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The second one is even funnier. xD

Sadie reached out and gently took one of Ysi's hands. "You sure you don't need a nap, sweetie?" Sadie adored the cute little girl. She was so cute when she was sleepy.

Heh, I'll have to watch it in a bit.

Have you listened to our YouTube Bedtime Story? I think you'll like it xDD

Ysi tried to be stubborn, and not come out with the yawn that was building up. She failed, and yawned, putting her head down on Brandon's shoulder to muffle it. "Mmm.. Maayyybeee.." she said, pouting.

"Hey, before you go to sleep, I'll put up your picture for you, how about that?" Brandon asked softly.

"Okay, Uncle B."

Brandon lead Sadie through with him into Ysi's room, gently taking the picture from her little hand and setting her down on the bed. He found a pack of blu-tack in one of her drawers, and kneaded it with his fingers before sticking it to all four corners of the back of the drawing and then stuck it on the wall, next to his potrait of her that he'd done.

Ysi smiled sleepily. "Thanks, Uncle B. And thanks for drawin' it, Deedee." She said, after taking her shoes off and giving the picture another admiring look.

How's your German partner?

Sadie kissed the top of Ysi's little blonde head. "You're very welcome. Now, would you like to hear a story before your nap? Or maybe a lullaby?"

She's great, we're having a blast :3 I'm only on while I'm doing homework. And now I'm done, so this is my only post for now xP

"Will you and Uncle B sing a lullaby for me, pretty please?" Ysi asked, still sounding slightly sleepy, though obviously trying to cover it up.

xDDD Okay. Have fun!

Sadie nodded and said, "Of course we will. What would you like us to sing?" She picked up Ysi and placed her on her bed, then tucked her in.

Okay, maybe not.. My pronter is having trouble doing what it should, so maybe I can squeeze in a few more xD

"I don't know.. Whatever song is your favourite, or Uncle B's. I know which one that is..!"

Brandon chuckled. "Oh, so you've heard me play Iris quite a lot, then?"

"Mmhhmmm! It's a pretty song, Uncle B!"

xDD Hooray for Print fails!

Sadie said, "Well then, let's sing it, Brandon." She smiled up at him, sitting down on the bed.

The left side of my mouth is numb. xD

Sadie nodded and said, "Yeah, they used to play it on the radio all the time."

Really? Howcome?

"Oh, okay. Good." He smiled and started singing, and the whole time, he felt like he was singing it to her-- even though it had been for Ysi, the words just seemed to fit how he felt about Sadie. "And I'd give up forever to touch you.."

I went to the dentist and they numbed my mouth.

Sadie sang the harmony, making it up on the spot. It actually sounded dead on the harmony used in the recording-- of course, in a different voice. It fit their relationship perfectly. She just wanted him to know who she was.

Oh, okay.

Well, My printer is officially stuffed up. Have to print my stuff off at school D:

So, I'll talk to you later!

Soprano and tenor, their voices fitting each others perfectly, the harmonies she'd put in made it sound far better than if he'd sung it by himself. He gazed into her eyes for the last few moments of the song, looking as he he was looking for something in them.

Ysi was totally out by the end-- she loved hearing Brandon sing, and she often fell asleep halfway through a song. So Brandon chuckled softly, kissing Sadie briefly before pushing a pillow under the sleeping child's head without disturbing her.

He looked back to Sadie and whispered, "I love you.."

I've returned!

Sadie leaned forward and whispered in his ear, "I love you too." Smiling, she gently adjusted the covers for Ysi, then crept out of the young girl's room, silently. She waited in the hall for Brandon.

Woo! I missed you!

Brandon spent a few moments just watching the sleeping girl. She brought so much joy to him, so cute and innocent, but such a kind child. He leaned down ad kissed her head quickly before heading out into the hallway as well, closing the door just a little bit as he did so.

I missed getting on! I've been so busy with the musical, and a day camp, and all that.

Sadie gently took Brandon's hand in her own, stroking his knuckles with her thumb. "I think you and kids go together, Brandon," she told him quietly, smiling. "I mean... you're so natural at taking care of others. I bet you're going to be a great father, someday."

How's all of that going, anyway?

Brandon squeezed her hand gently. "I love children. And I love Ysi, especially." He pulled her a little bit closer, and took both of her hands in his. "When you said about getting married and having children, I was so happy. I want you to know how much I'd love that. I wouldn't want any other woman to be a mother to my children." He smiled gently. "It just breaks my heart to think about it. You realise it may not be possible if you become a vampire?"

It's going very well! The dancing is so much fun! I actually get to dance on a table at one point! =D

Sadie's expression became solemn, which was uncharacteristic for her. "I... Yes, I know. And I'm torn. I want you to change me, as soon as you feel ready, but... I don't want to end up infertile."

Awesome! We got to dance on tables when we did Stick to the Status Quo in HSM xD

"There are gambles either way.." He said, "If I were to change you, who knows? We could be lucky. I've never known a made vampire to have children, but we can't rule it out. the other side is, it would be impossible, and we could never have our own children. And if you were to stay a human, we've already established what problems there are with that without even starting on having a family. On top of that, a lot of things could go wrong.." He hugged her gently, But we'll figure something out."


Sadie whispered, "Brandon... what if we don't?" She looked up at him, the fear evident in her gaze. She knew the gambles. She knew changing could be fatal. Having a vampire baby, while still being a human, was fatal. She knew all of these things. And she wondered: what if things ended for the worst?

Brandon sighed quietly, trying to mentally fight away the fear and sadness building up inside him. The look in her eyes really did make his heart ache, and he could bearely raise his voice above a whisper when he said, "I don't know how to answer that... I just know I'd never forgive myself for it.." He choked on his words a little bit. "I can barely forgive myself for falling in love with you, so that you'd have to think about all of this.."

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