have you had a glitch with your tama


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No, I've never had a glitch with my tamas. Have you Tama Crazy Girl?

I've had a couple: the only ones I remember now are the name-changing glitch on the v4 and the ball glitch on the v4 (though I kinda triggered the ball glitch manually to see if one of the rumours I'd heard about it were true).

Yes, I have had a glitch where, when I was connecting my two V4.5s one day, a lot and when I went to my Tamagotchi called Ian's list, there was his real brother Nate's name there and the one after that, there was one called Late beside him. I'd never connected to a Tama called Late before and he was the same time of Tamagotchi as Nate was [a UraKuchipatchi], so I figured out that it must be a duplicate of Nate and a glitch.

That's all that's really happened since I got back into Tamas again since March.

yes, I've had glitches before.

I think I have a very, VERY small ball glitch on my v4.5. there's no balls, but I was deleting items and viewed my items and my tama freezes up everytime I view my items. I'm not gonna reset, though. I can deal with the glitch.


I've had a couple: the only ones I remember now are the name-changing glitch on the v4 and the ball glitch on the v4 (though I kinda triggered the ball glitch manually to see if one of the rumours I'd heard about it were true).
Yeah, those are the glitches I've had before, too. ^

~ Bethiee. :]

I've been fortunate enough to get tamas that seem to have nothing wrong with them. I've never had a glitchi (nor a screen problem , etc). I wonder though , if glitches can happen depending on how you handle your tamagotchi. For example , if you drop it a lot the inside could get messed up and cause a glitch.


I had a glitch with the match maker once, it was on my V4. I was trying to get it a mate from a certain family so I said no to the first one she brought, then reset the time so she would come again. Though this time when she came she brought a bunch of random pixels, similar to that of MissingNo(For those of you old enough to have played the original Pokemon ;) ) Of course because I thought it was cool I tried to get them to breed, it didn't work they both kinda twitched then it made a loud noise then I had to reset. Wouldn't have been that bad except when I reloaded it up it thought that it was 11am when it was 8pm, so it was like it was on pause the whole time. So it wouldn't let me change the time again to meet the match maker...

:lol: I had a weird glitch with my v3. What happened was I reset it, then there was a really loud beep and a half egg popped up on the screen. o_o

I always accidentally dropped it, so that may be the cause. :mametchi:

EDIT: Wait, it might not be a glitch, it could just be half-broken.

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