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Even though I believe in God myself, I think you're being a bit... pushy. (I can't remember the other word I was looking for. xP)
You can't ask people to believe in Him - well, you can, but they are more likely not going to do as you ask.

I think you could have been more tactful in your post. Say, there is no Christian or Catholic God, but the real gods are Hindu or Muslim gods (sorry if I've got religions mixed up). Don't you think, that if someone did do as you asked, and REALLY believed in God - well, the harm is that there was no God to believe in, and you just sent them to Hell (sorry, again, if there is no Hell in Hinduism or Islam).

Now, I am a Christian, so don't get me wrong - but I don't think you can just ask people to devote their lives to a religion that they're not sure about. People won't just REALLY believe in Him. It takes a while, and sometimes, only miracles in their life or people around them may change their beliefs.
I also agree with you.

Exactly what I was mentioning.
You say you don't push your religion or care if someone is of a different faith, and yet you say people will go to hell if they don't believe in him. It's just kind of ignorant to me. If God and Jesus are pure and amazing, I think as long as you're good-hearted you will go to heaven. I mean, if he did make us he would understand if people were skeptical. If he is our creator, and our savior, he'd understand.

Just my view.

Good-hearted will not on it's own get you to Heaven. Only faith in Jesus Christ will:

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
*Because our sin(all the corrupt and un-godly things we think or do) we can't enter Heaven; however by the innocent blood of Christ and by believing in Him we are saved.

*God did make us, it is because of our sin and the free will He gave us we are skeptical and unbelieving; and because He is our Creator and Savior, He loves us and sent His Son to reconcile us:

for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.
We are now close to the end of days. If you don't believe now, better start. When Jesus does return, you will have your last chance. Read Revelations.

I believe in both God and Jesus and do attend church.

My sister told me about when Jesus will come down and take the ones that believe in him and worship him, which I do and I didn't just start because of that. I think that's what magicboa was talking about and I'm almost positive.

If becoming a real member of the church (forgot what it's really called) doesn't take up too much time, I'll do it. :]

We are now close to the end of days. If you don't believe now, better start. When Jesus does return, you will have your last chance. Read Revelations.
Are you saying the world is going to end soon? I'm not sure I understand here.

So like.... Christians worship Mayans now?or something...?

Actually - it is not just Christians who believe in the concept of End of Days - although different religions may believe that the end will come at different times ;)

However, I personally don't think it's appropriate for anyone to tell others that it's their last chance to believe. But then I've never been a big fan of extreme beliefs (or threats) :(

Ok, so because I can't double post, I'm just going to put all of the post I wanted to discuss, in this one post. So here we go:

1) I think that deemack199725 was completely right, in their last post. Because of our sins, nothing we do is right, or good. Thanks to the innocent blood of Jesus Christ, we can truly say that we might have a chance of not being on our way straight to Hell... And that is only because GOD chose to forgive us, because his son came down, and willingly died for us. You know what his words were, on the cross? They were exactly this:

Father forgive them, for they know not what they are doing.

Those were his words. So, he willingly gave himself up for us... What does that tell you?

2) Paper*Cut, I don't think they're trying to say that we worship Mayans now, because I know I don't. I think all that Magicboa was trying to say, was this:

God is coming soon, so, you need to get your stuff straight, before he gets here, and you end up not going with him, but being stuck with the Anti-Christ.

Um... I'm not a big fan of the way it was said, but, truth be told, that's the truth, and sometimes, that's the only way people will understand. Like TamaMum, I've never been a big fan of extreme beliefs, nor threats. So...

3) GotchiGirl96, what's being said is this:

We're not going to be here forever. God IS coming back... No one really knows the day nor the hour, that the Lord Our God, will return. And while I don't like how it's being said (Like I mentioned above) it is the truth, and that is exactly how it's going to go down... It's not really being said that the end of the world is going to be TOMORROW but it is being said, that it is coming soon. Every second, every minute, every hour, and every breath we take, brings us all closer to the end of this world.

(I say THIS world, because, it does mention that all of GOD's people will live in the Promised Land, when he comes back to get us...)

