Have you got Animal Crossing Wi-Fi?


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Well-known member
Oct 23, 2005
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My house ;)
I'm just wondering if anybody had Animal Crossing Wild World DS, and Wi-Fi with it. I might be getting it, and it would be awesome if I could connect with other Wild World people! It would be fun! :)

What's your town's name, your main character's name, your shop size, your house size and town fruit(s)?

I live in japan, I use Hammy most, Nookingtons, main room, upstairs, left room, right room, and I have everything.

Who has a friend code and do you use Action Replay? I don't want to connect with people who use it unless it's good, not seeding or anything, sorry.

I hope it's not too brash, but I'm desperate! I only have my sisters and sometimes my friends to connect too! 4 people in all! :blink:

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I'm just wondering if anybody had Animal Crossing Wild World DS, and Wi-Fi with it. I might be getting it, and it would be awesome if I could connect with other Wild World people! It would be fun! :D
What's your town's name, your main character's name, your shop size, your house size and town fruit(s)?

I live in japan, I use Hammy most, Nookingtons, main room, upstairs, left room, right room, and I have everything.

Who has a friend code and do you use Action Replay? I don't want to connect with people who use it unless it's good, not seeding or anything, sorry.

I hope it's not too brash, but I'm desperate! I only have my sisters and sometimes my friends to connect too! 4 people in all! :(
i love animal crossing!!! :D

i have it! ^_^

it is awesome B)

Japan is now a PERFECT town! Or maybe it is. Do you know if Pelly's comment, "Japan is a nice, clean and decent town. But I feel like something's missing." Do you know what that is? She didn't tell me anything that I needed, so I'm assuming that it would be perfect.... the first day!!

Today my pockets were full and Drake said, "You're always stuffed to the gills with loot! I wanted to give you a special something, too! Bummer, Quacko?!!" I was so upset. It was his picture that he wanted to give me! Oh, well, but I have 4 characters so I guess I'll work on it with rockstar next, don't you think?

Sorry, I just had to vent about it!

Hey, everybody! Today's the Fishing Tourney!

Oh, laurenv10, do you have Nintendo Wi-Fi?


When she says there's something missing, she is meaning something like 'there is too few trees' or 'you need more flowers'. It basically means your town is fine, but a bit more greenery would make it a ton nicer.

Obviously, I have it too and although I haven't played it in forever, I have recently been deciding whether or not to play it again.. It is, truly, a great game, though! ^^

I have AC:WW and it's great. The one thing I don't like is that you can't talk independently to the locals; you have to choose selected phrases.

My friend code is: 0859 9419 8199

Town: Mayfield

I do think you have to connect within in range first, but I might be wrong!

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I havw wiifii! How do you get a friend code??
Talk to Copper and say "Friend code!" and he will say "WHAT?! You do not have a friend code?!" Then press "Yes." when he asks and he'll give it to you! But you have to be within range first....

giraffagotchi, what's your town fruit? Do you have pears? :mellow: I can try to add you! I'm telling my mom, "I need Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection!" THEN I can get my friend code....

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