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TamaTalk Angelgotchi
Sep 15, 2007
Reaction score
Tufftown, West Virginia
I have with this kid names Dontaie

He came over to me started swearing me out about my religion so I started swearing him out and he pushed me and I pushed him harder and almost made him fall and we were about to start punching each other till the bell rang >.>

God I hate him.

Almost. I almost got in a fist fight with my best friend a couple years ago, over something we now think was really stupid, but it obviously ticked us off back then, because people were holding us back to keep us from getting at eachother. xD We got over it, and we're still friends...

[i voted yes, because the question was "Have you almost gotten in a fight at school" and I didn't see the 'almost choice. Sorry. xD]

Almost. I almost got in a fist fight with my best friend a couple years ago, over something we now think was really stupid, but it obviously ticked us off back then, because people were holding us back to keep us from getting at eachother. xD We got over it, and we're still friends...[i voted yes, because the question was "Have you almost gotten in a fight at school" and I didn't see the 'almost choice. Sorry. xD]
Opps that Almost at the title shouldnt be there Xp

Hllzish yha. A few times. Im one of the trouble kids at my school- last time I got in a fight it was with this ROTC/cheerleader (that makes no sense) Because I kicked her a** in a game of flag football. I lost because she called over all the ROTC people and they were on me in a second. I have her phone, now, though, so its all even in the end.

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I don't get into real pushy-shovy fights. I've gotten into fights with some of my friends, although they usually don't last very long and most of the time they're foodfights or poke-each-other fights, things like that. Our school is kinda safe, as far as schools go, no gangs, hardly any bullying, so fights aren't normal.

Oh, if you mean pushy-shovey fights then no. But if you mean like a screaming-at-each-other-fight, then yes.

Pfft. Scream fights? Yes. I get into a lot of those. Because my friends/claims there my friends, get at mad me for the most stupidest reasons I can EVER think of.

Example: My friend, April, is mad that I was sitting at a diffrent lunch table and cussed me out, infront of the 5th, 7th, and 8th grade (We are 6th graders >>). So, those, are most probaly my kind of fights.


Punching guys out? I do that after school. I only did it like, 5-6 times during school xP

1. Guy went out with me (When I was dateable) and never really like me. BAM. He was out COLD outside the bathroom.


The other reasons are classified. And I never really 'share' these stories =/ Even with roleplaying friends, or my blog. Because there sort of over rated when you think about it.

I got in a fight at school in fourth grade, I wasn't very strong in fourth grade, mind you.

This girl (Nichelle) had been on my case being rude ALL week, and especially that day. So my friend, Maliya, is her cousin. I was joking with Maliya and I just touched her arm and Nichelle says "Don't touch, my cousin!" So what did I do? I gave her a rude face (like, I'm angry, grrr..) and thouch Maliyas' arm again. Nichlle pushed me, I pushed back.. And she picked me up by the arm, swung me in a circle, and let go of me, I hit the lag of the metal desk. I had my eyes closed, and I screamed so loud the whole pod (three classes in one room) swent dead silent. I opened my eyes, and next thing I know all the teachers are on their knees with worried looks on their faces. Nichelle laughed, and I cried so hard I couldn't breathe. We never got in trouble, though. I don't remember why, I think the pricipal was to busy with other stuff and said "Just forget about it, you both learned your lesson."

I had a briuse the size of my fist on my side, it was all purple and dark. It stayed there for a month..




me and my briend made this goo stuff in wood (glue+water+sawdust mixed) and this chick with a massive nose came up in wood and took it and smeared it in my hair at lunch n i chased her and squished a whole lot on her face and she is like bi*** n slapped (but missed) and then we had this fight n yeahhhhhhh.

YES...i dated this really cute guy 2years ago and then we broke up like aweek after we started goin out. And now everyday since then,hes been teasing me/calling me names/and just bullying me. But last week i couldnt take no more of it. he called me the bword and i went after him like a kugar after its prey(me&my friends slang). I started punchin him and kickin him and when he was layin on the floor tryin to kick me, i sat right on him and punched his face. EVERYONE tried to get me off of him but i wouldnt. Then we started tossing eachother from side to sid and in the end when i was on top of him(again),my friends saw what was goin on and grabbed my arms and pulled me off of him. And i still kicked him and kept sayin"I'm not done with you yet boy!" But then we ended up goin back out..so it was a funny story.. ;)

Haha mostly with the guys. They bug me, I hit them, we have ruler fight, etc.

But ya, well really I chased a guy down the hall and punched him a few times, that was the only time it wasn't a joke.

I'v goetn in this fight wiht this girly girl named La-lee...she kept pestering me to wear lipstick and stuff. I couldent take it so I beat her up. Suspended for 5 days! :p Im so good! ;)

I also got in a fight with a girl :]]

Shes like one of those people that think there perfect so I was sitting on my dest and she was all like "Get off or ill punch you Skylar" so I was all like "So punch me @#$^& and then we were staring at each other meanly and I repeted "Punch me I dare you"

So then she slapped my hand >.>

I was about to slap her until the teacher came in

This this girlin my school called Sapphire. She is a total cow! She just get on my nerves sooo much. I have a friend called Jasmine who felt sorry for her and became her freind but then she became so clingy. She wont even let Jasmine play with me and her other friends lately she hissed at me another girl that she was "taking" Jasmine away from us. And when Jasmine had a Beach Party and she wasnt invited she started swearing at us. I ignored her but he followed us insulting us. So I leapt at her and gave a her slap The teacher wasnt so happy about that though.

This this girlin my school called Sapphire. She is a total cow! She just get on my nerves sooo much. I have a friend called Jasmine who felt sorry for her and became her freind but then she became so clingy. She wont even let Jasmine play with me and her other friends lately she hissed at me another girl that she was "taking" Jasmine away from us. And when Jasmine had a Beach Party and she wasnt invited she started swearing at us. I ignored her but he followed us insulting us. So I leapt at her and gave a her slap The teacher wasnt so happy about that though.
0_0 I would've done the same thing.

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