So, I've been thinking of buying a Hexagontchi online. Is this a good idea? Note I already have the +C and iD L, so if it's like exactly the same as the +C, I'm not going to want it. Here are the points I need:
Games (number, how fun and challenging)
Characters (character chart?)
School sneakability
Prices (link to eBay/Amazon/CDJapan page if possible)
Features (palace game like +C, or Henshin Jo like iD L?)
Is the Hexagon worth it? Thanks!
~ Dazzmina ~
Games (number, how fun and challenging)
Characters (character chart?)
School sneakability
Prices (link to eBay/Amazon/CDJapan page if possible)
Features (palace game like +C, or Henshin Jo like iD L?)
Is the Hexagon worth it? Thanks!
~ Dazzmina ~