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I have a question for a girl or a guy who knows.How do ya know when a guy likes you????????????????????
Yah,thats pretty much right,either that or totally avoiding the girls a signas a guy with a friend who does this
ok the guys will most likely tease you or like make fun oof you its kind of thier way
i am a guy and still find that wierd
Ok... Since you have all the knowledge can u help me? There's this guy I like and he's like really awesome and funny and cute! But I don't know if he likes me! He looks at me a lot but so do the other guys so I don't know what to do. Should I turn off from boys forever so they don't look at me or should embrace it and see who my true love is? HELPA guy likes you when...1. The guy will try to make you laugh.
2. He'll flirt with you when he can.
3. He might try to show off around you.
4. He'll help you out, if you ask for it.
5. He'll stick up for you when you need it most.
6. He'll be friendly to you and all your friends.
7. He might call you for no good reason.
8. He might make fun of you, in a joking way.
9. He'll tell you that you did good, even if you did horrible.
10. He'll make eye contact with a happy grin on his face.
A girl likes you when...
1. The girl will laugh at all your jokes.
2. She'll stare at you with a smile on her face.
3. She'll ask you who you like, continuously.
4. She might try to make you jealous.
5. She'll beg that you do everything for her.
6. She might start talking to your friends.
7. She'll talk to you about the different varieties of guys.
8. She'll always seem to be talking about how nice you are.
9. She'll always be flirting with every other guy except you.
10. She'll always ask what to do in a bad situation.
1. He stares at you a lot.
2. He smiles at you a lot.
3. He likes to be by you.
4. He likes to talk to you.
5. He tries to impress you.
6. He flirts with you a lot.
More Hints
lingering : if your guy hangs out in the morning by your classroom (even though his is waaay down the hall) or you notice him and his friend sitting in the bleachers during your soccer practice, he might have a little crush on you. He's probably just trying to get a glance at you in your cute new jeans-or to give you a chance to see him. Either way, lingering usually equals liking.
looking : have you ever busted a guy gazing at you in class? when you see him in the hall does he usually catch your eye? this unexpected eye contact can be a little scary-and exciting. but why does he just stare? it's because he can't get enough of looking at you. when you see him staring, smile at him. if he smiles back he's as good as your's.
lunching : lunch time is important to socializing. does he pay extra attention to you in the cafeteria? does he flirt with you in the lunch line? if he's choosing to spend his precious in-school free time with you, you can bet he's interested in getting to know you better. P.S.: before you give him a big smile across the lunchroom, check your teeth for bits of food!
sharing : while most guys aren't known to be considerate, when a guy likes you, he tends to be more thoughtful. He might offer to lend you a book he likes or a cool new CD he bought. does he want to study with you after school or ask if you need help with your homework? stuff like letting you copy his notes or sharing some of his food are also clues that he's into you.
sacrificing : he offers to turn in your assignment for class while you are at the dentist. he lets you ride shotgun in his best friends car. could it be more obvious he's got the hots for you? a guy who gives you the cozy sweater off his back on a chilly day truely adores you-just remember to say "Thanks!"
complimenting : does your crush say nice things about you, either directly to you or to mutual friends? did he mention how you were really good in your small role in the school play or that your poem was the best one in English class? Maybe he complimented you on your funky watch you were wearing or revealed (in some way) that he thinks you're pretty. sweet little compliments can be really big clues that he likes you "that" way.
touching : he may not be obvious about making physical contact, but if a guy digs you, you may notice him sitting close so his leg, shoulder or whatever can touch yours. guys are also experts at clowning around so that they can be physical with you. he may steal your notebook, knowing you'll grab it back and playfully swat at him. sneaky, huh? show him that two can play at that game.
primping : most boys won't admit it, but they'll spend extra time in front of the bathroom mirror when they wanna impress the girl they like. have you noticed your crush has started using hair gel and wears his coolest clothes when he know's he's going to see you? has his hygiene improved and he smells good? that's him primping for a chick he digs and that girl might be you.
bragging : if he's feeling a love vibe for you, he'll probably try and impress you by pointing out something about himself that he's proud of. if he plays sports, he may mention in front of you that he just made the varsity team. or he'll talk about how he scored some tickets to some great concert (a band of which he knows you like). Whatever it is, he's boasting about it to let you know what a cool guy he is. like you don't know already.
questioning : if your crush asks you a bunch of questions like "have you seen the newest action movie yet?" or "what do you think of the new resteraunt in town?" chances are he wants to ask you out. take the hint and say "not yet".
hopefully this is a little useful,
Unfortunately, he just might.I need help.. this guy who I DESPISE keeps trying to talk,insult, and show off at me and he keeps looking at me... and trying to make eye contact. does he?