Hey girls out there! (or guys)


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You can really never tell if they like you, it's just a surprise.

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It's kinda hard to tell... it varies between guys. Some guys would ignore you or be obnoxious to you, and some would be willing to get it out that they like you. But just remember that if a guy is ignoring or being obnoxious to you that doesn't necessarily mean they like you.

It was obvious when this guy I used to like liked me back.

He always smiled around me. He looked away from me when our teacher told him he'd done something bad. He talked to me a lot, and didn't mine being around me with my friends that are girls. He would try to sit by me sometimes, and try to look cool in front of me. It really was obvious. :eek:


In my case, it's when they do that head-tilt eyebrow-raise thing.

And they'll do anything to get your attention, like saying 'hi' or walking by you casually.

A guy was checking me out today, and it was so obvious!

I gave him the 'Im-too-good-for-you' look. Serves him right. Haha.

When you know the signs, you can tell when somebody is checkin' you out, and prevent the people from knowing!

I had a crush on this guy for two years (I posted about him somewhere on this chat) anyways, my school goes up to 8th grade and has combined 7th & 8th grade classes. My crush was n 8th grade and I was a 7th grader. The last I saw him was when I hugged him goodbye the day he graduated. I really wish I would have told him how I felt because now I will never know.

I know it would have been embarassing and would have made me sad if he said he didn't like me, but it would have been great if he did like me. I really regret not telling him. Oh well. My crush will probably still continue and when I get to highschool....I'll tell him for sure.

Some of the signs can be that they tease you (sometimes in a mean way, but they might like you). Also, if they throw stones at you are something, and if they just flat out flirt with you. I had a guy do all of those things to me, and it was quite obvious. Lol, he was a doornob, so I'm not sure why the heck I went out with him lol. We're still friends after I broke up with him though!

If a guy likes you....

-He'll smile at you

-He'll chat with you often

-Always trying to find a reason to speak with you

-Stares at you

-Will glance in your direction even if your not talking to him

-Will try and make you laugh

-Become fairly gererous

If a girl likes you....

-She'll always be smiling at you

-Will imeddiatly say hello to you if you come on MSN

-Will laugh at whatever you say

-Talks to you often

-Jokes around with you

-Offers some of her lunch or things for you

-Defends you

-If you tease her, will smile and laugh (and won't be angry)

There is a guy I really like. He gives me some of the "he likes you signs". He always sits with me, he'll smile at me, he trys to make me laugh, he lets me borrow his iPod, and he stares at me. I Agriculture, we sit together in class (no assigned seats), at the computers, and together on the bus. He always smiles his adorable smile at me and dosen't smile that much at other people. He always goes into joke mode and starts making fun of my older brother (who I don't like a lot) and always makes me laugh. He lets me listen to his iPod on the bus with both headphones so he woiuld have to lean in really close to my face so he could hear it, too. I class he dosen't always do his work (ooooohhhhhh!!!!) and spends his time looking at me. On the bus if we aren't sitting together he would just sit with his friends and when he saw me come and sit with me. One day I was walking down the hall when school was out and he was walking the other way. My friend said to give him a hug. I did and he hugged me back. We stood there for a while hugging. My friend yelled out that we were a cute couple. Another time we were walking to Agriculture together and his friend said:"Walking to class with your girlfriend again?" He said yeah. Then to add on to that he put his arm around me. We were at the Spring Dance by coincidence and ended up meeting. It was formal so I was wearing a hot pink strapless dress, silver-white high heels, and my hair pinned up in big, brown curls. Other boys kept following me around trying to dance with me, _________ told me that he wanted to dance with me and I said sure that was fine for me. We started dancing and had our pictures taken together. We shared drinks, talked to each other, sat and had fun. There was a shortage in seats so he told me I could sit on his lap if I wanted to and I did. We had the time of our life that night. The day after that he gave me a pretty diamond necklace that I still haven't taken off. He also said I had looked very pretty that last night. A couple of days after that I took a small walk with him from my house to the store. He actually had a bike so I stood on the back with him in the front. He bought my stuff and hugged me when we got back to my house. Another day I was sitting with my firends and he was sitting with his friends on the bus. His best friend said "Emily, __________ loves you!!!!!!!!!!!"

yeah, its usually pretty obvious, they follow u around everywhere and start talking to you a lot, they make pathetic jokes and point out stuff that they think you might liek, but really, you dont care

they also stare at you all the time in class

This is what Br- the guy I like does around me:

He acks extra wierd with out trying,by accident

I see that right before he's about to come to the luch table (his friends are comedians and they sit across from me and my friends)he like,flattens his hair,smoothes his shirt and stuff like that,and the big obvious clue,he won't look you in the eye he'll look at your shoes,the wall,if he really likes you your chest.Hope I helped.

