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Well-known member
Feb 13, 2007
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hello tamatalkers! i'm having my grade 8 graduation tonight and i absolutely can't wait! there's gonna be a party and then a dance, it's gonna be major fun! 'cept i don't have a date..the people i asked are with my friends. :mimitchi: oh well....boys are dopey. :p

so out of curiosity, i wanted to ask..when were your graduations and what are your memories from them?

can't wait to hear about them. :eek:

The only graduation I've had so far was my 5th grade graduation. It was really fun. Gabby-chan and I ran around the school with our shoes off, drank too much punch, and she ate too much cake. We also hugged all of our old teachers...even the nazi.


Good luck with your graduation tonight! =D

My favorite graduation was probably my high school graduation. After it, my friends and I started attacking my other friends with pie! xD

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[SIZE=7pt]I had my Grade 8 Graduation last night, and it was amazing. :lol: [/SIZE]

Everyone was sad to leave eachother, and I won't be going to the same High School as any of them.

I didn't have a date, because my guy is in a different school.

I got many compliments, even from a guy that I liked.

The dance was so funny. Lots of laughs.

People got cake in their faces.

I miss my Elementary school.

It's officially summer for me.

I hope that you had a great grad, Vanilla!

I know that I did.

It's time to go outside and tan, it's summer 2008. ;)

aww, thanks for the wishes! our grad starts in 5 hours, and i'm skipping the afternoon to get ready and just chill. *SQUEE* <P and you're grad parties sound so fun! hopefully our teachers will let us live a little. *cake in our face, a great tradition* =]

I just finished 8th grade, and we didn't get a graduation party or anything. I think the Junior High is just glad to get rid of all us and send us up to the Intermediate and get out of their hair. .__.

Well, we did have an 8th grade only jeans-and-t-shirt dance after school one day in early May. But that was it.

oh my god!! that was the most fun ever! we had pizza, a dance ( i slow danced 6 out of 7 times <D and when absolutely crazy during soulja boy and cha cha slide ) and took soo many pictures with my guy friends and girl friends! it was the greatest night ever!!

My 5th grade graduation. I was really hyper, and so I was running around the whole gym with my friends. It was fun. x3 Congrats, on your 8th grade gradution!

-Temari Nara

oh my god!! that was the most fun ever! we had pizza, a dance ( i slow danced 6 out of 7 times <D and when absolutely crazy during soulja boy and cha cha slide ) and took soo many pictures with my guy friends and girl friends! it was the greatest night ever!!
[SIZE=7pt]Ditto! [/SIZE]

Soulja Boy and cha cha slide were really crazy at my school.

I miss it so much!


i also forgot to mention "Low". we went so crazy during that, and i had my own lil' dance for it. :rolleyes:

[SIZE=13pt] :3 Yeaaah~ I had my grade 8 graduation like 3 years ago...[/SIZE]

Pretty fun, and crazy at the same time.

And my sister just had her graduation like 2 days ago! ^_^ SO MUCH FUN! LOL

:D Me and my brother were joking around throughout most of it...lulz, but we all had a really good time.

;] My sis even got a few awards so I was quite happy for her!

My next graduation is going to be next year. (8th grade graduation). The only ones I ever had is 5th grade and we even had like a mini-kindergarden graduation. Oh. I had a D.A.R.E. graduation too. I broke my finger that day though. o_o Graduations are sad. :c

[SIZE=7pt]Ditto! [/SIZE]
Soulja Boy and cha cha slide were really crazy at my school.

I miss it so much!

The wouldn't play Soulja Boy or Low at any of our school dances. "It's inappropriate." :p

My school's so lame.

Glad you had fun, Vanilla!

My 5th grade grad. I got lots of complements and I won 3 AWARDS. I got Golden achedemic acheivement(sp?), Some sort of golden art award, and coolest of all, THE AMERICAN LEGION AWARD. And I also got the certificate for passing the grade. In my 6th grade grad I got an award for national science something, 2nd place in the entire grade. And of coarse the certificate for passing. Also I was on the A honor role all year, which I was reconized for but sadly was not given a certificate for.

The wouldn't play Soulja Boy or Low at any of our school dances. "It's inappropriate." :D
My school's so lame.

Glad you had fun, Vanilla!
Oh really? That sucks. Guess your teachers are smart. My teachers are dumb, they either can't understand what they are saying, or can't figure out what "superman that" means. Probably both. Or maybe they are being really nice, and playing it. I'll never know.

hah. my school is catholic, and even the teachers join in with Soulja Boy. :huh:

hello tamatalkers! i'm having my grade 8 graduation tonight and i absolutely can't wait! there's gonna be a party and then a dance, it's gonna be major fun! 'cept i don't have a date..the people i asked are with my friends. :angry: oh well....boys are dopey. :p so out of curiosity, i wanted to ask..when were your graduations and what are your memories from them?

can't wait to hear about them. :D
WoAh . Dajavu ' o_O

I graduated grade 8 last week, and it was awesome. I got a really pretty dress which everyone loved, and my hair was curled. I felt like a princess.

I was valedictorian, so I had to make/read a speech, and they only told my 7 days ahead of time. It turned out good though, it was funny, but I said the highschools masscot wrong... :'(

Anyways I won a medallion for something which I forget, won english [YAAAY] and french [which was surprising cause the teacher hates me], and I got an over 80% average certificate. The dance afterwards was sooo awesome too, just the perfect night. Everyone slow danced with every guy because we're all so close, but then we rocked out to the fast songs. xD

It was annoying though because the DJ kept playing music he liked when we had 575 song requests. Grr..

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