Hazel's TamaLog


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TamaLog #11

December 9, 2018

Hi! Here again with another little update! Not too much has happened recently. Finals are approaching, so I've been pausing my tamas to do school work quite a bit. But, as you can see in the picture below, my Plus Color is finally here! I absolutely love it so far, and I'll go into more detail on that later. I'm still toying (pun not intended) with the idea of customizing my V5, as I've managed to scratch some more of the paint off by accident (I dropped it, bad me). I'm very much torn between trying to maybe repaint the original design, or doing something totally new. I probably won't have time for the next couple of weeks, what with two exams and two massive papers, but when I do get around to it, I'll be sure to do another process post, like I did with my V4.



Anise is a cute lil strawberry now! I'm hoping for Memetchi this time around, since I've never had that character. I still need to put the antennae topper on and paint it, but I just can't seem to find the time to actually sit down and do it. It'll probably get done when I'm customizing the V5. I've noticed that the paint is coming off, and still feels a little sticky in some places, so I might give spray varnish a try on the shell, to see how it works out. I have to say, the more I play with the V4, the less I like the games. I'm not really sure why, but I much prefer the games on the 4.5 and the Plus Color.


Clary is a toddler now, and doing pretty well. I don't know what character I want to try for yet, but seeing as I love all of them, I don't think I'll be too bothered. The 4.5 is by far my favorite connection, with the best games and probably the best animations. I'm trying to keep this one going and unpaused a bit more than the V4, just because I like it better, but it's super hard with all the work I have. Hopefully over winter break I can dedicate a lot more time to Tamas (and shiny hunting, too, but that's another story).


They're all grown up! I only got the Bonding to 60% before they evolved, and I'm still not quite sure how it works. But I'm figuring it out. I can't wait until I can start the next generation, and try out those other games that I don't have access too right now. I've been really enjoying the V5 a lot. It requires even less maintenance than the 4.5, which is super nice- I can just leave it alone for a while and they just do their own thing. It's always fun to catch them asking for training (they just called as I was writing this, actually!), and I love the little animations they do! It's so adorable. I'm not quite sure when they will be allowed to use the "Dating Channel"- I had kind of assumed that it was when they were adults for a full day, but I still can't. I'll just keep trying.

Plus Color:

It's finally here! I'm so excited to tell all of you what I think of it. First off, I love the shell. I'm usually not a very red person, but the color reminds me of a strawberry, and it just looks so nice! It's a LOT bigger than the connections, but it fits in the little carrying pouches I bought (and the seller also knit one for me, which was super nice!). Gameplay -wise, I LOVE it. The color and backlit screen is super nice, the animations are adorable, and I love the games. The fact that it's in Japanese, which I cannot read, does sometimes confuse me (like when selecting something from the menu), but I've played around with it enough that I know where all the important options are. It's just so cute! There are fewer characters available, but I kind of like the simplicity. I also love the little tokens that you need to collect- I'm trying so hard to get the Tea one right now. I can't wait for him to become an adult, and I can't wait to unlock even more features!

TamaLog #12

January 2, 2019

Hi everyone! SO sorry for the long delay- things got a little nuts over finals time, and the holidays were pretty hectic, too. I'm finally back to a normal schedule, so hopefully I'll be able to get back on my regular Tama run. As of right now, I am only running two regularly, but a lot has happened. 


V 4.5

Wow, a LOT has happened since my last update. The little guy on the screen is Aster, and this is Gen 3! I would like to be further along, and probably would be more than just one Gen from my last post, but I had pretty much all of my tamas paused (or set to sleep in the case of my Plus Color) for all of finals and most of the holidays. Now that I'm up and running again, he's an adorable little Daiyatchi! I've been trying to keep track of the family mechanics on the 4.5- it seems to me that what "family" your tama is part of after the first Gen depends on the parents, and so far that has been accurate. Gens 1 and 2 were both the Ura-Mame family, but this one seems to be Ura-Meme, like the tama I matched Clary with. I'll keep track of the family changes as I keep going. 