4) DemonSlayer5050:

Being only good-hearted will not get you into Heaven. You're right, as our creator, he realizes that we are skeptical, although, he expects us to have faith. He expects us to be of the kind of mentality, that seeing doesn't always mean believing, something that I myself am learning to except, although, I know without a shadow of a doubt that he's there.

We're not trying to cram it down your throats (How many times have I said that?) but, that doesn't mean that we can't express our beliefs. It's as if you're saying that you can voice that you DON'T BELIEVE but we can't voice opinion to those that either want to believe, or are very skeptical. I don't know if that's what you are saying, but that is what it sounds like to me...

5) LOVE. I understand what you're saying, but I don't think that all that you are saying is right. I do believe that you CAN ask for people to devote their lives to a religion that they're not sure about. You are right when you say that they're probably not going to, but that is when you try to start teaching them about the faith that it takes for YOU yourself to believe...

Does that make sense? I mean, all I'm really trying to say is that if you show them the proper way to believe, and not try to force your belief upon them, then it is possible for you to maybe get them to believe... Does that make sense...?

Well that's all, but heres my point of view:

It's not right for us (Christians) to ask others to believe, when we can't; I do believe, I'm just having a hard time with faith through the storm, but I make it through, and I hold to him...

Um...That's not all I have to say, but I'm in the hospital, and they want to flush my I.V and give me my antibiotics, so I gotta go...

I consider myself agnostic. Im open to all beliefs. There have been some moments where I believed in God. But there were never any moments that I thought God wasnt real. So, Im kinda on line between believing and not believing.

No. I don't but I respect all religions and beliefs. I've been in churches many times...and it felt weird, like I was thinking "Oh my Go...sh...gosh I'm atheist and I'm in a church...meep)


I do respect all religious people. Just as long as they respect me and my wishes to NOT be alienated because something I believe (or don't believe) in.

^ ... Alienated?

moonlightaustin, I'm still not sure what you mean. I know that if I were an atheist, I wouldn't want people to ask me to devote my life to a belief that I'm not sure about, because, when it comes down to it, if you're not sure about Christianity, God will know.

... That didn't come out right.

What I'm trying to say is, if you devote your life to a belief you aren't sure about, then you aren't really devoting your life to it, are you? Sure, you may be attending church, and praying to God, and generally being a good Christian. But you won't really be attending church, you won't really be praying to God, it won't mean anything to you. If you get what I mean.

Personally, I believe only true miracles and encounters are what is going to change someones life around, not someone on the tamagotchi website you visit from time-to-time. If you do succeed, however, I am very happy for you, and glad that someone else in this world has decided to pray the prayer.

I am a Christian, I love God with all my heart. <3

I am a Christian, I love God with all my heart. <3
So am I, Kendal! I didn't know you were a Christian.

Anyway. I know I've posted here before but...

I'm a Christian.

I believe in God.

I love God.

Jesus Christ is my savior.

That is all. :3

So like.... Christians worship Mayans now?or something...?


Christians worship God, and God alone. In fact, worshipping anything or anybody other than him is, for the Christian faith, definitely a sin.

I'm 100% Christian, and I honestly don't know what I'd do if I wasn't.

God's someone to pray to, someone to understand, he watches over you and loves everybody. I really can't sum it all up into words, but he's the best thing about my life. I LOVE JESUS. <3

^ YUS ESTHER. Jesus rocks. xDD

Seriously. If you're hurt, talk to Him. If you're happy, tell Him. If you're sad, talk to Him. And He's really a good listener. ;3 He's really helped me out in my life. He's great. <3

Christians worship God, and God alone. In fact, worshipping anything or anybody other than him is, for the Christian faith, definitely a sin.

I'm 100% Christian, and I honestly don't know what I'd do if I wasn't.

God's someone to pray to, someone to understand, he watches over you and loves everybody. I really can't sum it all up into words, but he's the best thing about my life. I LOVE JESUS. <3
You sure took the words outta my mouth. O:

@moonlightaustin: I don't understand what you're saying. You seem to be so hung up on the belief that the world is going to end in this lifetime. How can you be so sure that we'll be around to see the return on Christ at the end? I don't believe for a second that I'll be alive when the world is kaput. In fact, I think we'll all be looooong gone. So you shouldn't be shoving your beliefs onto people like that, because you don't know any of it for a fact. It is fine to believe and express your belief, but trying to make others believe when they don't is not right.

