hamster handling


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Well-known member
Sep 13, 2006
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ok, i keep trying to 'hand tame' my hamster, he is fine with me petting him but if i pick him up, he simply slips away, i have a big teddy bear hamster but he is fast so when i pick him up he will jump out of my hand, i have wo problems

1. i think im holding him wrong and thats why its easy for him to slip away

2. im afraid im scaring him out of my mind, he has NOT even TRIED to bite me but he jumps out of my hands really fast.

am i doing somthing wrong? :furawatchi:

I had a golden teddy bear hamster. The slipping away thing is normal. They are just. Ute little creatures that are very squirmy. But the correct way to hold one is close to you body, use two hands, make sure the ha stern feels secure at all times. They like to cuddle and snuggle into tight small place and that makes them feel safe. They will usualy stay if they feel cuddled, safe, and warm. And remembor to wash your hands before and after touching you pet! If I had any grammatical errors, I am sorry. I am chatong very late at night and I'm using my iPod touch to type this! Have fun with you pet!!!

I have a hamster, but I didn't have much of a problem.

The reason I got my hamster TJ is because he had already been hand tamed, and was the tamest in the store...the only one I could pick up!!

Of course, the first week or so I was nervous picking him up and didn't do it that often, but now I have no trouble picking him up and do it all the time.

To properly pick up a hamster is to place your fingers behind their front feet, pick it up, and quickly put it into your cupped palm. Place your other hand gently on it's back to prevent it from jumping and squirming away.

I had a golden teddy bear hamster. The slipping away thing is normal. They are just. Ute little creatures that are very squirmy. But the correct way to hold one is close to you body, use two hands, make sure the ha stern feels secure at all times. They like to cuddle and snuggle into tight small place and that makes them feel safe. They will usualy stay if they feel cuddled, safe, and warm. And remembor to wash your hands before and after touching you pet! If I had any grammatical errors, I am sorry. I am chatong very late at night and I'm using my iPod touch to type this! Have fun with you pet!!!
oh! its kinda hard though to hold him close to me because he is in a semi-big box so he dosnt get away and to get it close to me i would have to lift him up high, bend over, then do that, but he would have either squirmed away by then or he would squrm away later and fall on the ground! :angry:

I have a hamster, but I didn't have much of a problem.The reason I got my hamster TJ is because he had already been hand tamed, and was the tamest in the store...the only one I could pick up!!

Of course, the first week or so I was nervous picking him up and didn't do it that often, but now I have no trouble picking him up and do it all the time.

To properly pick up a hamster is to place your fingers behind their front feet, pick it up, and quickly put it into your cupped palm. Place your other hand gently on it's back to prevent it from jumping and squirming away.
ok i will try that! but do you think i am scaring him out of his mind?


OK I will try that! but do you think I am scaring him out of his mind? :)
Don't worry! Hamsters are little tiny creatures and we are big, bulky humans.


Before you even bother picking him up, try to let him sniff you. After that gently pet him, and then sort of slip your hand under him. If he freaks out, wait an hour or so, and try again until you can work your way up to holding him. My hamster was simple, I picked him up once and he bit me, after that he never bit me again. All animals are different though, you know?


Good luck with your hamster =] Keep me posted through PM.


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