Plus Color

Well, this has got me hooked on color tamas for sure! I would love to get another Plus Color with a different shell, but this has been one of my all-time favorites. Right now, I'm on Gen 4, and I've noticed that the generations seem to go a LOT faster on the Plus Color. Probably because there isn't any "wait for two or three days" into adulthood like on the Connections- you can go to the Matchmaker after you've been an adult for 24 hours. SO far, I haven't been able to get all of the little happy tokens, which is my one gripe with the Plus Color. Getting all of them is highly dependent on the weather, and since it's winter, I'm getting nothing but a lot of snow. I've also had 4 generations of boys- hoping to get a girl next time so I can go for some different characters. 

I'll try to come back with some regular updates. I'm planning on customizing the V5 that I got recently, and hopefully, I'll be getting an Eevee Tama in the mail by the end of the month! I pre-ordered it back in November, and it should be here before February. I'm also going to look into making my next purchase one of the color Tamas- either another Plus Color with a different shell (I would LOVE one of the purple ones, or maybe one of the blues), or one of the iD/iDLs. I've heard great things about those, and they're pretty cheap on JapanYouWant. If any of you have any suggestions, let me know! I'm always open to other ideas. Let me know what your favorite color Tama is! 

Hazel your log is great and I really love all your customizations! That's something I want to try with the very play-worn V4 I just got. So your guides are really good inspiration.

Related - do you know what to search for online to get good replacement chains? I found some chains online but they're too thick and heavy for Tamas.

Hazel your log is great and I really love all your customizations! That's something I want to try with the very play-worn V4 I just got. So your guides are really good inspiration.

Related - do you know what to search for online to get good replacement chains? I found some chains online but they're too thick and heavy for Tamas.
Thanks so much! I'm glad that you found my logs helpful! I'm not sure about replacement chains- so far I haven't been able to find anything suitable either. I've looked mostly at craft stores like Michaels. I know the vintage tamas have those ball-chains, and those are the 2.4 or 2.5 mm beads. But as for a link chain, I'm not sure. 

OKAY after a few minutes of digging I MIGHT have found something on Amazon. Search "split key ring with chain" and you should see some stuff that looks preeeetty darn similar to the chains that Tamas come with. I cannot vouch for these, and I have no idea what the quality or link size is like, but I am hopeful. If anyone here has bought chains like that from Amazon and has any suggestions, feel free to chime in!

TamaLog #13

January 4, 2019

Hey everyone! I'm at work, and my phone is dead, so no picture of the Tamas today :/. I just wanted to give a quick update on what's been happening, since it seems like this week and next are going to be pretty busy. I'm about to start working for a hotline, so depending on when my shifts are, I'll have less free time than usual. I'm debating starting up my V1 Connection, since it's been a while and I miss having another connection running. I'm a bit tired of my V4 and I've had it on pause for about a week, so I think it's time to shut that one down for the moment. 


All is well! Aster is 4 years old today. I've gotten on a MUCH better sleep schedule, so it's been possible to just leave my tamas running like normal, which is really nice. I'll be keeping track of what character Aster marries, and what family the baby ends up being in. I am LOVING this character, though. UraTogetchi is super fuzzy and adorable, and his little wings are so cute! I'll be sad to see him go. At some point, when I have another Connection running and synced up age-wise, I think I'll go for marrying the Oldies. But I don't want to break my generation streak right now. 

Plus Color

I matched my Tama this morning right after I got to work, and I FINALLY have a baby girl! She's currently a Sakuramotchi, which is super cute, and I'm looking forward to going for a specific character. I'm thinking maybe Memetchi, or if I mess up and have some care misses, Furawatchi. 

Still thinking about customizing my V5. I've had a lot less time than I wanted to, especially now that I am sleeping normally. But when I do eventually get around to it (probably over a weekend) I'll do another progress post like I did for my V4. I have to decide on the gradient/pattern that I'm going to do first. 

TamaLog #14

January 8, 2019

Hey all! I tried to update yesterday, but it was giving me a hard time. Luckily, today it seems like it's going to let me upload, so I can tell y'all what's been going on with the little guys! No news yet on the Eevee Tamagotchi- I don't think it's even shipped yet. But the estimated arrival is still before February, so hopefully I'll be seeing that in the next few weeks. 

V 4.5

Aster is a parent! He is 7 years old as of today, and I might switch up the clock to make him leave while I'm at work, since I have plenty of time to devote to a new baby. The kid's other parent was an UraYattachi, so I'm looking forward to seeing if this next Gen is going to be in the UraKutchi family or the UraMeme family. 

