Have you ever... Passed out? Or blacked out?


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I have once or twice... It's kind of like when you are sitting in the bath tub for a long time, and then stand up suddenly. You get extremely dizzy and your vision goes into black. I've almost fallen when this happened, but luckily there is a kind of handle bar... But, it's a weird feeling.

The First Time i Fainted/Passed out was When i lost my First Tooth (which was when i was either 5 or 6), I Was eating a KinderEgg. , And I swallowed my tooth. o_O. There was a bit of blood in my mouth, (i Could taste it, And when i put my finger on where my tooth was, There was blood), And i fainted. I mostly faint at the sight of blood.

Usually when i go to the dentist, Get a needle or blood test, is when i faint.

When i was around 8 or 9, i went to the dentist to get a filling in my tooth, When the dentist was done, i walked back to the waiting room thing. Leaned on the Desk, Then Just, like. Fainted. Next thing i knew i was on the floor with a pillow under my head. My sister was looking down at me, And Me, not even Fully Concious yet, sorta half awake, I was like yelling at her "Professor Oak! What the heck are you doing here? And where is my Pikachu?" (i used to be super obsessed with pokemon around that age, I took my gameboy color everywhere i went). Then i woke up.

I think i've fainted over 5 times in my life.

Funny thing is, I know when i'm about to faint. And When i do, I usually speak in a Southern Accent. Like, a Country Accent. o_O. I'll be all like, "Why, I Reckon that i'm getting a bit Blurry Eyed"

I haven't but this one girl in my class randomly said to her friend, "If I pass out, don't blame me-" and then she fell backwards. Of course, the guy behind her stepped back instead of cetching her but...

xD Evidently she cut herself on the door and the sight of her blood freaked her out.

nope never! but, my dad had a seasher in are kitchen t was scary and mi mom says that mi brther use to pass out from screaming so much!

at school durning choris prtice this 7th grader had a black out good thing she wasn't on the risers!!!!!!!!

one time when i was in the shower it was first thing in the morning and i did not eat any breakfast yet. so i went to take a shower and i was almost done washing my hair when everything got fuzzy and i stumbled and i almost passed out and i would have if i did not catch myself and get hit with the water in the face.

needless to say i got out and sat down for awhile

then... i ate!!!!

edit- I just noticed how much this has been bumped

All too often.

The first time was in year 7. My metal works teacher was teaching us stuff and my vision became impaired. It looks white and cloudy. I felt my legs collapsing so I tried to lower myself onto a stool and I just blacked out and when I regained conscious I was out in the cooler room. I had to go to the staff room for the rest of manual and they knew I was ill when I refused carrot cake.

I passed out when I got my belly button pierced. I don't know why, it didn't hurt.

I've passed out many times since, my most recent was on Tuesday, this week. I had a dizzy feeling in my head. I went to go do homework, climbed onto my bed and I passed out. I was like what just happened then blacked out again and didn't wake up until 3 hours later, and I was out on the couch. I am still very confused about how, what and why.

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I dunno for sure, because it was weird, but Katie reckons I passed out at All Time Low. It wouldn't have been for long though because before I knew it she was pulling me up lmao.

I got knocked out when I copped a softball to the face 0_0

That's about all I think :) Which is good haha.

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