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Jul 8, 2008
Reaction score
Hi TamaTalk members! I'm kiji908, I love to draw Tamagotchis. I also came here several times as a guest. So I decided to register here and become a member. I love the site, it's very organized and fun. I hope I have lots of fun here as everyone else has. B)

I have two Tamagotchis, a Cotton Candy V5 and a Yellow Mood V4.5. Only my V5 is running while my V4.5 is paused for now. I restarted on my V5 yesterday to re-name my family. I'm still currently on Gen. 1 unfortunately... On my V4.5, I'm on Gen. 24, I think. Well, I think that's it. Bye for now!


Welcome to TamaTalk!

You have the Cotton Candy V5? Cool! I like that one! Only I'm stickin' to my Cookie Dough V5 for now.

Congrats on gen. 24! I'm only on gen. 11!

I like to draw some Tamagotchis too. I was awesome with them in 4th grade, now I stink. Oh well. :hitodetchi:

Enjoy TT, and I'm here if you need anything! :(