Plus Color

I got Memetchi! I still haven't managed to fill up all of the happy tokens- because the weather hasn't bee cooperating! I can't get the shooting star, the rainbow, or the clover when it's snowing or rainy, and that's all I've seen for the past week. I'm actually debating changing the date to try and get the weather to change, since I would love to get all the tokens at least once. Hopefully I can marry this Tama off and start Gen 6, although Memetchi is so adorable I'll be sad to see her go. 

I feel like I'm getting to the point where the Tamas I am running... They aren't getting boring, but they've lost their luster. I'll certainly keep running the V 4.5, since it's my fave Connection, but I might try and get another Color Tama for my collection. I also want to customize- thinking about touching up my V1 and then running it for a while, just to have another Connection going again, or maybe trying to get a V2 so that I have all of them. 

IMG_7270 1.jpg

TamaLog #15

January 15, 2019

Hey all! Back with another log. I've been meaning to make one for a while, but for some reason, I'm not able to upload a picture- it says max size of 0.01 MB, and I can't make any of my pictures small enough. Is anyone else having this problem?

Anyway, I ordered a V2 last week, and it SHOULD have been here yesterday. Per usual, USPS has not only not delivered it on time, but the tracking is now offline and will only tell me that it is "at the distribution center". So no idea when that'll be arriving. Maybe when it does, Ill write a full review of each of the Connection series, as I'll have almost all of them (minus the 5.5 and the Music Star, both of which I am not interested in). I wanted to upload an image of my V1, which I customized a while back and recently touched up. It now has a lovely gradient instead of the original stripes that I made, and I have to say that I like it a lot better this way. 


The lil baby from my last log is all grown up! Cedar is a Celebatchi now, and I love his cute little butterfly mask. I've actually been keeping the 4.5 paused quite a bit these days, as work is picking back up and I would rather focus on my V1 and the Plus color. I did just get a bunch of new batteries (which came in a giant cardboard box? Like, a tiny strip of 5 batteries came in a full sized Amazon box? With plastic packing bubbles?) so I should have a nice supply for a while. Once my V2 gets here I may shelve the V4.5 for a little bit, to focus on the older connections- or maybe I'll shelve the plus color and have a connection party!

Plus Color

I'm on the 7th generation now! My last character after Memetchi was Kuromametchi, who was so adorable I kept him for longer than I usually do. I still haven't managed to get all of the happiness tokens due to the weather, which is my main gripe with the Plus Color. I do love how quickly the generations go by- it seems like the Plus color grows up MUCH faster than the connections do. 


Starting this up was SUCH a trip down memory lane for me. I remember when the V1 first came out, and how my parents got me one after I begged. I was like, 9 at the time, and everyone in my school (I was in like, 4th grade) had one. The V1 is very simple compared to the other Connections I own- no gotchi points, no shop, no food options, only two games. I have to say, I really like it. I also like seeing the "old" characters again, especially now that I know a little more about how to go for certain ones. I love the custom job I did on this one too, and I'm looking forward to maybe customizing the V2 when it arrives. 

I was planning on uploading a set of pictures for my next custom tama, but given that I'm not able to upload photos right now, I don't know how that's going to work out. I'll see if I can fix the issue when I'm at home and on my own laptop, not the work computer that I was given. 

TamaLog #16

January 16, 2019

Hey, look at that. 16th log on the 16th. How perfect! Still can't upload pictures, but I wanted to give y'all another update! I'm expecting my V2 in the mail today, hopefully by the time I get home, and I'm really looking forward to starting that up. I also got the itch to do another older tama, so I may do a run through of my Angel, try and get some new characters. 


Gem is a Mametchi! She was an Ichigotchi this morning, but at work I got distracted and when I looked down again, she was all grown up! I think I can marry her to my 4.5 once she's a little older, which will be nice. But I've also never had a Mametchi before, and I kind of don't want her to go. The V1 has been a lot of fun for me- a little bit less maintenance than some other Connections, but more so than my Plus Color. I think Mametchi is SUPER cute, and I'm really excited to finally have one of my own. I also like the V1 Mametchi sprite a lot more than the one on the 4.5 where she shows up in the friends list. Maybe it's just nostalgia, but the old sprites are just cuter. 