Ok, here's my story. Last year I came to a new school and after a few months I joined the school cricket team, and I was the only girl in the team (kinda an advantage and a diadvantage at the same time). After a while I started to like one of my teammates. Then at my high school orientation day, I was very pleased to see that he was going to my highschool, in my class AND sitting right next to me. Because it was only an orientation day it was just a look around the school, so it wasn't like it was going to be permanent, unfortunatley. Then when the school year started, I didn't talk and I just laid low. Then after a few more weeks, at Business, his best friend (at the time) turned around from his computer and faces me and said "Oi, Luke likes you," kind of in a whispery way. Then I glanced over at Luke. He said nothing but he was blushing up. I think a few days or so later grade 8 had a yr 8 day/night out and we went to the waterslide from 9am till 8pm. 11 long ours with Luke. Beats any normal school day. Then at the end there was a dance or disco thing. Fortunately I got to dance with Luke for a while. What I noticed is that when we were dancing he was just looking deep into my eyes. I said "What?" and he said, "oh, nothing". Then weeks later I started noticing he was starring at me from the other side of the room (of course I knew, I was looking at him too! :huh: ).

Then the new term started and I started to get closer to him. I got out my tennis ball and was throwing it with all my friends, and then for some reason that I forgot, I started pegging it at Luke for fun, then he pegged it back, probably aiming for my head. So we were doing that all lunch break that day, and for about the next week. Then we started to play a girls vs boys thing trying to keep the ball away from eachother. If the bell rang and the boys still had the ball, it would be really hard to get it off them. But most of the time we got it back. One day I found out that one of my friends liked Luke!!!!!!! I wasn't very happy with her, but I wasn't angry either. The good thing is that Luke denied he liked her and I could see he meant it. She didn't know back then that I liked Luke, and she doesn't know now. Then during english on one of the only days where we didn't have a seating plan, there were three spare seats beside me. Luke's friends cornered him in next to me. I was very happy, but I was trying to stop grinning but I couldn't. Because a few weeks earlier, one of my friends asked me who I liked one night at football (my brother and her brother were in the same team) and I wasn't going to tell. Then she started guessing so to prevent her from knowing too soon I let her only have one guess per day. Then one day she was guessing and my friends over heard it. Then Carrin whispered, "is it Luke?' and I say "Taylah's used up today's guess already" and then she goes "But is it him"" and I say "Yes" and then Katina made me tell her so now two of my friends knew.Then the new term started and during english our folders were placed on the desk where we were going to sit for the rest of the term. And guess who was sitting beside me!!!!!! Yep. LUKE!!! When I saw his folder I nearly screamed, and that is big because I rarely scream. For the first week we were very quiet. Then after a few weeks we started to get really close. He would show me his work. He'd ask for my rubber, I'd pinch my friend's rubber just to help him. Then I started to notice his foot was on mine. He knew it was there, but he didn't move it. I didn't know what that was supposed to mean. At SOSE lately I've been catching him even more looking at me from the side of the room. During one 35 minute lesson, I caught him looking at me 26 times (I was counting -_- ). At maths he has been looking at me too. I've noticed it from the corner of my eye. At the Business thing last week he was throwing pieces of rubber or paper at me (from the back of the room!) so I would peg them back at him. We didn't get into trouble though. Just yesterday at another SOSE lesson I had my head on the desk during a PowerPoint we were supposed to be listening. Then Luke put his head on the desk and he was turning his head and looking at me. So I turned my head and looked at him, but I was listening at the same time, trying to anyway. So we were basically starring at eachother for most of the lesson except when we were doing work.

So that's my story. Does he like me? I really hope so, because this is probably one of the longest crushes I have had and the only one where I have started to actually feel some love back, ya know. If more stuff happens today I'll tell you guys about it.

Thanks, *~Jess~*

Oh yeah, I forgot to post this before, but there are a few guys I know that act strangly around me. One is Darcy. We get along fine and stuff, but one day he started leaning his head on my desk during English (he sits directly infront of me) and he was doing that for a while and hasn't really stopped doing it. He does it atleast once every lesson. Also one other day at English he turned around and started trying to untie my shoe and pull it off!!! I mean, this was during classtime! And just yesterday I was telling my friend Carrin about Darcy and trying to pull my shoe off, and one of Darcy's "friends" (I think) heard my conversation and goes, "Darcy likes you, ya know?" and I don't get it, cause he has a girlfriend.

Another guy is a strange bloke called Simon. He annoys me. He looks at me funny, he is just plain out weird! One day he was whipping me with one of those long stiff leaves that are on some plant in my school. It hurt too. He has also been doing very un normal things around me when he used to sit next to me in Maths. One day he started calling me Peach or something like that because I had been running around at lunch time playing sport and I was really red in the face. He also deliberately runs into me for no reason.

Another guy I suspect is Daniel the annoying idiot that sits next to me in English (not ~Luke~,on the other side of me) (I LOVE DOING THOSE ~~~~ THINGS AROUND HIS NAME! hehehe.) I saw him last weekend in the shops and he couldn't stop grinning. He also bumps into me deliberately like Simon. During English he tries to start pathetic conversations. One day he spilt yoghurt all over his pen and then he tries to shove it in my face. If he wants me to hate him, he's going in the right direction.


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