It's her fault for getting pregnant at a young age,so you shouden't have to care cause of some mistake she made. Sorry if i sound insensitive,but it's all her fault,and you shouden't have to pay for it.
If you sound insensitive? Nope, you ARE insensitive.
If you think you sound insensitive, reword it so it doesn't sound insensitive. If you understand that there is a negative connotation to your words, change them so you won't need to defend yourself.
SEE ALSO: Spaces after commas.
Being pregnant is emotionally difficult, no matter who you are. (I am not, however, speaking from personal experience.

She must be under a lot of stress, especially at a young age, with parental issues, money problems, and if there's nobody to support her, what will she do?
The best thing to do is just be supportive. After all, everyone needs help sometimes. What if you got a really bad grade on a test? You want your parents to be supportive, not yell at you. If your boyfriend dumps you? You need your friends to tell you what a jerk he is.
It's impossible to go through life by yourself. Now, having a baby is a MUCH MUCH bigger issue then all those little things, so give her that much more support.