Nothing much to report about Cedar. Due to being paused, he's only 3 years old, but I've been trying to keep him running more and more. I think I will marry him to Gem- this also gives me a chance to get a character in the "Other" family, which would be cool. I'll keep on connecting them for a few days and hopefully they fall in love :3

Plus Color:

Gen 7 is in full swing! I got another girl, finally! She's a cute little Sakuramotchi right now, and I love her! Also, I have FINALLY gotten all but one of the happiness tokens- that rainbow watering can eludes me! I wish there was an easier way to get it than just the lottery. I spent all my money on items to get tickets and I didn't win it. Hopefully I'll get it soon, as it's the last thing standing between me and being able to play the game with the King. 

TamaLog #17

January 17, 2019

Hey all! Doing an early TamaLog today. My V2 arrived in the mail yesterday, and I started it up. As of right now, I have replaced my V4.5 with the V2, but I will still probably run my V4.5 when I'm at home and have more time. 


Well, my battery died about two minutes after I walked into work this morning. Gem is still a Mametchi, and I think I am going to keep her until she becomes an Oldie. I'm going to try for Oyajitchi on both my V1 and V2, something I've never done before. Hopefully I can keep both of them alive until then. I'm going to try and find a cheap screwdriver and a new battery at CVS across the street, or I could just wait until I get home. Unsure. 


I named this little boy Ted. I love him, and I love the shell (I have the light blue with flowers and pink accents). So far, the V2 is exactly how I remember- like the V1, but with the added features of Gotchi Points and items that I can buy. I'm unsure if I will end up customizing it at some point- I do love the base shell color, and it does seem to need a little TLC. But the buttons work better than any of my other tamas, and it's just so adorable! I might add another update today if Ted decides to grow up. 


Cedar is still doing well. I don't have him with me at work today, but he turned 4 last night. Hopefully I'll be able to marry him off in the next few days, and maybe get a new Family. I still love the 4.5, but I'm really unable to keep track of more than three going at the same time. 

Plus Color:

Chamametchi is currently asleep, but she's doing well! Still haven't managed to the get Rainbow Watering Can from the lottery, and I am totally out of tickets. I also spent all of my money, so it's back to the rather slow process of earning it all again. Still going for care misses, although I have lost count of how many I've gotten so far. At least 2 for sure. I guess I'll find out when she grows up!

TamaLog #18

January 18, 2019

Hey everyone! Time for another log! This weekend, I also plan on posting a review of all of the Connections that I have (that's everything from V1 to V5, excluding the 5.5 and the Music Star/6). Not sure where I'm going to post that, but I'm looking forward to it. 


Gem is still a Mametchi, and I'm really glad I decided to keep her that way. She's adorable, and I haven't gotten a tama to evolve into an Old Timer since my very first run (if I recall correctly). I've had them paused a lot due to work and me being exhausted and sleeping a lot. But this weekend, I plan to run them more often. Mametchi has been a really low-maintenance character- I just need to check the meters every now and then and feed or play. 


Ted has evolved into a UFOtchi! I think he's super cute. Based on the info I found, this means I had 0-3 care mistakes, which is pretty good. Right now he is paused in my bag, along with Gem, because I'm at work, but I'm going to keep on connecting Gem and Ted to get them to be friends. Not sure how to avoid them mating as adults- Probably won't connect them at all until they are both oldies. I'm torn between wanting to see how old I can get a Connection to be, and not wanting to break my Generation streak. Might attempt it with my V3 at some point, if I feel like running it. 


I still have Cedar paused. Going to start him up again this weekend and hopefully see him married off. I might shelve him after this generation for a little while, unsure. I've been really enjoying the older Connections and I want to spend more time on them. 

Plus Color:

Chamametchi is still about and kicking! I think the reason why the generations seem to go so fast on the Plus Color is because I cannot pause it- I can only put it to sleep. My interest in the Plus Color is waning a little bit, since it's just the same thing over and over, but I am enjoying trying to get new characters, especially as I start to FINALLY see some baby girls. 

I'm going to start working on that review of the Connections, and hopefully I'll have it up by the end of the weekend!

