Hannah Montana


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I can't stand the sight or sound of Hannah Montana or Miley Cyrus!! They are both big fat stupid ugly annoying Jerks that try to date all three of the Jonas Brothers at once! I hate them!!!! :angry: :angry: :angry:

Yeah same here. :angry: All throughout the episodes they had been talking about Uncle Earl. I want to see what he's like. xD
Mwuahahah!!!I just watched it,thanks. This is one I'll remeber because it was truly hilarious.

I dont like Hannah Montannah. It's not that it's that bad, it's just overrated. It's not as good as everyone thinks.
Um, you might not think that it'a as good as everyone thinks, but it's kinda hurtful to the ppl who does. :l

Hannah Montana ROCKS by the way. :angry:

Zoria, not ALL the songs are about her. Nobody's Perfect isn't. Life's What You Make It isn't either. I really like the song See You Again- Miley Cyrus but what I dont like about it is that it's about her again. :angry: That just kinda bugs me. I HATE all the songs that's about her/her double life. :angry: Why would she sing songs like that? Isn't she afraid that somone might find out? :l I love, love, LOVE the songs that's NOT about her double life though. :D

Zomg. Its the dissaproval face. What an amazing coincedence. *Twitch*

We can have our opinions, it is okay if you like Hannah, and it is okay if you dont.

I will admit I like two of her songs, yes. I caved in xO:

See you again

One in a million

But that is absolutely it.

I really dont like HM or Miley, no offence to those who do.

The show is ok, I used to like it alot but know I'm likeing it less and less. Terrible jokes. and I hate laugh tracks, which they have alot of. Thats all I've got to say.

I voted that I am a huge fan. I watch Hannah Montana all the time, it is my favorite show. I know that it seems kinda little-kiddish but I still like it. Whenever I miss an episode, I record it. There's a new one on Friday! I'm excited! =]

The reasons I don't like Hannah Montana are many, but one of them is that he stuff is EVERYWHERE! Clothes, room stuff, wigs...aah! Hannah Montana is going to be another HSM when it comes to too much merchandise.

I went to this store, and they had wigs and nighlights and everything you could htink of o__o

In my opinion, it's just another lame Disney Channel show where the actors think they're hilarious.
*agrees* Disney thinks they can make everyone like a show. But really, w/ every person that is obsessed w/ it, there is 1 who hates it. They made a star, but it is Miley's choice to make herself an idiot or not. She's close. xD

:l :l :l :l :l :l :l :l :l :l :l :l >:0 xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


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Ugh, seriously. I HATE it. With a strong passion. Really, really, really strong passion.

Almost everywhere I go I see Hannah Montana merchandice crap! I'm starting to get really ticked off at it.

It seems like I'm being stalked by Hannah Montana stuffs... T-T

And :l face looks like a Bob. You are right Tama_Becca. xD

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I can't stand the sight or sound of Hannah Montana or Miley Cyrus!! They are both big fat stupid ugly annoying Jerks that try to date all three of the Jonas Brothers at once! I hate them!!!! :ph34r:   :(   :(
:l ^ I just :l-ed you! Yayz! xD

I ish a huge fan of the show.(*cough*Meh fav song*cough*)

I went to this store, and they had wigs and nighlights and everything you could htink of o__o
Ever since I posted that I've noticed the HM stuff everywhere. Just today I saw these metal Hannah Montana lunch boxes. And in a magazine there was an ad for a Hannah Montana VIDEO GAME!

Hannah Montana and the :l face are stalking me. D:

I HATE hannah montana, and Miley Cyrus. Im not going to start a flame about it though.Ask me why, if you want, but it is my opinion.

Please, dont give me th :l face... please.

Just kidding. xD It's ok if you dont like Hannah Montana. It's ok if anyone doesn't like Hannah Montana. Everyone has different opinions and the world would be a boring place if everyone had the EXACT same opinion about everything.

I really, really like Hannah Montana. It can be kiddish and just a little cheesy at times, but overall it's a fun show. :D

Ever since I posted that I've noticed the HM stuff everywhere. Just today I saw these metal Hannah Montana lunch boxes. And in a magazine there was an ad for a Hannah Montana VIDEO GAME!
Hannah Montana and the :l face are stalking me. D:
I know. They have a Mannah Montana video game for Wii Dx

This is TT's new record. There isn't a flame yet!

I watch it occasionally, but it annoys the poop outta me. x_x

The actors are horrible! I mean, the way the talk and what they say...it all sounds so artifical.

I do find it sort of addicting to watch but I just think the actors should act mroe natural.


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