Gotchi Guy's Tamagotchi log


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Saturday, April.5th

Big news! :gozarutchi:

OK let's get to my brother's tama first,Bianca morphed into a Mimitchi like Deborah.My little Benjamin evolved into what I was hoping for,a Mametchi.It's just like Deborah and Jacob the other way around! haha.

Benjamin and Bianca are two happy faces and two neutral faces in the friends list.Me and my brother both want girls-about my band now.

Well,the teacher gave me a violin and I met Dino the Nonopotchi and Lisa the Chamametchi.Lisa is a Maidtchi and Dino is a Kuromametchi and the band name is stolen,pretty cool,huh? :marumimitchi:

So far they have failed there first two auditions but I believe in stolen! they can do it! currently Benjamin likes Asian music,TTFN!

Stolen succesfuly made their audition and they jumped from 999th to 7th.I could not be more happy with Stolen's progress :gozarutchi: .


Benjamin still enjoys Asian music,he weighs 31LB and his stats are 557/501/419. :wacko:


P.S. I purchased the Mocha costume for him to use. :marumimitchi:

Stolen just had a concert,they are now coming 5th.

I found out Mametchi's favourite food if anyone wanted to know,it's omelette.When I go to feed Ben one he has a happy face and when I feed him it and he finishes it plays a little sound and it says "great!".

Lucky I have a spare omelette for ol' Benny. :marumimitchi:

Sunday, April.6th

Benjamin got 1000000 from Guitartchi this morning and he and Bianca turned 3 and still cannot marry.

Stolen is ranked 4th,their doing realy good. :angry:

Sunday, April.7th

Hey guys.Bet we are all looking forward to the holidays.

I'm slightly dissapointed.This morning Benjamin bred with Bianca to make two baby boys.I was hoping for a girl,but anyway boys are still cool! I think I should call him Cory,hoping he will become a Dorotchi.

Stolen is still ranked 4th.Ben used the mocha costume yesterday and he is practising now.

Skills are 772/720/746.Cory enjoys watching him play the mega drum.

That's all for now. :D

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Wednesday, April.9th

Hi guys! Cory is on his own,now!

Little Cory's stats are 209/310/253.I am going to make rythm the highest and see who I get! which hopefully is a Dorotchi.

He is yet another poor boy that has to play with the robot,teacher better bring a boys toy! oh and he plays the saxaphone.The teacher gave Ben a harp.

Silly me forgot to mention what character Cory is,he is a Kutchitamatchi,I was hoping for one because I already had Kuribotchi.

Friday, April. 10th

Sup. :D


Little Cory started a band with a Chamametchi named Jenny and a Nonopotchi named Daniel.The teacher gave Cory a bass drum.


Here I go again without mentioning who he evolved into :angry: ,he morphed into a Kikitchi which I was hoping for.


Jenny plays the harp and Daniel plays the drums.I have three types of drums now,bass,mega and normal.Daniel plays normal. :rolleyes:


I called the band 'Anime' because I was watching cartoons when the teacher visited :) .Cory has 0 stress and his stats are 421/480/451.I'm keeping rythm the highest to see who I get.


I think the band's Music Bond is strong because I have won the school minigame about 3 or 4 times.


I realy hope when Cory grows and raises a family he will breed a GIRL.Not that I dislike the boys,I just think the female characters are better this version.I mean come cannot say Dango Obatchi is not the coolest oldy ever!

Sunday, April. 12th

Happy Easter!


Hope all of you guys are having a great Easter.Cory evolved into a Kuromametchi because I accidentaly got original the highest.That is fine though,I realy like Kuromametchi's.He is 3 years old and just finished playing with his robot :) .


When he saw Daniel and Jenny they morphed.Daniel is an Androtchi and Jenny is a Kunoitchi.They got in first audition and they like R&B.They are ranked second with 182,620,502 fans.I want him to go back to liking Classical music because I don't want to replace Roberts R&B award.


He weighs 31LB's.I try to keep him healthy by making him practise alot and playing alot of games.His stats are 619/704/740.


I'll post if anything exciting happens!,enjoy your easter! ^_^

Monday, April. 13th

Cory is still 3 years old and his stats have increased to 756/815/833 and his stress is 0.


They haven't had a concert yet and they are still ranked 2nd.He likes R&B.I have been trying to get him to change his music genre but no luck.I guess Anime are going to have to stay an R&B band!


I hope Guitartchi brings Cory a Makiko.I just think that'd look realy cool,with a baby GIRL in the middle of them. :rolleyes:


I'll get him to use the spot costume tomorrow.He should get his pay check soon.Guitartchi has been generous and has been giving me 5000000GP.


'Cause theres not much else to type i'll give you a list of male characters I realy want,top 5.


Top 5 male characters


Androtchi:I am choosing this as the top character I want because I have never had one and think a robot tamagotchi would be cool.My brother hates these.


Dorotchi:I had one of these once in the V3 but my brother reset it and I was devistated.


Kutchipatchi:I rarely get these and there realy cool.


Dreamtchi:The special character...only a few know how to achieve.


Gozarutchi:I will regret taking bad care of my Tam,but Gozarutchi is awesome!


Yo. :eek:

Lucky Cory used the Spot costume this morning and when I went to feed him a choco bar in the menu he smiled and looked all happy.I fed it to him and it said "great".So there you go,Spots favourite food is chocolate. :D

He should be able to marry early tomorrow or late this evening.I hope he marries a Makiko like I said before,perfect match.

Cory's skills are...oh! I don't want to interupt! the Easter Bunny is visiting.A bit late?

