Today wasn't too eventful

Waiting on hitting adult, atm!
But I did manage to catch a photo of Tofu in the bathtub :3
After that, I decided to try and go figure out the swimming game. When you start, there's you and two of your opponents. Then you select 1, 2, or 3... and I believe it's you guessing which place you'll come in for the race! After you select this number, the race begins. So far, I haven't found any sort of button combo that clearly speeds you up. I did see that Tofu once began to drown, so I quickly pushed all the buttons I could and he came back up, lol. But anyways! Here's some photos of us practicing swimming

I know it doesn't look like it, but Tofu came in first place for this one!!
He later went to sleep. Must be tired from today's activities
And bonus photo for fun, lol!
Edit: I'm proud to say that I think I'm going to pick up this Akai as a main Tama :3 This is my first time running a Japanese Connection/Ketai, and so far, it's been fun. I'm enjoying how it's so different from what I'm used to. The one that I'm running for this hatch is one that came a lightly used, but the package was quite unraveled. I do have another Akai (yellow sweets) that's in perfect packaging, and I I guess I'll keep that one for a collection

Tofu is making me want to keep him forever, ofc. ♥