"Grow up"


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even though you have to grow up on the outside, you can always be as childish as you want

i am 11 years old, and i still do the things i did when i was 5! E.G. playing with my doll house, playing with dolls, watching some child tv shows etc... now at age 11, i am still the same 5 year old inside, but i have to start to realise changes on the outside.
:D way to go toys!

Me? Grow up? Nah. I act half my age (I have an even age) and watch preschoolers shows. It's great to be a kid. Why stop? :D Of course,you can't always be a kid,but,hey,you'll have to let it go some day.

Shoot, I'm way older than most of you, and I still watch Spongebob. Nothing wrong with that at all. I like ICarly as well. Not to mention Tamagotchis, Hello Kitty (I even have a HK tattoo). I think we all remember the fun times we had as kids, and really don't want that part of our lives to disappear entirely. I think Mothra said it best in an earlier post. I feel the same way she does.

"Growing up" is such a broad term.

I think everybody does grow up in some ways. Height, etc etc. And maturity levels increase in 99% of people as they get older as well.

But people don't necessarily have to grow out of things they loved as a child/still love.

im 14, im seem to have a never ending love for tamas

i watch a whole bunch a "childish" stuff

some people say i act a little immature for my age. guess what they are right

i love acting the way i do

I still watch cartoons every once and a while. It doesn't mean I haven't grown up.

I've been grown for a long time and I still watch cartoons ( Spongebob included ) and collect toys. My childhood wasn't the greatest so I'm not really nostalgiac for things that were popular then. I'm more nostalgiac for the late 90s when Tamagotchi started the whole VPet thing and Furby came out and got me addicted to VPets. I'm not all that fond of plain stuffed animals or action figures but I love virtual pets of all types from Tamagotchi to Aibo and I always will. No matter how old I get.

well i must say i am a little grown up,

having a gf to look after makes me feel responsible, i just want to make sure she is happy

also, im more or less mature when i have to be.

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When comes to being grown up... we i guess i am. still watch kid's shows alot but i have a good reputation of being responsible. Also i look after my little bro often too.

Honestly... I don't think we ever really grow up. I'm always going to be a child at heart, and love my old past times, like watching Disney movies, playing make-believe, wishing on stars, everything! Just because you like something from childhood doesn't mean you're childish. I think we all deserve the chance to cling to those tiny things that remind us of the innocence of youth, and the memories we love from that time in our lives.

I think the term "grow up" is ageist and in my opinion, ableist. (Ageism is discrimination against age and ableism is being against people who aren't able bodied.)

I think it's ageist because it's discriminating against younger people and how they act, and I think it's ableist becuase some people don't know "how" to "grow up".

Anyway, I don't think it's necessary to grow up. I mean if you want to act young, do it!

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"Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up."

— C.S. Lewis

My new reply...

Do I think we have to grow up? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SX3JnUhTaE&feature=related

Heck, I wish I was young. I really miss playing with barbies and stuff like that. I also get snide remarks about being 'immature' but I'm like 'lolok but you guys aren't fun, so yeah, I can be immature kthnxbai' .

Yeah.. and I still love SpongeBob.. and I watch Adventure Time and Bakugan > :D

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I made a post a while back.


In some ways, I can me really mature.

But a part of me holds on to my childhood. (I am still a child, but by the time I turned 11 it was time to grow up. :/) And I think that's what makes me do what I do. I love Webkinz. <3 I grew up with them, and even though I don't buy them anymore or play with them online. The 90 Webkinz I own are very special to me. I also do silly things like... well there's a lot of things I do that are not-so-mature. Haha. :)

And unlike everybody else in my school,

I only watch cartoons. Haha. No Jersey Shore for me.

I don't like to let myself watch anything "bad." If that makes sense. Well, except for South Park. LOL.

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