatalk

I was in Japan, not to long ago. I got my Uratama July 22nd, the day it came out.

And while I was going home, at the Airport, I won a JAL Uratama!


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wowwwwww. thats was nice!!!!!some pics of JAL uratama?
JAL uratama? Heehee. I learned something new! I knew there was a uratama, but a JAL uratama? WOAH!!! :nyatchi:

JAL uratama? Heehee. I learned something new! I knew there was a uratama, but a JAL uratama? WOAH!!! :nyatchi:
i think he was trying to say that a new Uratama Style ( Printing ) of uratama its a JAL version.


i think he was trying to say that a new Uratama Style ( Printing ) of uratama its a JAL version.no?
I don't know! Don't ask me about uratamas...I don't know a single thing (other then they are tamas.....well, oviously!)

Anyways, welcome to Tamatalk once again!

*_- Welcome Dear!

Please feel free to pm me if ya want friends or help...

p.s JAL Uratama rules! *-* soooo kool

nice to meet you my favert contenent is japan!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :ichigotchi: :kusatchi: :unsure: :wacko:

Welcome! I'm kind of new too. Can you post a pic of your uratama?

Hi welcome to tamatalk,

It is a great place to chat about tamagotchis, other stuf, and play some games ^_^

There is an acrcade for video games a Fun Stuff section for word games and a What's On your mind area If you just wanna chat about tamagotchis :D

I hope you have a great time here :blink: you may PM me if you need a friend!


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