got my tama yesterday


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Jun 4, 2006
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Hi i got my tamagotchi yesterday and joined here strait away :chohimetchi: . i got a little boy that quickly evolved into a marutchi and then today evolved into a ringotchi, he looks like a cute little apple. he doesnt seem to want to play games very much and seems almost too easy to look after! any hints on how to get him more playful and energetic? :chohimetchi:

Welcome to Tamatalk. Hope you like it here. If your Tamagotchi doesn't want to play games give it some snacks.

Welcome to tamatalk! :chohimetchi:

I hope that you find tamatalk very helpful and I hope you enjoy your time here.

Like chlemma said, feed your tamagotchi a few snacks if it refuses to play games.

If you want your tamagotchi to be very happy, feed it some fruit juice. Ringotchis love fruit juice.

PM me if you need any tamagotchi help or if you have any questions to ask. :chohimetchi:

-sk8er girl-

Hello and Welcome to TamaTalk (or TT as some members call it)

I hope you enjoy it here on TamaTalk, If you need any help Just PM (Pesonal Message), And I will do my best to help you, and we can be friends too!

Well feeding it snaks when its not hungry seems to do the trick thanks for the advice :chohimetchi: . My little apple man is such a cutie! My boyfriend and i both got one, he got a girl and it turned into a ufotchi. most of the time they give each other cute presents but today they have been giving each other empty boxes and poo! it looks ao funny! naughty little tamas!

welcome to TT.

if you need any help with tamagotchis or need a friend to talk to feel free to PM me.

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