Has anyone seen a UFO/UFO's?


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Well-known member
Jan 14, 2009
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Manhattan New York
There have been many sightings around the world, but in New York City? Not too often.

Me and 4 other family members on an October night when I was around the age of 11 or 12 saw a neon blue saucer.

I can draw it out, we had no camera to prove but I will never forget it.

I even drew it while watching it, but my mom threw the picture away saying it was garbage.

Yeah...she thought it was garbage...right.

She gets worried when we talk about it, even worse, there were times when she tried to say it was a blimp.

It was moving slowly, the belt had bulbs and spun the poopsite of therest of the saucer, my eyes were better then so i could see details from a distance without glasses.

another time, later on in life, maybe 16-19, you know how ppl say "A watched pot never boils"?

I was boiling water for spaghetti, and was staring at the water to watch until the saying was proved wrong. I'd do this sometimes, it felt almost like therapy. I was very relaxed, which I'm taking note of..

and I just happened to look at the direction of the window, seeing a ball of light the size of a baseball float straight from the window and moved in a straight line, and curved out of the kitchen to the living room.

Me, I was standing. It wasn't fast but wasn't slow. And I didn't feel danger. I actually felt warmth and comfort.

It was around the afternoon, but still daylight.

I've been told by ppl it was an abduction, and they switched my memory and feeling with the one which took place.

some ppl call it a ball lightning, a phenomenon which occurs when thunder hits the ground and i think another hits at a cetain point that it clashes and a ball of electricity (very dangerous) floats for a short time. But, I was the only one in the house who saw it though it left the kitchen, and ppl were hanging around the house.

My mother says it was Spiritu Santo...I might not be spelling it right.

The holy spirit. My mom has seen these balls of light, but several at once. And she said she was also not afraid.

Now, you better believe that after all of this, my interests are pointed toward one direction now...to find out anything I can about other being outside the world. I've heard of a college called SETI, looking around for colleges directly concentrated in the communications with extraterrestrial beings.

I feel like our meeting with all of them is inevitable, since I feel like they may greet us after death.

And greet is a wishful word.

So, any other UFO sightings?? Or anything, what do you think?

Yus. I have seen a UFO right here in Vancouver.

I was headed for the dentist. I passed a park in the car and saw a strange black oval shape.

It was flying over the trees, flying extremely fast, and no-one was looking up or pointing.

I tried to look from every angle, (increasingly more harder with a tight seatbelt) and from what I could see, it disappeared behind a tall tree.

Very strange.

I still don't know what that was three years later, in this present time.

YES I HAVE, And do you really think that Earthlings are the only living creatures in the ENTIRE UNIVERSE???!!! That's just SELFISH.....

I saw one in Kansas, Olathe to be exact, it was a Flourecent green and white, kind of minty color triangel, slowly xing the sky above the collage,... I was sooooooo scared/excited/and calm all at the same time... ;)

There are no such things as aliens/UFOs so I think what you saw was probably a person flying a little airplain hor helli thingy. ;)

I've seen a UFO (I KNOW what I saw) and saying there's no such thing as aliens is really stupid.

There's Billions of other planets ou there, more than we could ever count. We may not know where but they are almost certainly out there.

Anyway, my story is extremely boring. I saw a bright (think sun bright) light up in the night sky. It was kind of hard to look at. Looking at it made my head hurt.

I saw a UFO, it wasn't circle though. It was a strange shape I had never seen before, it wasn't curved, round, straight or anything like that. It also flashed a color I've never seen before. I wasn't flying through the sky, it was going up and it got smaller and smaller. I've never told anyone because they'd think I was CrAzY

@memetchirocks2122321: UFO stands for unidentified flying objects and they are...well, just that. Unidentified flying objects, a blanket term for anything in the air unrecognizable by people on the ground or even by radar. The cause of it being there is unknown. It doesn't necessarily mean that a UFO is a spaceship carrying aliens, mysterious green men, or whatever common misconception people have about it all. :lol:

That being said, I personally do believe that there are other life forms out there. How could there not be? Especially with the who knows how many galaxies there are in this universe. We can't possibly be the only ones around. :lol: THIS was just on the news, and I thought it would be cool to share, especially since our OP is from Manhattan. ;) As for my experience in sightings, I haven't seen anything strange in the skies lately.