TamaLog #19

January 19, 2019

Hey everyone. Today has been a pretty slow day- my dog passed away this morning so I've mostly just been in bed. But I figured giving y'all an update on the electronic pets in my life would make me feel better. 


Gem is a 5 year old Mametchi as of today. I've noticed that her hearts seem to be depleting a little bit faster- possibly because I have neglected her a bit for the last 24 hours. I also noticed today that there is a weird electric buzzing that I can hear when I hold the V1 up to my ear. It's about the same volume as the Tama Heartbeat (the little faint beeping that I hear on my V2), but it's different and there's also a static-like sound. I'm not sure if this is just how the Heartbeat on my V1 sounds or if there is something wrong with it. Hopefully not. I've been connecting Gem and Ted (V2) together quite a bit, and they seem to be getting along well. Hopefully when they are Oldies I can go for that secret character. 


Ted is still an adorable little UFOtchi. He's 2 today, and if I keep him unpaused he should grow up in the next day or two. I'm looking forward to seeing what character he becomes- hoping for Ginjiotchi. He's so adorable! I have to say, the games on the V2 are a LOT harder than I remember. Heading is nearly impossible- the ball drops way too quickly. And jump is a bit annoying- I can't ever seem to hit the buttons fast enough. But I am greatly preferring the V2 to the V1, and I might even try to get a second at some point. 

Plus Color:

I'm really considering putting this one on hold. Maybe opening it up and trying to clean the buttons. They've been super unresponsive during games, and while I do really enjoy this Tama, I kind of want to go back to one of my others. She's all grown up now, a little Marutchi, and she is super cute. If I do put her on hold, I'll probably start thinking about trying out another color Tama, maybe the ID or the IDL. I've heard great things about both. I'd also love to try the Ps, but finding one that won't break my bank is hard. 

I'm expecting my Eevee Tamagotchi in the mail hopefully by early February. I know it hasn't been released yet, but I did pre-order it. I'm also thinking about starting up either my Angel, or my P2. And I'm also thinking about maybe getting a P1 and giving that a go, maybe doing another custom job on it, and maybe doing a custom job on my V5. There's a lot that I want to do Tama-wise, but classes are starting soon so I'm going to have even less time. Oh well- this is my last semester of school ever, so hopefully once I'm all done with this, I'll be able to spend more time on my hobbies. 

TamaLog #20

January 22, 2019

We finally have some updates! I did shelve my Plus Color in favor of focusing more on my Connections, but I started up my Angel for another run! 


Gem is 7, and yesterday the Matchmaker came by a few times. I turned her down all three, despite her bringing a very adorable Kutchipatchi by. I still want to make my first Gen on these Connections the oldies, since I've never actually had those characters, and since I am very much attached to my little Mametchi. My only concern is that I might not be able to keep Gem alive for as long as it will take Ted to turn into an Oldie as well- although I suppose I could always pause the V1 once she's evolved. Really looking forward to having some old timers. 


Ted finally grew up! It took five Tama Years, but it happened, and he is now an adorable Violetchi/Furawatchi (I'm not sure which name it is, I've seen both). I was surprised to get this character, as I was going for Ginjirotchi and I know I had less than perfect care, but it seems Ted is a very forgiving fellow. I'll have to ramp up the neglect next time if I want to get all of the characters. I've gotten Ted to a four-heart status with Gem, and now I just need to be careful not to get them hitched before they evolve. 


This is my second time running my Angel, and I am still as enamored by it this time around. Once you get past the child stage it is VERY low maintenance, although I have only gotten the "good care" teenager character, so I can't say if the same is true for the "bad care" one. I'm trying to get the not-so-perfect care adult, the Angel Ginjirotchi, so I've been neglecting it quite a bit. Letting its Angel power drop and letting the hearts drain until it calls for attention. Hopefully that's enough- in my (limited) experience the Angel is pretty sturdy. 

I am still awaiting my Eevee Tamagotchi! I know they won't be released until January 26th, but I am hoping to get mine close to that date. I'll be starting that one up right away for sure. 

TamaLog #21

January 23, 2019

Alright! Got a few little updates, but nothing major as of yet. 


I've been fending off the Matchmaker since yesterday. Gem is 8 as of today, and according to my research, she should become an Oldie when she's around 12 years old. I've noticed that her Hearts seem to be draining a little bit faster than before- I'll probably have to pause her once she's an Old Timer to allow Ted to catch up. 


