Name: Lee
Age: 18
Gender - Sexual Ori: Male - Straight
Species - Ability: Human - He can levitate up to six feet in the air... fear him... with his levitation he can do backflips and frontflips and stuff like that though, and he can combine it with jump kicks, martial arts, blah, I'm getting lazy here, and he can also just jump into the air, and stay there, suspended in mid-air to try and avoid people from throwing things at him, or catching him, etc.
Appearance: About 5'9", he's not tall, but not overly short, he has dark brown hair and eyes, and actually looks a lot younger than he actually is.
Background: His sister was just killed, and he's afraid he'll be next, so he's trying to drink away his fears and grief away.
Other: He's very clumsy, so imagine what he's like when he's drunk.