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I get super camera shy, i feel like i always look bad in pictures, and i can never smile naturally. I usually think i look better in candid shots (when you don't know you're getting your picture taken).

NO the camera loves me XD and i am kind of because the FLASH O.e O.O o_O

No, if someone points a camera at me I'll probably just do a face. Like blow up my cheeks or bite my lip.. because if I smile and try to look nice I will look weird, and the picture usually doesn't turn out well xD

I also agree with Kseniaa. :)

lol, I hate taking pictures by myself, but if it's like in a group, Im fine xD

I really love taking pictures of myself. When I get my own camera then you borrowed it, I'm 100% sure that its full of Me, Me and Me. xD

I flat-out suck when it's time to take pictures. My hair always turns out messy no matter how many times I try to brush it and my smile comes off looking awkward. My eighth grade graduation photo, for instance, was horrendous. :c A few strands of my hair flew into my mouth at the wrong place and time, + I just don't look good when I smile. More like I'm showing off my teeth without curling my lips. And something always seems to distract me when the picture is taken so I happen to look someplace else instead of at the lens.
But seriously, there's loads of pictures of me when I was little. Now there are close to none. .___.
^ A few reasons why I dislike having my picture taken. Basically I'll either run away or cover up my face if I see anyone take a picture. Although I love the part where you say cheese. 8D Or sometimes I'll do the peace sign.

It depends. People say I have a great smile, but sometimes I think I look better when I'm not looking like I know I'm in a picture-- or, if I really don't know.

I love group pictures, I smile all the time in those, but individual pictures.. I hate them.

Ever since that school photo where I'd fallen off my bike the day before and my face was screwed. It was awful Dx

I loooove taking pictures. But sometimes I don't feel up to it. Sometimes I take one, look at it, and I look like someone scribbled on my fake, a bird made a nest in my hair, or just generally stoned and ugly. Then I stay away for that day.

Generally, I love taking pictures and being in pictures. :D

Oh yeah, and i'm kind of annoyed, because apparenlty there's pictures of me on facebook. I don't have a facebook, and don't want one, so i don't want my pictures on there without even knowing what they look like (well maybe i don't want to know what they look like).

I honestly love photos.
Photos are memories,

Memories last forever.


I don't mind my pictures being taken. Sometimes I look absolutely terrible and I'll tell the person to please delete it, though. xD

I am definitely NOT camera shy. I take photos of myself all the time. Some look stupid, but I delete those.

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