This is the deal. I've created a binder which contains information on each tamagotchi that I have & also the ones that I intend on getting. Under each version of tamagotchi that I have or intend to get, I have the following information: instruction manual in English, growth/character chart, & general information. What I mean by instruction manual in English is it doesn't have to be the official manual, I just need someone that has translated the Japanese tamas instructions to English. I am missing some information, if anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated. I need the following information:
Instruction manual in English:
Tamagotchi Plus Akai
Hanerutchi 1 & 2
Royal Dream FamiTama
Plus Color
Growth/Character Chart:
Music Star
This is the deal. I've created a binder which contains information on each tamagotchi that I have & also the ones that I intend on getting. Under each version of tamagotchi that I have or intend to get, I have the following information: instruction manual in English, growth/character chart, & general information. What I mean by instruction manual in English is it doesn't have to be the official manual, I just need someone that has translated the Japanese tamas instructions to English. I am missing some information, if anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated. I need the following information:
Instruction manual in English:
Tamagotchi Plus Akai
Hanerutchi 1 & 2
Royal Dream FamiTama
Plus Color
Growth/Character Chart:
Music Star