Has a guy ever held your hand, or touched it? If so, how do/did you react?


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Of course, I've held hands with boyfriends/husbands. But only if I knew for a fact that their hands were clean. And a lot of times, I initiated it.

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Well, I love holding hands with people I have great confidence with and I'm usually the one to offer my hand and I don't really care if it's a girl's or a boy's hand I'm holding. But if someone I don't like that much held my hand I'd just tell them to stop and pull my hand away from them, male or female. If someone tuched my hand on accident I wouldn't really care though, it's just an accident.

Unless I know them well, I dislike touching people at all. Especially hugs. I bear with it though, because I tend to hang out in places where people commonly great each other with a hug (youth service in church, etc.) I don't like holding hands with people, except maybe a close friend. I always instinctively pull away if anyone touches my hand, without even reflecting about it, so I hope I haven't hurt peoples feelings... :p

My first real boyfriend, (who is now my best friend) and I actually only physically touched once. (Long story.) But anywho. It was for a picture, and he laid his hand over mine. My last boyfriend that I had, we held hands quite often, and it made me very nervous. (Butterflies, everything)

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