HeLlO! ^__^


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XD that happens. Alot. Like, a real lot. Yes I'm stalling time. Err, yo? Welcome to TT! Err, ummm, well... later!

Welcome to TT! Please read the rules and enjoy your stay here! It's a great site, so it shouldn't be too hard to enjoy yourself

LOL, I run out of things to say all the time :)

Yes, welcome to TamaTalk.

TamaTalk is an amazing tamagotchi site.

Follow the rules, and have lots of fun! If you need help PM me or one of the admins or guides.

:unsure: (And check out the cool arcade!) :huh:

Hello there & welcome to tamatalk! :ph34r:

Have a good o'l explore to get use to the forums and I'm sure you'll soon settle in fine. :furawatchi:

Please remember to take a look through the tamatalk Rules and Regulations

And if you need any help with your account, take a look at the tamatalk

Users Guide

Feel free to PM me if you need any help! :angry:

-sk8er girl-

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