Happy Birthday to Meowbark


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me and my friend just hung out at the Skating rink and made fun of this fat chick in fishnets.
How nice of you. <.<

But happy birthday anyways. Mine is in exactly one week. Columbus Day so no school lol. Lucky me. 14 is kewl. HAPPY BIRTHDAY <3

Aubrey, tis OK. My birthday is today anyway xP
I never been to Kansas, how is it!?
Oh, perfect timing then! Sometimes lateness works out. :) Hope today is fantastic then, too!

Western Kansas was pretty awesome. I live in extreme Eastern Kansas, which is pretty foresty actually. Western Kansas is full of tall-grass prarie as far as the eye can see. There are even areas of cliffs and rolling hills that are pretty sizeable, covered in red, blue, and golden grasses that are a few feet tall. We were driving/roaming on foot all around these praries birdwatching all weekend. Kansas can be fun. <_<

Happy late by one day b-day meowbark!!

hope u had a awesum day n_n

heres ur gift:



( 3 3 )


a hamster ^_^

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Yep, I turn 14 tomorrow.

Today was my party, me and my friend just hung out at the Skating rink and made fun of this fat chick in fishnets.

I don't know what I got for my birthday yet. That's tomorrow. And what SUCKS is that I have like, a HUGE friggen Algebra test tomorrow. And my Language Arts End of Semester test.

Now I feel 10x speshuler.

Plus I'm trimming my hair again.
Happy B-day! I wish I was as old as you~!

Happy birthday to you :)

Happy birthday to you :angry:

Happy birthday dear meowbark -------- :angry:


Happy Birthday!
I remember when you were so little *tears* xP
And what does that mean!?

-Everyone else; Yeah thanks, I had a great B-Day. Got a Graphire tablet! (We needed a Serial port, bought a generic one on ebay last night. USB connection)

So yay ;P

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