Guilty Pleasures


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Well-known member
Sep 15, 2008
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In my Sock Drawer
So I am finding a few guilty pleasures I have. What do you do/have that is pleasurable to you? Mind you, still need to keep this young eye safe...

To start, I think I enjoy reading old (password) journals too much. The last one was short but it was pretty crude. It's weird how journals sometimes make it into donation places to sell... some, with unedited content.

Listening to old music that should probably be burned. (Tapes/Cassettes)

Playing kindergarten level games from ol' dead computer. One with the CD sized floppy disk. *gasp* Yes, they did come that big and they put actual games on floppy disk, not just reports/typed up stuff. Yush.

To start...

Eating ketchup flavour potato chips. They're bad for you, they don't even really taste like ketchup, and everyone else I know thinks they're disgusting.....but I like 'em. Maybe it's because I can't stand actual ketchup.

Colouring. I have this "colouring book" of super intricate prism designs, and it's relaxing to just sit down with a fistful of pencil crayons and see what eye-burning colour combinations I can dream up.

And jumping rope. When I baby-sit my little cousins, they ask me to join in, we do the rhymes and games and everything and it's just as fun as it was when I was their age.

Playing with duplos, eating meat with the fat even though you're not supposed to eat the fat.. :p

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Pewdiepie. I can't help what I find fabulous. Everyone else hate poods, and I wont admit it, but his bids are pretty ok.


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Coloring in coloring books. I have emergency crayons and coloring books for when I need a break from being a grown up.

Painting sun catchers for same reason as above.

Eating junk food and not caring.

Fast food, especially McDonald's. Eating when I'm not even hungry.

food. hahaha.

Also like looking at the books I used to write in when I was little, it's fun to see 'em memories.

I like playing these two games that are supposedly meant for 4 year olds in the AppStore..

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Talking to myself. Everyone does this I think. But I kinda do it daily and like every hour and I have long conversations with myself. Also, cleaning is an odd guilty pleasure. I loooooove cleaning our aircon and our fridge. Makes me want to clean stuff now.

I'd say reading is a huge guilty pleasure for me, just because most nights when I get off work, I'd rather read for six hours straight than interact with my boyfriend/roomates/anyone that exists in the real world. I think I just get burned out on interacting with people thanks to the customer-service aspect of my job, and just want to be left alone when I'm finally off the clock.

Going to add another...

kissy noises at one of my cats. If I am looking at her, she twitches her ears everytime, uncontrolled.

Kids cartoons. I have to add kids cartoons. When I'm stressed out, old school nick tools (Doug, Rocco's Modern Life, etc.) Or MLP become staples of my decompression.

listening to awful but catchy girly pop music, trolling people on DA, doing 3-week homework projects at the last minute if i suspect that anyone is beginning to doubt my ability to do ANY piece of work in a single lunch time, going on 18+ relationship advice sites and pretending to be 20, fangirling over my numerous fictional character crushes. i think that's about it xP

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