Has anyone seen


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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2009
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I probably should've asked this on Tama-zone, where more people have them, but... I feel more comfortable here. ;)

So, you know those things in people's signatures that say "click here for an awesome website!" (or log... ;) ) and it's a little picture and it directs you to somewhere? :s

If anyone could tell me how to make/do/get one, that'd be awesome!

Thanks in advance! :)

I don't think I'll be much help with the whole banner-making part, as I'm still learning and trying to tinker around with mine for my log but if you have some sort of photo editing program (like Photoshop or Photoscape...you can even do stuff with Word and Paint, I think), you could make your own banner. To make it link-able in your signature, you have to first embed the image code (kind of like embedding a regular photo from Photobucket for your log, for example) and then put the URL tags AROUND your image tags, so to speak. So it should kind of look something like link to your image [/ IMG][/ URL], except without the spaces, of course (that was just so that the tags show up when I'm providing this example for you). Does that kind of make sense?

Uh.... :p

So, you just make a picture on paint and then embed it into your signature?

^Pretty much but you can use other images too.Just use the HTML tags OST mentioned to make it clickable. :)

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