^ ... Alienated?
moonlightaustin, I'm still not sure what you mean. I know that if I were an atheist, I wouldn't want people to ask me to devote my life to a belief that I'm not sure about, because, when it comes down to it, if you're not sure about Christianity, God will know.

... That didn't come out right.

What I'm trying to say is, if you devote your life to a belief you aren't sure about, then you aren't really devoting your life to it, are you? Sure, you may be attending church, and praying to God, and generally being a good Christian. But you won't really be attending church, you won't really be praying to God, it won't mean anything to you. If you get what I mean.

Personally, I believe only true miracles and encounters are what is going to change someones life around, not someone on the tamagotchi website you visit from time-to-time. If you do succeed, however, I am very happy for you, and glad that someone else in this world has decided to pray the prayer.

I am a Christian, I love God with all my heart. <3
Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm in no way saying that it's OK to ASK people to devote themselves to something that they don't believe in... But then again, I'm not saying that it can't be done...

What I'm saying is that... I'm trying to figure out how to say it...

I know you won't be a true Christian, but... Well, it is possible to become a true Christian, through your actions. Say for instance, and this is actually a true story, I know, it happened to a friend:

Matt didn't believe in GOD. He actually thought it was all a hoax, something that the Roman government made up. He believed that the man that died on the cross was simply a Roman prisoner who got to play someone important for a day. And he believed that all of the "Miracles" that Jesus preformed were illusions and tricks played upon by some master trickster... He didn't know... All he could say was that GOD didn't exist. Well, we asked him to believe. We asked him what it would hurt to go to church, read his bible, and TRY to believe that there was a GOD. He complied. He came to bible study, read his bible, prayed. And you know what? Two weeks after, his baby girl died. He broke down, and asked GOD to forgive him. His wife, she got pushed into drugs after he child died. She felt so bad, that she couldn't take it any more. We convinced her to at least TRY for some rehab. She complied. Soon after rehab, she confessed. She said that she realized that she couldn't keep living the same way she was now. Now, when she confessed, she didn't go and get baptized, even though her husband was talking about it... She still tried to read into GOD, even though we told her she couldn't figure him out. She still tried, getting no where... Well, one Sunday, we come to church, and when the Invitation to New Believers/Invitation to Christian Discipleship comes up, both Matt and his wife get up, and sit in the red chairs that they brought out. They claimed that during all of their hardships, they've learned that there was a GOD. Matt asked for public forgiveness, for every time he has ever bad-mouthed GOD, and the church took them in with opened arms. They've had three other children, and are now living happily.

The moral of the story? I'm not saying that it's impossible to ask someone to believe over the internet. I'm not saying that it's wrong to try and explain your side of the story, so that they believe. Am I saying that it's wrong for you to try and force your beliefs on others that don't believe? Yes I am, because we all have no right to try and force or take away someones beliefs. Am I saying that you can't try? Nope, as long as you don't force, or you don't make extreme threats or statements, which I guess could constitute as a threat, but as long as you don't use those, or any forms or means of harm, I really don't see anything wrong with it.

Another thing, you see in the story where he lost his child, and his wife started doing drugs? I'm not saying that it goes without hardships, and I'm not going to say that it's going to be that bad, although, if GOD wants you to do something for him, and you don't he will get drastic, and I don't mean that to be a threat, even though it's true. And maybe, you won't resist GOD the first time he calls you, in which case, I don't think you'll ave much to worry about, but it's GOD, so you can never know. But, the point is, Matt had all of those problems because he never really admitted that GOD wanted him... And you know, GOD did want him. Matt is now a preacher in my church, and he does well.

So, what am I trying to say? I'm trying to say that I disagree with your statement. I mean, if I were atheist, I would want people to ask me. Or course, I say that now, I'm a Christian, and I know what it's like to wake up to GOD's grace everywhere... And perhaps, I would have a different answer, If I had not already been... Baptized, I guess.

But that doesn't matter.

I'm saying it now...

SO does that respond to what you were saying accurately enough (NO SARCASM INTENDED)?

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