Have you ever been at deaths door?


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Ugh its like the death door is everywhere I go! :D

When I was 4, I had pneumonia and started feeling really really bad. it was so late my parents couldnt drive so we called an ambulance and i was stuck in ICU for like 2 weeks. ugh it was boring. It felt like i would die any minute now. It was like going halfway through the death door.

Another time, when I was born, i couldnt breath and heart rate was like so low! I got so many injuries!

Yes, when I was six, and two weekends ago.

When I was six: I crashed my head with a mirror. -_- Wasn't the brightest idea I had yet. If I was alone, I would have died that night.

Two weeks ago: My grandma's dog tried to maul me. I came out with a huge scar on my arm. Ugh. :D

No well not that i know of. But we were at dreamworld (theme park in qld australia) we were lining up for the claw and someone on ride before us wasn't stapped in and nearly fell out. and my dad nearly died in a moterbike crash baout 4 years ago

Once when I was kinda little I went to my grandparents house and they have a pool so we went swimming. Well, I had to have my water wings on to stay above the water. xDD Anyways, I always pushed off the steps to go out pretty far when I got in. We had finished eating and had waited a while and I could finally get back in but I forgot my water wings and pushed off to where I couldn't touch. My grandpa jumped in and got me so it was all ok. Then my grandma got mad at him for making her glasses fall in the water when he dove in. She left them sitting on the edge...

I almost died 3 times in my life. :)

1. I was at the beach and i was at some local party and we sat on a inflatible matress and i fell (didnt know how to swim, i was only 3) i was waving my arms wildly, mom and dad didn't do anything. untill i relised it was shallow water. xD i was really short though...

2. Our Family was on the way home from my cousins hockey game, and the light turned green and we went and a car just zoomed right threw us. we slammed the breaks. nobody was injured. my cousin was crying.

3. This happens every year. my cousin plays pirate with me and like pulls me down underwater (i can hold my breath for like 3 mins.) My aunt saw me and yelled "DEVIN!!!! LET GO OF HER!!!' lol her voice was like so drimatic. xDDD

4. this happened liked 3 days ago. it wasnt me, it was someone at my school.

Me and my friends were walking then we heard someone call for help. a kid was laying in a puddle, NOT MOVING. It semmed like he went down a HUGE hill, he couldnt stop ad fell and got knocked out. we got sent to the hospital and we havent heard from the school yet....

I've fallen in a swimming pool before, and I've sunken in a swimming pool before. I suppose that doesn't really count because my mom was there to pull me out both times. It stinks not being able to swim. ;_;

I just remebered something else. Once, my family was out on fire island with a hurricane off shore, so the waves were really high. My dad and I weren't even in the water, but somehow a big wave went over our heads. My dad stayed standing, but I was being swept away. My feet were in the air, and the wave was pulling me. But lucky for me, my dad gripped my hands until the current let go of me. So yeah, If my dad hadn't been holding my little hand then, I would probably be dead right now.

I wasnt exactly gonna die, but once for swimming class, I had to swim 500m, and after a while, it started getting hard for me to breathe, and I started breathing really heavily, and then they gave me the emergency oxygen thingy, cause I forgot my inhaler xD

I was at Hurricane Harbor in the wave pool when I almost drowned. I'm a good swimmer and all but someone was on a rental inner tube in there. They happened to float right over me and it was crowded in there. I was panicking trying to flip the tube and the person on it. I guess soemething I did got their attention because they moved. Not exactly at deaths door but scared me pretty bad.


I was drying my hair, using a hairdryer. I had just come outta the bath. The hairdryer stopped for a few seconds, then powered up like crazy. You can kinda guess what happened. It powered up, then this massive red spark of fire came out of it and burned my hand and the whole sleeve of the bathrobe I was wearing. The spark made my hand lose control of the whole hairdryer itself so it kinda fell on the floor. I screamed like crazy. Mum came in and asked me what happened, I told her the story, and well, yeah, it's pretty much an electric shock.

I cracked up laughing a few minutes afterwards for some reason. o;

I just can't keep a straight face during the most serious situations. :\

4. this happened liked 3 days ago. it wasnt me, it was someone at my school.

Me and my friends were walking then we heard someone call for help. a kid was laying in a puddle, NOT MOVING. It semmed like he went down a HUGE hill, he couldnt stop ad fell and got knocked out. we got sent to the hospital and we havent heard from the school yet....
i forgot to mention...he died. my whole school is devestated. tragic. :)

Anyways on topic-This happened when i was in halifax with the olpimic torch,

i was carrying the torch (Yes, children under 18 can carry the torch too!) and my hair caught on fire, and then thankfully, firemen where nearby, and sprayed me with foam. so embarresing. xDDD

Had a serious case of whooping cough when i was 6 months old, my parents say that I flatlined. Not sure though.

Yepperzz. Wheni was little i was walking with my dad, my uncle and my cousin. We were on a beach and i fell into a drop off. they didnt know where i was. but they found me, i nearly drowned i think. I was to little to remember but everytime i go into a lake or a river, i cant bring myself to go into a dark and deep spot. It freaks the Hxll outta me

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