Sonicfan, if you just unpause your Tama-Go, it can't actually die. Seriously, I left mine alone for over 24 hours and it was ill, but other than that, it was just fine. If it's the low-maintenance thing that's boring, get a higher-maintenance one. But, if you're super-busy, unpause the Tama-Go and try your luck with the characters, no risk involved (other than getting bad care characters). Or take a break, remove the batteries, etc. Then you'll start reminiscing about how awesome it is to play with them, and you've got your Tama-Go right there, just put in the batteries. It's happened to me many times.
So simply put, as a Tamagotchi fan, you'll find yourself drawn back toward your Tamagotchi like a magnet when you're ready. Have fun!