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Yes I have when I was 7. I was in a taxi coming from the hotel I was staying in when i was in Spain (I was still in spain though). It was night and the sky was black but the circle shape was even blacker than the sky.

It had blue/green/red and yellow lights. then just a few days ago when i was coming home from my friends house i saw a triangular dark shape with green blue and yellow lights, and i know it wasnt a airoplane because it was going backwards and side to side

Im scared

EDIT: the first UFO i saw in spain. its lights were flashing and spinning around the ufo

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I thought I saw one and got so excited but then it moved a bit and it was just a plane D;

I do, most definitely, believe in life on other planets though.

There are no such things as aliens/UFOs so I think what you saw was probably a person flying a little airplain hor helli thingy. ;)
You need more imagination! There are so many planets out there and so many sightings every year.

And I'm not joking about mine; there was no attachments of wings or anything.

I think I have, but when I see a plane in the sky at night that automatically registers as a UFO for me.

Soooo, maybe. Before there were three weird lights moving around like crazy in the sky, it was freaky.

You guys are so lucky,,, I've always wanted to see one....but I think I've only heard one like 5 times when I'm in bed I heard like the sound of a UFO or something,,, it wasn't a plane,, i look out my window and I can't see anything,but I still hear it. I totally believe in other lifeforms,, we can't be the only ones,, there's tons of places we've never been too,, Space could go on forever. In a million years or whenever,, maybe mankind will have already built or figured a way to travel to a different planet, because the sun will explode sometime and hopefully they will have figured a way to another planet/galaxy.

Well, I bright blue light followed my family and I home one night. It made no noise and stayed really close to the ground. Sometimes, all you could see was the light, and other times, you saw a shiny oval shape. It wasn't any man-made conventional aircraft (That I know of) because at one point it actually went backwards! And when we pulled up into our driveway, it just shot off. It was faster than anything I've seen.

im so glad to find that im not alone in the "ufo" topic.

it does suck to have ppl bash you down cause you dont have proof, or cause they havent seen their own.

but theyre usually so beautiful and mesmerizing you cant do anything but stare. and i understand this.

actually, those ppl who try to quickly deny that they might actually exist, i suspect they or someone around them works in the government. maybe.

to those who want to see, i notice they often are spotted around big land masses, wide spaces. so for me it was extra strange to see it so close by, and so bright it literally lit up the sky around it. if i could calculate to my best ability, i would have to say it was 50 or less feet away. seriously, like right over the building across. but back then i lived in the 12th floor, and the building it was over was a short one, so it was directly across from us. and it was moving very very slowly toward a bridge, i suspect since some ppl have spotted them over water and then seeing them vanish, water might be the cause, not to say the only cause, of their sightings. maybe a fuel source.

as for us, maybe to continue their race through ours. but i believe they use the healthiest of us.

as i said, it was so close i could see the detail. it looked like metal sheets but for some reason they were glowing, i dont know how metal sheets can glow so blue like that.

i also know how to tell the difference of a plane, bird, balloon, or blimp. BECAUSE I COULD SEE THE DETAIL!!!!!!!

im sorry for writing so much, im very excited. :p

its terrific that anytime i bring up the ufo sightings, anywhere, i find more witnesses to this phenomenon, though it would hardly be one since i believe about half of the world has seen their fair share.

those who havent seen, you might have but not noticed, either because of speed, invisibility perhaps, or maybe you didnt look up at the time.

sometimes, i feel like theyre always hovering directly over us, but completely hidden in plain sight. this thought makes me feel a sense of danger as well as protectiveness, since im not sure which it is.

