Have you ever... Passed out? Or blacked out?


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no, but my friend passed out after seeing Imax in the science center.

Imax gives me headaches. it is creepy...

i dont know what it is like. (me never did, no?) it sounds kinda... FUN! *bangs head on rock*

We went to this science trip at a university somewhere (Me, Beckie, David & Michael), and I fainted in the lab xD

Thins started to go blurry around the edges, then I couldn't see, so I tried to shout something and it didn't work and then next thing I know I am sitting down and there is this random man there o.o

Yeah, a couple of times, actually. The first time was when I had a fever and my mom made me stand up in the bathroom so she could do my hair. This was about 2-3 years ago, and I do my hair by myself now. xD I started feeling really dizzy, so I sat on the edge of the bath tub. Then the stars came, and I started running toward the queen sized bed. I lost my vision so I ran into the door and hit my head. Then my mom guided me to the bed, and I climbed up. Then my vision returned. It was really scary, especially since I was so young.

The next one happened at the puberty assembly in 4th grade. I felt so sick after talking about it for the first time, and I'm guessing my head dropped on my friend's arm for 2 seconds. When she moved her arm, I woke up. I was all sweaty and cold, but nobody noticed I fainted. xD It was also scary, and I should have told the nurse.

one time i didnt eat anything all day, which happens alot anyway, but anyway. I got up of my bed and felt dizzy and fell over and blacked out for like about 2secs but then i was fine. it was kinda scary. bt it wasnt like severe like sompeople have to go to the hospital

I think about twice.

Once I was in the hairdressers [i was about 12] and I was really hot and she asked me to stand up and I just passed out :) and when I woke up I was sick.

And the other time I was around 14 and me & my friend where messing around with this boys bike and I rode down a hill in a huge v shape and near the bottom I went over the handle bars but I don't remember going over the handle bars. When I woke up the bike was on me & I must of blacked out and it hurt alot!

Yes. I was in Florida w/ my family (cousins) and my friends and at our hotel there was a kind of little river with a bridge over it. it was really hot and really late at night (about 1:30 am) and we decided to go to the pool. we went over the bridge and we went to the pool for a while ('bout 2 hours) and we hadent slept for about 20 hours (i know, aren't we smart?) so after we were leaving (we were hyper, but the kind of hyper like you are jumping around but you can like pass out any second) we started to talk when we were on the bridge. so one thing lead to another and we were jumping around and BAM in the river i go, allong with my cousin, passed out. they jumped in to get us out be/c the knew that we passed out and we didn't come up. they found my cousin and she was ok after they got her out but i was at the bottom and they couldn't find me, but when they did i was fine. Scary. :)

Another time i was just rllly hot after gym class outside and EVERYONE was like, in heat stroke or somthing and the teachers didn't care and i was the second one to pass out (right in front jesseee!! if you don't know who he is, see my siggy and profile) Yea. that was a gym class we never forgot.


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I have blacked out a few times. When I was little (2 - 4 years) I went to the hospital several times, so I must have been anesthetized.

When I was in 7th grade, I got this awful bad cold (or mild flu) and a very high temperature of over 40ºC. At one point I was forced to stand up, and my vision gave out. I was blind for around 10 seconds.

Just before the Summer started this year, I got bonked in the head with an elbow, and my vision went black for 2 seconds. I must have lost conscience for a few seconds, because I was all of a sudden on the floor with my friends round me. I remember getting up and my head hurting a bit, and I'd slit my lip open, needing three stitches, hehe. My friends said it was funny, because instead of crying, or getting mad at anyone (which didn't cross my mind) I just said "I need water".


When I was little, I had leukemia, and every time they would give me my chemotherapy treatment, I would pass out. That sucker stung like nobody's business!

Then, one time my boyfriend accidentally hit me in the face with his car door and I blacked out for a few minutes.

No. A girl at my school said she felt sick during the middle of class and started to walk out of it. Right when she got out the door she fell over and passed out. Everyone could tell she was going to faint, and people were screaming before she actually did.

No, but I should've passed out this one time.

It was after recess a couple of years ago when I was a primary...

We were making a shop (During the Winter) for us to clean your boots.

I wasn't exactly popular back then, so I played with this boy who was two years younger than me.

This one time, we were playing with this humungo rock and he threw it... BAM!

I got hit right in the Jaw with it.

Luckily, it didn't hurt too much, I just went like "Ow."

No wonder I have to wear braces :blink:

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