Ted is 5 today! He's doing well. I'm still finding the games on the V2 to be a little annoying- I can never get Jump right, and in Heading the ball goes waaay too quickly. It seems like the growth cycle on the V2 is about the same as the V1, so I should be seeing an Old Timer when Ted is 12-13, I hope. 


Well, I started up my Angel a few days ago, and I ended up with the "Good Care" adult. Which is not what I wanted. So, I restarted it, and I am going to go for the same character I wanted last time, Ginjirotenshi. You really have to neglect this one if you want a "bad care" character. The Angel is already super low-maintence, which I love about it, so I imagine I'll have to ignore him completely. 

TamaLog #22

January 24, 2019

Alright! I'm going to be going home for the weekend, so I probably won't be near a computer again until Sunday. So, I figured I would update you on how everything is going!


Gem is now 9 years old! I'm not sure if the Matchmaker will be coming again today (I think she comes for three days? So today is probably the last day), but I've been turning her down every time. She should be changing into Otokitchi in three or four more days, which I'm excited for. 


Ted is doing well. He is six as of today, and I am getting the hang of at least one of the V2 games- Heading. I have to say, the buttons on my V2 work the best out of all of my Tamas. I am tempted to connect Ted and Gem again, but I am worried that they will end up having kids, as both are over 5 years and they have four hearts of friendship. I'll hold off until both of them are Old Timers. 


Second go around, and I am on the child stage. I've been lacking on my care a little bit, but I've managed to keep the hearts mostly full, and he hasn't had to call for attention. I read in a guide that to get the character I want, Ginjirotenshi, I need to get the "Good" teenager, and then drop the AP down to zero and neglect the heck out of it. I think if I manage to get Ginjirotenshi this time around, I'll start trying for the characters that can be obtained from the "bad" care teenager. 

The Eevee Tamagotchi is supposed to release tomorrow, and I am hoping my pre-order ships soon. I'm looking forward to starting it up and finally having two of my favorite things, Pokemon and Tamagotchi, in one beautiful package. 

TamaLog #23

January 28, 2019

Well, quite a bit has been happening! I discontinued my Angel for my trip to my parent's place, but I intend to start it up again. I got the Good Care adult twice, despite my best efforts to neglect it, so it seems I'll be going with the "get the Good Care teen, and then ignore it totally for a few days" route. Hopefully, that works. I also received an email yesterday that my Eevee Tama has shipped! There still isn't any tracking information, but I imagine that's because it shipped out on a Sunday. Hoping for an update today! I'm super excited to get it and start it up. 


Finally, Gem is an Old Timer! She evolved at the ripe old age of 10, sooner than I was expecting her to. I've had her on pause for a few days to focus on travel, Ted, and the Angel, but today I took her down from the wall and started her up again. She's currently asleep on my desk at work. I really can't remember the last time I had an Oldie- I think it was way back on my first Tamagotchi, when I didn't quite understand how the Matchmaker worked and I didn't have any other Tamas to pair mine with. She's adorable though- I love her wrinkly little face and her bun!


I've had Ted paused a lot due to travel and life in general, but today he is 8 years old. The Matchmaker has been stopping by, and I've been turning her away. Now that I'm back home I can hopefully keep him unpaused for a few more days, and finally marry him to Gem once he's an Old Timer, too! I'm looking forward to having two Oyajitchis- that's a character I've never had before. I suppose he's kind of like a secret character, because there's a special method to getting him. 


Currently, the Angel is at home on my table, batteries out. But in the most recent run, I somehow managed to mess up and get the Good Care adult again, even though I let the AP drop to zero. I think next time, I need to make sure it drops faster- probably by not pumping it up so much in the child stage. It seems REALLY easy to get the Good Care characters on the Angel- I left mine hungry for hours and never praised it. So it looks like the AP is the biggest factor. Ginjirotenshi eludes me yet again, and I'm a bit apprehensive now to try and get the bad care characters. 

