Choose a good hiding spot.
I recommend:
- Taped under a desk/table
- Hidden in a potted plant (make sure they don't get wet if the plant is real).
- In a vase.
- In the back of a closet, peferably in a regular-looking box.
- Either buy a joke one, or cut the middle pages out of a book. This makes a small, secret little storage thing. Hide your Tamagotchis in it.
- In a cabinet, behind some old, hardly-ever-moved cans.
- A Medicine cabinet.
- Under a sofa or chair.
- In a little box with a lock (oooh yeah).
- Or, you can take them EVERYWHERE you go.
I take mine (all four) downstairs in their little holder and set them up on the counter while I wash dishes. I also put them in my pockets and take them on my walking route, when my Dad and I go out to eat, to the grocery store, over to my friend's house, EVERYWHERE. I have two younger cousins who are VERY devious and hate Tamagotchis (and me), so I've learned how to protect the beloved Tamagotchis.

They've never actually stolen then, though...
As for school, keep them in your locker. It would be suicide if you tried to care for all of them during class. So, everytime you stop by your locker, or where you keep your backpack, just check on them or whatever.
If you're taking care of just one, turn the sound off and hold it in your lap. Every little bit, glance down to press a button. This way, you're still listening to the teacher, so you still learn something, but taking care of your Tamagotchi. Kind of like goofing off and listening at the same time. Every time you glance down, it looks like you're looking down at your paper!
If you go to one of those schools where they're all stupid about electronics, hide them and then check on them in the bathroom. But, don't go to the bathroom five times during one class.

If your school uses metal detectors, it'd be best just to pause them and then hide them. If you don't want to do that, you can have a trusted friend who goes to a different school take care of them. Better yet, you could let your mom look after them, since she likes them so much.

Just make her promise not to reset them.
Hope this helps!