Going to a new School


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FOUR TIME Lifetime Angelgotchi
Nov 20, 2005
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United States
The title pretty much sums it up.

I moved in June and I'm going to a new school. Does anyone have any advice on how to meet people and to fit in better with the rest?

This topic is also for others who are going to new schools or who have been in a new school to talk amongst themselves and share their experiences.


Personally, I like to stand out rather than fit in. Be unique and friendly?

And I agree with Milliexoxo, be yourself. Not a faux replica of someone else.

Try and get friendly- that's what I did... And join things- then you'll soon fit in. That's wht I did las tyear with my class- first, I thought I coldn't fit- In the end, I fit in perfectly. And like the two above said- Watch thigns change slowly.

I moved in late July, so I'm going to a new school too.

It's difficult because..

- I'm not.. Social.. Really..

- I lived in the same place for 6 years. Knew the same people. Knew where everything was.

- I'm away from my best friend of 4 years.. ><

So far I'm just seeing how things go.. Learning names.. Figuring out who to avoid.. :mametchi:

Here's the advice i've collected! :mametchi:

Hope it helps you. :eek:

You should try...

-- Making new friends

-- Saying your own opinons no matter what

-- Sticking up for yourself

Don't be afraid to..

-- Be different

-- Try out different styles

-- Be social

Good Luck RachelGotchi! :eek:


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Idk... I'm terrified about starting a new school too. I have no idea how I'm gonna handle it.

I started a new school, to make friends maybe you should go up to some one who looks kind of lonely and ask if they want to be friends or just ask a random person you think is nice.

:DGood luck:D

Don't be nervous. Be yourself, make new friends by sitting with some random people at lunch, or even in class when your teacher pairs you up with partners you could make a new friend. I went to a new school too, and everything turned out great!

I went to a new school in the fourth grade. It actually wasn't hard for me because, I'm GotchiGirl, the social butterfly. Lolz, anyways, you just gotta get to know everyone. In the hall, when you walk past someone, just say hello and introduce yourself. Don't worry, you'll make new friends. But I have to say, the way I made my first friend (and has been my very best friend every since) was a bit odd.

Meh, whenever my friend Rona invites anyone to eat with us, they end up being popular and thinking we're weird. o__o'

I'm personally not social enough to make that many friends. My best friend actually I met from PE, when I accidentally dropped a little sculpture thing and it landed in her backpack (or on it, I dunno.) I had a panic attack when I realized it was missing, as I do when I lose my other art things, and she found me at lunch and gave it back to me. We've been friends since.

I pretty much know who I want to be friends with when I start, and I end up being friends with them. Funny how that works, huh? Even with my best friend, who I accidentally became friends with, I knew I wanted to be her friend. It doesn't work so well with guys.. But what can you do? XD

So I guess what I should say is that it's really not up to other people who you want to be friends with- It depends on you and your attitude. You, in the end, will choose who you will hang out with, not other people. You're not at their mercy, nor are they to you.

I wouldn't be too worried about not fitting in or anything. People, after all, are more similar then they are different (although some people will go to then ends of the earth to deny it) and anywhere you go, you'll have friends. People are only friendless when they isolate themselves and choose not to. Ethier that, or they're completely unbearable and try to force people to be friends with them. I find that people trying to fit in stand out more then people who aren't. Not stand out in a good way, ethier.

Wow, this turned out more serious then I expected. Well, hopefully you'll feel somewhat better ^^;

Say hello to everyone you meet; be yourself, and be friendly, but don't get distracted in class by others. It really pays off; trust me. It really does, those three (four) things will make you real popular (Not in a snobby way) amongst the school... most of the time, at least. Either that or you'll get quite a few friends.

I moved in late July, so I'm going to a new school too.It's difficult because..

- I'm not.. Social.. Really..

- I lived in the same place for 6 years. Knew the same people. Knew where everything was.

- I'm away from my best friend of 4 years.. ><

So far I'm just seeing how things go.. Learning names.. Figuring out who to avoid.. :D
I know just how you feel. I have a friend in FL that I've known since we were six. She was my bestie, too...

Thanks for the helpful tips, guys. :huh:

I started a new school as well. Just try to fit in, maybe talk to a few people. Fortunantely (sp?) I knew a girl at my new school from hockey. The first week or so is tough, but you will blend in soon enough!

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