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Jan 19, 2007
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Hello, my name is Shannon. I am 35 years old and live in Washington state. I got hooked on Tamagotchi from my 9 year old daughter. She wanted one and low and behold Santa brought her a V4. I went and bought a V3(the only kind they had left)to play with her. She unfortunately had hers stolen at school recess. After much begging and pleading I went and replaced it. I was hoping someone will be kind enough to return the other one. I figure that they will not and must need it more than her. Figures that when I went to replace it they didn't have any V3's in the store.....So being the clever mom that I am, I spent the last of what I had and bought two. One V4 for her and a V4 for me. I then gave the V3 to my six year old son, so he can join us in playing. This seems to occupy them very well. The only problem is....when they go to school Mom gets to babysit all three.

Now we are all Tamagotchi addicts....

:ichigotchi: :ichigotchi:

My Tama is a 6yr old Ponitchi named Tracy who works at the bank...LOL

Smile, it makes people wonder what you're thinking about....
My Ponychi used to be a News Reporter.

Hi!! Frogi 89. TamaTalk is a fun and site for all ages. I'm Locky458, I tend to stay here and help people. I love Masktchi, Gozarutchi, and Ichigotchi. There's many more tamagotchi's I like but that just some. I'm feel very bad for your daughter. :huh: P.M. (TamaTalk mail) if you need help or your just having a bad day. If your daughter's mad at you, PM me im a Kid! I understand problems in daily life. I love every tamagotchi! (Well, I hate some).

:eek: Locky458

hi frogi and welcome to tamatalk!!my favorite tamas are gozuruchi,maskchi ,andadrochi ;) :D

Thank you all.....my tama had a baby....

I'm just confused as to when the parent leaves....

guess time will tell :furawatchi:

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