Well,let me assure you all his skills are higher than 860.Last night he won an award for R&B and he is currently coming 2nd and likes Classical.You know what that means. :(

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I got awesome news! this morning I woke Cory up and set the clock to 4:59pm.Guitartchi came and brought a wonderful Mimitchi with him.Cory realy liked her so I said marry.Heres the good news...


They had a baby girl!!! :( .I plan to name her Angela,she is realy cute.Cory has 0 stress and picked up the Classical trophy last night.His skills are coming along nicely,they are 961/999/999.I have to raise tone higher.


I plan to make Angela's Tone the highest,I realy want Violetchi or Chantotchi,that would be excellent.


Cory has been fun to raise,he is my favourite tama so far.He got me an award,well two to be exact.He had a girl,he has just been so awesome!


We will miss you Cory... :( :( :( .


C'ya guys and have fun with your tamas! treat them well!!!

Hi again.

I forgot to mention the glitch I experienced earlier this morning.Cory was practising with Angela and hise wife and after a while,he gave his saxaphone to Mimitchi (his wife).Mimitchi turned into all these wierd lines.

I remember there was a similar glitch like this that happened to a TamaZone member.Their Tosakatchi played the drums and changed into a Dreamtchi for a few seconds.

How odd. :huh:

I guess I should give you my top 5 female Tama's I would like to get...

Top 5 female characters

Dazzleitchi:I reckon I'll never achieve this Tama but it dosen't hurt to dream does it?

Violetchi:Violetchi is just a classic.I realy want one.

Memetchi:Ahh,Memetchi.Another classic.

Sebiretchi:I have only had a Sebiretchi once and I would be super happy to achieve another one!

Kunoitchi:I have never had this character,well,one of them Robby had for a wife and I thought it seemed pretty cool.


I'll be sure to make a TOP Music Star character list!


I made Cory leave Angela this morning,that is a habit of mine.I usualy make them leave the baby.

Angela inherited 246 in all stats from Cory.Now Angela has 303/274/301.Her toy is a panda and she plays the violin.

I'm surprised to say she morphed into Tamatchi.I think this is quite rare as most people get Hitodetchi.Maybe this means I will get a different teenager,Chamametchi would be nice.

The teacher hasen't visited yet...


Hey.I'm so happy because Angela evolved into a Chamametchi.


I am so happy. :D I guess a Chamametchi means I took great care of little Angela.My cute little Jazz magician.Hopefully she will make it big and win me a Jazz award. :)


So yeah,she likes Jazz and that hasen't changed.Her skill points are 407/328/402.I'm so proud.


Miss Frill visited Angela yesterday and gave her a Pirate Ship.Now what will little Angela do with that :blink: .But good for boys in future!!


I'll bet anyone here on Tamatalk that I will get Violetchi.I just have a realy strong fealing! I bet I will get Violetchi or Chantotchi!


Angela started a band called Wild.


Angela's band is great! I beat the school minigame about 4 times to that should be enough for good bond level.In Wild there is a Kikitchi named Dino and an Itchigotchi named Elaine.I have had these names before. :mellow:


The teachers gift to Angela was a Microphone which I was very happy about.On the toy it is pronounced "Mic".


Angela's stats are 533/434/499 with 0 stress.My brother said this morning when his Togetchi left his baby "I realy want a Kutchipatchi,who do you want?" I said "Violetchi or Chantotchi."


Has anyone noticed Chamametchi looks a bit like Chantotchi?


Angela is still 1 year old,lets see what she becomes!


Ok,you won the bet :huh: .


Surprisingly,Angela evolved into a Mimitchi.I'm not that dissapointed but not that happy either.I wonder how that happened,but Mimitchi's are still pretty awesome.Angela is 3 years old with 0 stress and her stats are excellent,they are 879/818/817.


The other members of Wild morphed to.Dino became a Simasimatchi and Elaine became a Masktchi.They got in on the first audition and are ranked 1st with 376,001,735 fans.


Yesterday Angela made me extremely proud by winning a Jazz trophy.That's four trophie's down and four to go!


I realy wish I could figure out how you get characters.I'm guessing it's realy hard to get another female character.


I'll keep at it though!


Last night,Angela took the classical trophy,I alreaddy had won this from Cory.


So Angela is 4 now and due to get a visit from Guitartchi today.Angela's stats are 948/900/915.I hope I can get them all to 999 today.


Angela is still 1st with 21,329,663 fans.Yesterday I purchased the toy shop and it is realy cool.Angela sells things and she gets a fair amount of Gotchi Points.It's realy cool. ;)


I should buy some more meals for Angela,she just ate a chocolate yesterday.


I just want to say thanks to everyone for reading this log and the awesome comments you guys give me.I realy appreciate it. :)

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This morning Angela married a handsome Tosakatchi.They had a baby boy who I will name Ryan.

Angela is ranked 2nd,she likes rock n' roll and her skills are 999/999/999.I hope her little boy grows up to be a Tosakatchi.

I'll try to make Ryan's Rythm skill the highest and see who I get,a Togetchi would be great.


Sorry but I won't be going on Tamatalk anymore.Could a Moderator or Administrator please close down my log(and my account,too).That would be great,thanks.


Hello guys.


I'm not going to close my account because I could not possibly leave you guys.So lets start over with an awesome post!! :lol:


Ok,Ryan is two years old and is a Kikitchi.He's stats are 517/630/537.He started a band named "Eruption" and in the band is Ryan of course,who plays the harp,David who has singers thanks to the teacher and Louis with the saxaphone.


I have won the school game about 5-8 times.I realy hope he becomes a Togetchi or a Shimashimatchi would be great. :lol:


P.S. You guys rock!