TamaLog #24

January 30, 2019

This is probably going to be a pretty short update. Nothing has changed since the last post. I am, however, sitting here and watching Ted (V2) with great intensity, as he just turned 10 and I am waiting for him to evolve. Unsure if the V2 evolves at age 10 like the V1 did. In other exciting news, my Eevee Tamagotchi finally shipped! According to the tracking, it is "In Transit", although the times of the updates are bit hard to figure out, as it is in Japan-time and therefore somewhere in the future. I was hoping for it to arrive by my birthday, which is tomorrow, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen.


Gem is doing well! She's an adorable little old lady, waiting on her future husband to evolve. I'll be sad to see her go once she and Ted have a couple of little blobs. I am, however, also excited to see Oyajitchi on both of my Tamas. 


Ted has evaded the Matchmaker for three days, and now I am intently waiting for him to grow old. He seems to be harder to care for now? Although it might just be that I have less time to focus solely on my Tamas with class and all. Hopefully, I will be able to come back here and make a special second post when he grows up and we have some babies! 

I am planning on adding the Eevee Tama to my roster when it arrives. So, advance warning: if you do not want to be spoiled for the Eevee Tama or see any details about it, I would recommend avoiding that portion of this Log. I will always put the Eevee Tama bit at the very bottom so that you can read the other Logs first. 

TamaLog #25

February 1, 2019

Well, my birthday was yesterday... and it was frigid. Luckily, I only had two classes and spent most of the day napping and playing with my Tamas. My Eevee Tama is in transit! Hoping to have that soon- although I have heard stories from people who got their Tamas stuck in customs for days. Keeping my fingers crossed. 


It finally happened! Gem now has an adorable little baby boy. It's pretty cute, seeing her little old lady face next to her kid. This is my first time having an Oldie and a baby together, and I am really looking forward to seeing Oyajitchi. I'll miss Gem, but it's probably for the best- her hearts are starting to drop faster these days and it's been harder to keep up with her care without pausing her for long periods. 


Ted evolved yesterday right as I was waking up from a nap. Of course, I connected him and Gem right away, and they got married! Now he's got his own little boy, and soon I'll have two Oyajitchis. It's fun to be able to see how different the babies look on the V1 and the V2- Ted's kid has little legs! I imagine I'll keep up with the name theme and find another more human name for Ted's kid. 

Tama Log #26

February 4, 2019

Back with another update! My Eevee Tamagotchi is at the "Office of Internal Exchange" in the United States, which I presume is a fancy way to say "we're going to keep your package in customs for FAR longer than necessary just so make sure you can't play it yet". In addition, I also made another purchase yesterday. I got a NiP Autumn Ginko Leaves Akai! The shell is, without a doubt, my favorite of the Akais, and a shell I have wanted since I learned it existed. It is ALSO coming to me via Japan Post, so I am sure that customs will make my life difficult (I've heard a lot of horror stories from people who ordered Meets and Eevee Tamas from Japan to the States). 


Well, Gem is gone. She left the evening after my last post, and I am not taking care of Agate, her baby boy. Agate was obscenely needy for an hour, and then he evolved into a lovely little spindly-legged Oyajitchi! He's doing quite well (asleep at the moment, because his clock is a few hours behind), and seems to go to sleep at 10:30PM, and wake up at 10AM. I really like this character, he's funny looking in an adorable way and I love his little beard. It's a little strange having an adult character that behaves like a toddler (in terms of hearts dropping), but as he is now 1 year old, he's acting more like any other Tama adult. 


Ted left, I assume, around the same time as Gem did (I was asleep when they went), and left me with his baby boy. I named this little fellow Jeb, and he's bouncing around happily on my desk right now. I have to say, the more I play them, the more and more I enjoy the games on the V2. I'm looking forward to Jeb and Agate being friends, and possibly marrying these two Tamas again in future generations. As with the V1, Jeb acted like more of a toddler until he hit one year, but he's just like any other adult now. I'm really glad that I finally have a chance to raise this character on not one, but TWO tamas, as I've never had one before. 

I'm planning on adding either my Eevee Tama or my Akai to my rotation once they arrive. I'm a little torn about the Akai- I want to keep it in perfect condition, but I want to take it out of the package and run it. I might order myself a case and modify it to fit the Akai. 

TamaLog #27

February 8, 2019

Alright, it's finally here! My Eevee Tama arrived the other day, and I am putting it into the rotation! I've been having a hard time keeping my Tamas running unpaused for any decent amount of time. I've been amazingly busy with school, work, apartment hunting, and job applications (life is coming at me all at once right now). I may be shelving my Connections when my Akai arrives in the mail and I start that up. I'm hoping that once I'm a bit less bogged down, I can get back into running more than just two Tamas at a time. 


