hair dye


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Sep 11, 2009
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o.k so on thursday night I dyed my hair red with my sister. It turned out to look un-natural and my school only lets us have natural colors. I was freaking out all day because last period I have a really strict teacher. I thought she was gonna kill me!!!! she just said my hair got redder, but I have a feeling some teachers are mad about it but they said nothing on friday because it was almost the weekend. Now I have to wash my hair a bunch to make it fade. How do you avoid getting picking a color and it not turning out the way you like? I can't die my hair again because my hair is super thin and dry all the time, if i did it this weekend my hair might fall out. So is their anyway to interpret what the color on the box will really turn out like?

I would recommend looking for dyes that have the hair color sample below the box. These will show you what the color should turn out like if all of the directions are followed correctly.

Make sure to follow the directions on the package when using home hair dyes. If it tells you to leave it in for x amount of time before you wash it out, then leave it in for that long. Be careful, and hopefully your next hair dying experience will turn out better.

On the side of the packages there should be a table where it shows what certain shades of hair would turn out with the hair dye.

My mum won't let me buy hair dye unless it has that on the side.

Like, blonde hair with red hair dye would turn out different to brown hair.

Oh how untrue.. The school never follows all the rules. xDD

I've seen kids at our school who's hair, is Pink (she eventually made it darker), Dark Pink, Red, Purple, and Brunette. My advice.. wear it in a way so it doesn't look too extreme. You can also touch it up with some black or another color to make it look more "natural".

Because people don't know what could've had happened to your hair..

Remember: adding black makes it less extreme. ;)

Isn't there supposed to be a little example picture that comes with the packcage of dye?

Because if your school doesn't allow outrageous colors, I would think you would look into that factor a bit more than you did.

^ Well, she might of left it in too long, or something.

Well, if you put your hair up, would it make it less noticeable?

Well--what kind of hair dye did you get?

I use Raw Candy Pink for my streaks and I know the longer I keep it in and more I use, the brighter it gets. So I leave it in for up to two hours. My hair is black, though the areas I dye are bleached.

Maybe you left in too long? Did you follow the instructions?

And then if you bought Garnier or L'Oreal there's that little panel on the side with the results. Did you check that?

Make sure to follow the directions on the package when using home hair dyes. If it tells you to leave it in for x amount of time before you wash it out, then leave it in for that long. Be careful, and hopefully your next hair dying experience will turn out better.
Yeah, I'd agree.. Make sure you follow directions exactly how they are supposed to be followed.

And maybe if your friend or someone you know has dyed their hair the colour you want to go, ask them which brand/type they used so you can hopefully get the same results. :ichigotchi:

I once dyed my hair red for red nose day. The dye apparently came out in three washes, so I washed it five times and it had come out a bit, and I couldn't be bothered so I thought I'd just have reddish hair for the next day... the next day I woke up and found it had gone bright red and school weren't too happy. xD I liked the colour, they didn't. ]:

So, like everyone else said, be careful with hair dye, it can go very wrong. x.x

Tell your teacher it was an accident. Some girl in my school tried to make streaks in her hair and it ended up red. She didn't get in trouble by saying it was an accident

Also, I'd recommend going to a salon to get your hair done. Ask then what you could do to fix the red.

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Has no one heard of patch testing?

Before you dye your whole head, do a strand of hair near the tips so you can cut it off if it fails. I've got experience with hair dye xD

You might just have to wait for your hair to get healthy before you re-dye it. It'll fade eventually. Try deep-conditioning your hair to help it out.

I think our school has that rule, but plenty of girls (and boys) don't follow it. There's even a boy with green hair XD but our new head is a completely annoying over-the-top b****, so she'll probably enforce that rule.

Anyway, don't dye your hair again until it gets healthier. Also don't dye it black. I knew this girl who'd dyed her hair reddish and then got sick of it and dyed it black, and somehow it turned out this weird plummish colour XD, and don't dye it too much or you'll end up like this girl in my class who dyed her hair about twenty times then when she dyed it back to it's natural colour (blonde) it turned out practically every colour BUT blonde. And another girl has yellow hair because she dyed it too much. Yes, you read right. Not blonde. YELLOW

There you go, the inexperianced unhelpful advice from everyone's oldest and dearest friend Worst.Username.Ever

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