LOOK!! about aliens:

https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread569966/pg1 (scroll down to see the majestic 12 pages)

https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopol...formation19.htm (i found this too long ago to remember)

@memetchirocks2122321: UFO stands for unidentified flying objects and they are...well, just that.  Unidentified flying objects, a blanket term for anything in the air unrecognizable by people on the ground or even by radar.  The cause of it being there is unknown.  It doesn't necessarily mean that a UFO is a spaceship carrying aliens, mysterious green men, or whatever common misconception people have about it all.  :)  
That being said, I personally do believe that there are other life forms out there.  How could there not be?  Especially with the who knows how many galaxies there are in this universe.  We can't possibly be the only ones around.  :p   THIS was just on the news, and I thought it would be cool to share, especially since our OP is from Manhattan.  :p   As for my experience in sightings, I haven't seen anything strange in the skies lately.
Those look like balloons, birds, etc.

I haven't seen a UFO, but I do believe in aliens. Not the "TAKE US TO YOUR LEADER" kind or the abducting ones, those seem a bit too far fetched for my taste.

No, Aliens/U.F.O's are NOT Real.

Nothing can sustain life 1% closer to the sun or 1% further from the sun.

And if the Alien's planet was one percent bigger than ours, then they would Have a planet that would go out of orbit frequently and no Gravity. If their planet was 1% smaller, they would have too much pressure and would Explode.

That goes to show that God put US, Human Beings, in the right in place in space and nothing can live without being in the same place that the "Privileged Planet, or Earth is.

But don't let me make you think differently, we all have our opinions (;

-Matt :p

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No, at least I don't think so.

I like to think as objects in the sky at night with flashing lights as UFO's. But they're really just airplanes.

No, Aliens/U.F.O's are NOT Real.
Nothing can sustain life 1% closer to the sun or 1% further from the sun.

And if the Alien's planet was one percent bigger than ours, then they would Have a planet that would go out of orbit frequently and no Gravity. If their planet was 1% smaller, they would have too much pressure and would Explode.

That goes to show that God put US, Human Beings, in the right in place in space and nothing can live without being in the same place that the "Privileged Planet, or Earth is.

But don't let me make you think differently, we all have our opinions (;

-Matt :p
Except there's millions upon billions of planets out there and there would be plenty that fit that criteria. It's a matter of finding them. Some of them would be bound to have life on them (Intelligent or not). I also found it amusing how you state that the earth being a certain size proves the existence of god. My ruler is 30cm long. Thus the easter bunny is real.

No, Aliens/U.F.O's are NOT Real.
Nothing can sustain life 1% closer to the sun or 1% further from the sun.

And if the Alien's planet was one percent bigger than ours, then they would Have a planet that would go out of orbit frequently and no Gravity. If their planet was 1% smaller, they would have too much pressure and would Explode.

That goes to show that God put US, Human Beings, in the right in place in space and nothing can live without being in the same place that the "Privileged Planet, or Earth is.

But don't let me make you think differently, we all have our opinions (;

-Matt :lol:
As I mentioned in my first post, who knows how many other galaxies are out there, which probably contain solar systems like ours, with suns that can sustain some sort of life on planets in said solar systems? The universe is a huge, huge place: if it's happened here, it's happened elsewhere. Finding it or proving it is the difficult part. I think that our society is too rooted in what I call the "Hollywood" interpretation of what "alien" or "U.F.O." is, getting caught up in the idea of little green men or flying saucers. Take the word for what it really means: "alien" in this context refers to extraterrestrial (as in, not originating from Earth) life and can be primitive forms of bacteria or gases, for instance. "U.F.O" simply means THAT: an unidentified flying object. They're real. Now, whether the U.F.O. as a "mothership of little green men coming to take over Earth" exists, that's debatable. I respect your opinion as much as the next person, but you mean to tell me that you don't think aerial objects in the sky, initially unrecognizable/unidentifiable (whether by human eye or radar), do not exist? I'm definitely not trying to put anyone down or anything, I'm just genuinely surprised at this view, what with all the research being done and considering the size of not just this world, this solar system, this galaxy which contains our (not to mention OTHER) solar system, but this universe in its entirety.

It was dusk, still bright enough for me to see. I went to the window of my bedroom to watch the sunset, when I see this object. It was triangular, cone shaped and spinning so fast. The lights were flashing I nearly had a seizure. It was going up.

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