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I had my birthday in April. It was a sleepover with four of my friends and stuff. We stayed up late and stuff. I walked to my parent's room to make sure they were asleep and they were. We watched TV for a while and stuff then me decided to go to sleep so I turned off the TV but I was too lazy to turn off the lamp. Then we heard the garage door open...and close...open...and close... for awhile. We were scared so we huddled together like penguins. Then the lamp I left on started flickering. It turned on...and off...on...and off for awhile. By this time we were freaked out and just wanted to cry. We could hear moaning outside and tapping on the windows, but the shades were closed so we couldn't see outside. I started to cry. Haylea too. We heard moving around the house and more moaning. Our pantry opened and never closed. We woke up to see that the garage door was open, the pantry was open, markings on our front porch, and the light turned off. Creepy, huh?

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My mom says that every night at 9 PM, at the school she works in (she's in the daycare next to it), the ghost of a dead janitor rises out of the grave and haunts the place. Her friend was working late one night, and suddenly, the fax machine randomly turned on. Also, she saw some old guy in the hallway. Her door made weird creaky noises, too.

I don't know if this is true or not, and I try to stay unbiased to most theories.

EDIT: A janitor did really die in the school, of a heart-attack. They found his body the morning after.

Meh, I 99.9% positive that there's no such thing as something being "haunted"
You can't prove it, the same way atheists can't prove that god isn't real.

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OMG!!! I have a scary face on my closet door in the hall! It is like, Making the evil laugh! And it has a beard, No hair, And It's SCARY!!!!!!

Do you know a place that is haunted? What happened that made you think it was?
-Meddi ^-^ (please don't tell me I'm crazy ^^')
the GIRL'S BATHROOM. it's so nuts! There's a rumor that somewhat gets passed sometime through the year. It's about a ghost of a girl, called Boody Mary. For some reason it seems to be real, conserning RaeRox's post. We have a similar rumor, but with more dangerous things like getting sucked into the bathroom mirror, dieing, ect. D:> Last year it was in winter the rumor spread.

... That's why I avoid using the bathroom at school. D:

Cecib :p

You can't prove it, the same way atheists can't prove that god isn't real.
Let's keep that topic from overriding the initial subject itself kay? If you want to debate civilly about religion and state your opinion in a respectful matter, find an existing topic regarding such matters or keep it out of here. Last thing we need in here is flaming and drama.


I firmly believe that we have a ghost who steals the car keys and credit cards, then proceeding to turn off our lights, slop some water in the basement, and go use our toilet at 12 AM.

I fondly call it "Person Peeing While Fingering Credit Card".

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I was just using it as an example, I am sorry if I have offended anybody.
You could of used a better example and one that doesn't negatively go towards some people who don't believe in a higher. That's all I'm getting at.

I never went in something really haunted, but when I was little I was really creeped out by the Haunted Mansion at Disney World.

For some reason everytime I go to a place where it was dark I develop a suspicion that the place might be haunted :huh:

I slept in a *said to be* haunted place before (on a camp in year 5), but back then I didn't know that it was haunted, so I didn't worry at all. I finally knew that it was supposedly haunted when my friend told me one day when we were camping over there earlier this year. But we didn't sleep in the same building as before, so I didn't worry that time either :furawatchi:

Meh, I 99.9% positive that there's no such thing as something being "haunted"
It's the 0.1% that keeps me going B)

My house is.

Not kidding.

It's only 5 years old, and we built it. But the house here before it was EXACTLY the same, and I feellll stuff.


That will be all.

Ok... let's see...

My friends house is haunted

If you live in connecticut, you will probally know this one: Carousel Gardens is haunted ( I live right next doors to it... EEP!!! )

Oh, and this is off topic, but my house used to be a turkey farm ;)

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