Hatafutte Parade


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Country: United Kingdom

Human Name (if said country has none, make one up): Arthur Kirkland

Gender: Male

Age (if you're not sure about an age, ask me): BLARGH IDK. Probably 26, but probably super old in actuality.

Personality: England is an irritable, blunt, and sharp tongued guy who doesn't really get along with other nations well. He is a self proclaimed gentleman. England is a horrible drunk and he also stinks at cooking. He also sees fairies! ZOMG.


Allies: Japan.

Enemies: France, America (?)

Friends: Japan.

History: England was once a pirate, now retired. End of story.

Other: Not much else.

Country: Taiwan

Human Name: Xiao Mei

Gender: Female

Age: Late teens, young twenties

Personality: Mei is energetic, passionate, and headstrong. She can also get very worried about those she cares about, and stresses over them often. She is also very stubborn, and won't budge once she forms an opinion about something.

Looks: https://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090804140815/hetalia/images/7/74/Taiwan.png

Allies: Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, and many other countries

Enemies: *cough*China*cough*

Friends: Whelp, Japan, the other Asian countries, and basically anyone who will befriend her

History: Her history really isn't clarified in the anime.

Other: Nope!

both are accepted even though you don't need accepting unless your form is horrible..

but your forms are both amazing |D

Spain took their arms and skipped off, singing a song in spanish. Egypt merely blinked. "I see what Turk is on about now.."

Italy was still happy, just thinking about all the pasta xDD "Yay we get to have pasta!" he said for no apparent reason.

COUNTRY: Switzerland

HUMAN NAME: Vash Zwingili

AGE: 18

Personality: Switzerland is seemingly eternally neutral and lives his life as a hermit.He's shown to have quite a temper, but has a soft spot for Liechtenstein and is extremely protective of her. Though he has tons of money he always would buy the cheaper objects.


Allies: Liechtenstein Foes: Anyone who harms Liechtenstein

Freinds: Austria Liechtenstein

History: He started out very poor then eventually in the middle ages using his long tradition of baking to get lots of money and he was in the way of one of the fastest trading route so they would have to pass through him.

OTHER: Not that I know of.

Can I be approved? :-D

Yey! Actually, I wanna play Bel too:

Country: Belgium

Human Name (if said country has none, make one up): Emma (That was one of her potential names that Himaruya came up with)

Gender: Female

Age (if you're not sure about an age, ask me): Somewhere from 19-22 years old

Personality: Belgium is a playful, very cheerful nation who is very friendly. She's pretty outgoing, and won't hesitate to talk. She's quite a bit like a big sister type. Belgium loves tasty snacks.


Allies: Spain, Romano (?), her brother (?)

Enemies: It used to be her brother, but apparently they've been able to sort of get along better in modern times.

Friends: Spain, Romano

History: Once upon a time Belgium hung out with Spain and chibiRomano a lot, but then her brother kept trying to get her to form a Kingdom with her. She said no.

Other: Not much else. WAFFLES.

Country: Japan

Human Name (if said country has none, make one up):Hiroto

Gender: male

Age (if you're not sure about an age, ask me): unsure ._.

Personality: easy going but protective, kind to animals, likes being byhimself so he can think. can be srtict during battle.



Allies: Italy, Germany

Enemies: France, America,Canada

Friends: UK and other

History: unsure

Other: likes sushi

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