The First Time i Fainted/Passed out was When i lost my First Tooth (which was when i was either 5 or 6), I Was eating a KinderEgg. , And I swallowed my tooth.
. There was a bit of blood in my mouth, (i Could taste it, And when i put my finger on where my tooth was, There was blood), And i fainted. I mostly faint at the sight of blood.
Usually when i go to the dentist, Get a needle or blood test, is when i faint.
When i was around 8 or 9, i went to the dentist to get a filling in my tooth, When the dentist was done, i walked back to the waiting room thing. Leaned on the Desk, Then Just, like. Fainted. Next thing i knew i was on the floor with a pillow under my head. My sister was looking down at me, And Me, not even Fully Concious yet, sorta half awake, I was like yelling at her "Professor Oak! What the heck are you doing here? And where is my Pikachu?" (i used to be super obsessed with pokemon around that age, I took my gameboy color everywhere i went). Then i woke up.
I think i've fainted over 5 times in my life.
Funny thing is, I know when i'm about to faint. And When i do, I usually speak in a Southern Accent. Like, a Country Accent.
. I'll be all like, "Why, I Reckon that i'm getting a bit Blurry Eyed"