GotchiGirl96's New TamaLog!


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Chip got accepted into Preschool this afternoon but he hasn't attended it yet. He has been doing good and today I earned a bit more skill points hoping to get into the Kuchi family for some different character options.

Nothing much has happened today excluding the fact that I accidently game Chip a time out when he was crying and that his intelligence points are now 105. :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :mametchi: :nazotchi: :mimitchi: :kusatchi: :nyatchi: :D

I played with my Tama a lot before I went to school. I had to wake him up because he was still asleep. I'm so sorry my log is so boring, but this is where I keep my record of my Tamagotchi. Not that detailed, but it'll do for now. So, bye for now!

Lesli is an Ichigotchi! Not a Young Memetchi but has the same Ponytchi character possiblities which is why I chose Mr. Canvas for a teacher because I'm aiming for a Violetchi.

Lesli became a Violetchi today. She is so cute and I can't wait until she gets a job. I want to get the chef job or maybe an intelligence job. I don't know. I'll have to see when the job listings come tomorrow. Or maybe I want to be a bus driver. That is also a really fun job. I don't care about the pay seeing as I already have the max. amount of points- 99,999. And the pay will vary not by job but by how much you played the job game and how well you did on the game each time.

She is 3 today and I just cleaned up her poop and filled her hearts. She has mail. I better go check it. 2 mails actually. A fortune cookie with 2 point stars, 1 heart star and 2 man stars. And also a letter containing a poop which made Lesli mad and took away all her happy hearts. Great. Now I have to go play a game.

Jump Rope. Completed the game and got the excellent scoring and added 400 points to my bank which didn't do anything because like I said I already have the max number of points. It brought her up 5 intelligence points. So she has 59 intelligence points, 49 style points, and 108 kindness points.

There really isn't anything else to say except that she is on the 10th generation, she turned 3 today like I already said and she weighs 38 pounds, which pretty much wraps up her stats.

I'll post more either later or tomorrow.

She is now 6 and has a baby girl. Her job is at the bus garage and she drives the bus around flowers. I've gotten so good at the game I win a lot of the time. In fact, I won so many times in one day that I actually got payed 2600+ points for working the next day!

Lesli has 65 intelligence points, 49 style points, and now 203 kindness points. She just keeps climbing the ladder higher. She's so sweet because she has lots of intelligence points!

I finally started up my 11th generation. Her name is Anna, and once again, she is the panda toddler. She hasn't been to preschool yet, but she has met Miss Frill and she is able to if she wants to. Right now she has mail. It's been sitting there for a while. Better go check it.

Fortune Cookie. 2 points stars, 3 heart stars, and only 1 man star. Not bad. Better than a lot that I've seen. Next time we'll hope to get at least 2 of every area! Well, I'd better get going now. I'll update later.

Another Young Memetchi for me. I'm going to try getting a universal character this time. I figured if I just feed Anna snacks and never play any games with her so she'll have low skill points and neglect her a bit, I could get a Hanatchi or Masktchi or Pyonkotchi.

It didn't work. Just about 57 seconds ago Anna turned into a Ponytchi. Better luck next time. I got a great idea for next time. I'll never play any games so it has no skills and it'll be 99 pounds, I'll neglect it, and I'll leave it at 0 training points. I'll be assured a universal character!