Nothing new to update. Agate is still only 2 years old, as I have had my V1 on pause for quite a while. As glad as I am to have Oyajitchi finally, I am finding this character to be really boring: there's none of the excitement of seeing the child and teen characters. Raising this guy doesn't feel as... Worth it, really. I think this might also be a part of why I am feeling less invested in my Connections right now. I'll get them married off as soon as I can, but I have a feeling these guys are either going on the shelf or are going to remain paused for quite a while. 


Same as the V1, I have had Jeb on pause for quite a while. The V2 is a bit more enjoyable than the V1, although I do find the games impossible to play on silent (the Jump game in particular). I've been having some button issues, so I may have to crack this one open and give the buttons a little clean. 

Eevee Tama (First Impressions):

Alright. I finally have the Eevee Tamagotchi that everyone has been talking about! I pre-ordered this in November, and got it in the mail after an annoying wait in customs. The first thing I thought when I saw it? Wow- this is SMALL. The Eevee Tama is possibly the tiniest thing I have ever laid my eyes on- and as such, it is also almost painfully adorable. This is my first Nano-esq Tamagotchi, and it is simple but very fun. The fact that it is a Pokemon Tama alone would make me happy with it, but the games are cute and enjoyable, if a little short: the "Catch Apples" game only goes up to a count of five. The Eevee character itself is one of the cutest Tamas I have ever seen- again, I am biased with my love for Pokemon. I have yet to see an evolution, but I am very much looking forward to it. This is a pretty low-maintenance Tama- you feed it or play with it when it gets sad, you clean up the little hairballs and groom it when it calls for attention, and it sleeps from 8PM to 7AM (or whatever time you decide to sync that up with- mine goes to sleep at 10 and wakes up at 9 to fit my schedule). 

I have to talk about the shell of the Eevee Tama. I have the yellow and white shell with Eevee's cute little face on it and, like the programming, it's adorable. The small size, simple pattern, and even the little chain that it hangs on all scream "I am tiny and adorbs". I'm taking great pains to keep the shell and screen damage-free, and I kept the packaging. Mainly because the price of this Tama has rocketed up since pre-orders ran out. This tama is going to be one that I run often, and one that I am happy to have in my collection for a long time to come.  

TamaLog #28

February 15, 2019

Well, it HAS been a while! Sorry for the late update- a lot has been going on. I've been sick for about a week now, and I'm back into work for the first time since last Friday. School has also picked up, although I missed all of my classes this week because I've been ill, and I am planning to travel back to my parent's house for this weekend in order to see some doctors. All in all, not the greatest week- but I FINALLY got my Akai in the mail the other day! I'll be doing a little first impressions down below. I did shelve my two connections for now: they really weren't holding my attention, although I fully intend to run them again in the near future. I do love my connections. 

Eevee Tama:

This little thing is cute and low-maintenance enough that I've been able to run it even while sick and sleeping most of the day. I got Flareon as my first Eeveelution, and I enjoyed playing around with him for a few days before I reset to go for another character. Right now, I'm hoping for the Team Rocket Eevee or the Ditto Eevee. I've been letting it sleep with the lights on and making sure it's always just "Normal", never "Happy". No one I've spoken to really seems to know how the evolutions are decided outside of the berry game. 


Alright. Here it is! I am SO glad that I got this shell, because it is gorgeous! The fact that it was NiP means it is all shiny and perfect, and I am terrified that I will damage it. I was torn about taking it out and running it, and I am being extra-extra careful not to scratch it up or get dirt on it. This is my first Japanese Connection, and so far? I like it well enough. My biggest complaint is that the red pixels are SO light, that it's hard to see! The programming is basically just like the English V3, but I have to say... The BUTTONS on this thing! They's solid, like, really solid. The shell itself feels like it's made of better plastic, maybe? I'm not sure if I'll run this Akai as much as I do my English Connections, mainly because I already have bad eyesight and it is hard to see, but I am SO happy to have such a beautiful Tama in my collection. And the Red Pixels are a fun little gimmick.
