-Bows- I love you.I see why people hate Miley loads but I really like her. Shoot me now. I have all albums and her book and a few dvds and seen her movie. You might think that's lame I really don't care.[/offtopic]
Of course they are real songs. I know what she means though by 'not real songs' since they aren't released in the charts. But that's only from her 1st & second album. [& Hannah Montana 3] But The Climb and Hoedown Throwdown have been released. They are Disney songs since the record label is Walt Disney records. But they are still real songs since they have been
wrote by someone. It's like saying a poem isn't a poem because it's not out there and known. I've wrote songs, at the moment many of them are un-finished and only my best friend has heard them, but that doesn't make them not songs. A song is a song. I mean Hannah Montana songs aren't exactly a colour, table or animal are they?
Hannah Montana songs can be girlyish and popy but some you can really relate to and are deep and meaningful i.e: The Climb, Dream, Butterfly Fly Away and One In A Million. The Miley Cyrus album, Breakout is good!
By the way, I'm not an obsessed fan with posters all over my bedroom walls and buy everything with her name on. xD Actually she is one of my rolemodels because I hope to act and sing. -waitstodie-