Hanatchi99's Log


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Well-known member
Jun 18, 2005
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Yep yep I've finally decided to start another log. Now onto Tams. Right now I have two Tams going, Blue Dots Entama, and Orange Rainbow Uratama. My Entama is a girl Shiripuritchi named Yatsu. My Uratama is also a girl, a Kabotchi named Bikku. They are both on Generation 2 and are part of the secret character group. Yatsu's GUTS points are 131 - 119 - 252. I hope she ends up working for the Patchi Onsen! Bikku's GUTS points are 225 - 121 - 156.

I've been searching for the V4.5, but it seems like they're not out in Ontario yet. Wah! If I get one, it'll probably be the Purple Lava Lamp shell. Last time I went to Walmart I got this really cute Yattatchi Lanyard!

Time for Pics:

Yatsu, My Entama as an Okutchi

Bikku, My Uratama (Kabotchi)

Yattatchi Lanyard (It was the only pic I could find!)

A Tam Case I Knit!

Salsa the Tarakotchi (with an Afro!)

Thanks for reading! :rolleyes:

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Horray, Yatsu and Bikku evolved into adults! Yatsu is an Ashitchi and Bikku is a Gosutchi. I hope it won't be long before they get their job interviews. Incase you'd like to know, Yatsu was born from Dating Card 3, and Bikku was born from Dating Card 1.

Yesterday Yatsu and Bikku got their jobs! Yatsu works for the Patchi Onsen (of course!) and Bikku's a comedian, just like dad. In fact, Bikku's dad was Hyottokotchi, the secret comedy character.

Yeah, well anyways, Yatsu got her job with 282 Kindness Points and Yatsu got her job with 252 Humor Points. I'll see how many points they'll have to gain before they get two stars. Don't tell me, I'll find out. :)

Oh My! The matchmaker came, and Yatsu married a Minotchi and got a little girl, a Kuchikotchi. Bikku married a Matsuitchi and also got a girl, a Uramamekotchi. Yay! :mellow:

Bikku and Yatsu left :( But now I'm caring for their baby girls, Tetama and Comedy. Pretty obvious which is which. And whaddya know, they just evolved into Shippokotchi and Kuchipetchi. Now they got their preschool letter and 100 GP. Now they're in preschool! That was quick. :p Why don't I post some stats?

Name: Comedy

Age: 1

Gender: Female

Generation: 3

Gotchi Points: 32810

Humor Points: 30

Gorgeous Points: 0

Passion Points: 0

Name: Tetama

Age: 1

Gender: Female

Generation: 3

Gotchi Points: 15690

Intelligence Points: 0

Fashion Points: 0

Kindness Points: 14

Uhm, I was attempting to connect Comedy and Tetama, then Comedy reset herself! When I chose download, I checked the time and turns out Comedy is seven hours and thirteen minutes younger then Tetama. Ungh. ;)

Nothing much happened today. But sadly, they got quite a bit chubbier because I spent most of my day crocheting my sweater and I had no time to play games. But now I'm done so I better get their weight down! :D

Comedy's current GUTS points are 90 - 40 - 53. Tetama's GUTS points are 41 - 40 - 73. Yatsu and Bikku's GUTS points were quite a bit higher when they were kids. Gotta to use Enwarehouse... :ph34r:

Sorry, didn't have time to post yesterday. Yesterday Comedy and Tetama evolved into Young Dorotchi and Zouritchi. Tetama got into Yasashii class, and Comedy got into comedy class of course! B)

Yesterday I went to the Chinese Lantern Festival, it was amazing! I'll post my pics soon. :D

They evolved into adults! Tetama's a Yattatchi, and Comedy's a Horoyotchi. I'll take some pics soon, but my camera's being used.

Tetama and Comedy both got their jobs yesterday. You can guess which jobs they got :blink: Patchi Onsen and Comedian! Their GUTS points: Tetama - 49 - 41 - 250. Comedy - 250 - 41 - 97.

Yesterday night I decided to start up my Yellow with Orange Border and Buttons P1. His name is Chili and right now he's a Marutchi. I hope he grows up to be Mametchi. I'm taking the best care I can! :p

Tetama and Comedy got married! The matchmaker came and brought Serebutchi for Comedy, and Minotchi for Tetama. Comedy has a little Memeotchi, and Tetama, a Kuchikotchi. Whee ;)

And Chili, he's doing just fine. He hasn't evolved yet because P1s are quite a bit slower to evolve. :)

I woke up this morning to the sound of Chili evolving :ichigotchi: I was so happy to see he had evolved into Tamatchi! One step closer to Mametchi. That also means no snacks. Sigh.

Tetama and Comedy left yesterday. :ichigotchi: I named the Memeotchi Hashi-kun, which means Mr Chopsticks. I names the Kuchikotchi Yochi, which means Earth. They evolved into Kuchipetchi and Haneotchi (the wings are so cute! :furawatchi: )

Gargghh! I attempted to connect Yochi and Chopsticks but Chopsticks reset himself! I feel there's something wrong with this tam. It's so annoying. I changed the battery to see if that would help, and it did. I hope that doesn't happen again. :(

Yochi evolved into Young Dorotchi and got into Yasashii Class while Chopsticks didn't, because now he's eight hours and fifty-eight minutes younger. Urg. B)

I can't wait until 2-3 weeks when the TamaSuku comes! I found a very useful site on them on Mimitchi.com - click to see. :(

My goal has been accomplished, Chili is a Mametchi! Yay! :D

Chopsticks evolved into Daiyatchi and got into Gorgeous Class. Daiyatchi is so cute! ;) Yochi's GUTS points: 33 - 21 - 138, Chopsticks' GUTS points: 23 - 157 - 32.

I just finished crocheting a really cute clutch bag, some pics soon! :D

Yesterday Yochi and Chopsticks evolved into Yattatchi and Yasaguretchi, which means today they'll get their jobs! Does anyone know what the Gorgeous group jobs are? :rolleyes:

They did get their jobs! (Well of course they did, why wouldn't they? ;) ) Yochi works for the Patchi Onsen and Chopsticks got the highest ranked Gorgeous job, I don't know what that job is, but if you know, please PM me. :D

I reset Chili mainly because he was sorta getting neglected ( :blink: ) so I decided he was better on Tamaplanet. Goodbye, Chili :mametchi:

The matchmaker came for Yochi and Chopsticks! Yoshi married a Mametchi, and Chopsticks married an Urayattatchi. Yochi's child is a Mameotchi and Chopsticks' is a Kuchiotchi! :)

Why don't I post some pics?

Chopsticks with his Kuchiotchi

Yochi with her Mameotchi

All my tams!

I can't wait until the TamaSuku comes! Only half a week - one-and-one-half weeks 'til it comes! :nazotchi:

OMG!! Big update (s) ! :eek:

First, the TamaSuku came!! WOO! :D Well anyways, I'm a math teacher in my Tama Classroom, and my name is Erizabesu Teacher, or Miss Elizabeth! Yay! Now bow down to me, student minions! Haha kidding. :p The buttons are kinda confusing, but I'll get used to it. The tag is so cute, and it doesn't scratch against the screen. Everything is cute and the sounds are different.

Second, I started up two of my other tams, a Tropical flowers V3, a girl Piropiroritchi named Hashi, and a Purple V1, a boy Oniontchi named Kwat (I was bored, ok! :p ) I might have to pause them though, I'm quite busy with my TamaSuku..

Third, Yochi and Chopsticks left, ( :D ) and left behind their children. I named the Mameotchi Kumo (which means cloud) and the Kuchiotchi Te. They're busy bobbing around on the screen (and pooing!) :p


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