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i dont mean to rude or anything, but who even came up with that theory?! Its really, really, unlikely that he rose from the dead, seriously. Jesus probably just got stolen.

And think logically, you cant stand on clouds, nor can you live in a fire riden hole deep under the ground.

i dont mean to rude or anything, but who even came up with that theory?! Its really, really, unlikely that he rose from the dead, seriously. Jesus probably just got stolen.
And think logically, you cant stand on clouds, nor can you live in a fire riden hole deep under the ground.
Your statement that he was stolen is less logical, really.

Do you really believe that a few of these Jesus followers could enter into and take away Jesus' body while defending against the Roman guards? Even rolling away the stone would be one huge obstacle PLUS the Roman guards- highly trained, I'm sure big buff men- standing in the way 24/7 [if you do recall the reason of even having them there so that they literally could not steal the body even if they tried they would have been killed] that would be suicide. They would have killed. These followers were not skilled soldiers. One was a hated tax man, another was a fish, etc. They would have been no match for the soldiers or even the stone.

Before you make claims saying how "unlikely" it is, get the whole story. You can't pass judgment if you have no clue what exactly you're talking with. Just because I say something is unlikely merely based on the little- if any- knowledge I have on the whole incident doesn't make the conjecture correct or even a slightly valid argument.

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I do believe in God. I'm a proud Christian, but I don't shove it down people's throats. Whatever your belief, I'll respect it as long as you don't shove your religion [or lack thereof] down my throat and try to start an argument with me every chance you get.

But at the same time, I believe evolution or even reincarnation could be real. I don't think every single thing in the Bible is true, but I don't believe every scientific theory I see, either. I believe what I believe, you believe what you believe, and that's that. Live and let live.

Your statement that he was stolen is less logical, really.
Do you really believe that a few of these Jesus followers could enter into and take away Jesus' body while defending against the Roman guards? Even rolling away the stone would be one huge obstacle PLUS the Roman guards- highly trained, I'm sure big buff men- standing in the way 24/7 [if you do recall the reason of even having them there so that they literally could not steal the body even if they tried they would have been killed] that would be suicide. They would have killed. These followers were not skilled soldiers. One was a hated tax man, another was a fish, etc. They would have been no match for the soldiers or even the stone.

Before you make claims saying how "unlikely" it is, get the whole story. You can't pass judgment if you have no clue what exactly you're talking with. Just because I say something is unlikely merely based on the little- if any- knowledge I have on the whole incident doesn't make the conjecture correct or even a slightly valid argument.
yeah, whatever, BUT COME ON!! seriously, how the *removed* could he rise from the dead? Thats seriously impossible. I bet ya god doesnt exist. Its kind of a childish theory. And plus, scientist discoveries show evolution IS TRUE, and the dinosaurs are NOT a trick from god, they were not skeletons from noahs ark animals. All this Christian theory totally childish, seriously. Oops. well i dont mean to be rude...u people get me so irritated though! ugh! How can u make it through church without falling asleep?

*Please watch you language- TWP*

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yeah, whatever, BUT COME ON!! seriously, how the hell could he rise from the dead? Thats seriously impossible. I bet ya god doesnt exist. Its kind of a childish theory. And plus, scientist discoveries show evolution IS TRUE, and the dinosaurs are NOT a trick from god, they were not skeletons from noahs ark animals. All this Christian theory totally childish, seriously. Oops. well i dont mean to be rude...u people get me so irritated though! ugh! How can u make it through church without falling asleep?
If you don't mean to be rude, you could edit your post to be a little nicer. :/

People are allowed to believe what they believe, you know. By saying we get you irritated, are you telling us that we should believe you because our theories are so 'childish'?

yeah, whatever, BUT COME ON!! seriously, how the *removed* could he rise from the dead? Thats seriously impossible. I bet ya god doesnt exist. Its kind of a childish theory. And plus, scientist discoveries show evolution IS TRUE, and the dinosaurs are NOT a trick from god, they were not skeletons from noahs ark animals. All this Christian theory totally childish, seriously. Oops. well i dont mean to be rude...u people get me so irritated though! ugh! How can u make it through church without falling asleep?
*Please watch you language- TWP*
*takes chill pill and hands one out to everyone*

Childish? This isn't a full out debate- it's just a discussion- but I've presented you with logical, factual information. If you choose to believe against, ok, but if you're going to bring such a bold statement to the table bring some more context than "it's childish".

Look, I'm not trying to tick you off. I'm taking your statements, showing you where they don't exactly click so that we can all continue to have an intelligent conversation.

yeah, whatever, BUT COME ON!! seriously, how the *removed* could he rise from the dead? Thats seriously impossible. I bet ya god doesnt exist. 1) Its kind of a childish theory. And plus, scientist discoveries show evolution IS TRUE, and the dinosaurs are NOT a trick from god, they were not skeletons from noahs ark animals. 2)All this Christian theory totally childish, seriously. Oops. well i dont mean to be rude...u people get me so irritated though! ugh! 3)How can u make it through church without falling asleep?
*Please watch you language- TWP*
OFFENCIVE. Well, I shall pick your post apart peice my peice.

1) If Christianity is childish, everything else would be childish. All theories and beliefs are equal. If one is childish, they are all childish, because they are all the same thing: A matter of thought.

2) Lets scroll back up to sharpened pencil 1 please?

3) Well, first of all, it's just like a lot of things. Some people will wonder how others can make it through a movie without falling asleep. Well, we Christians are INTERESTED in our religion. That's why we chose it.

@ Tama w/ pants: Thnx. -eats chillpill-

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yeah, whatever, BUT COME ON!! seriously, how the *removed* could he rise from the dead? Thats seriously impossible. I bet ya god doesnt exist. Its kind of a childish theory. And plus, scientist discoveries show evolution IS TRUE, and the dinosaurs are NOT a trick from god, they were not skeletons from noahs ark animals. All this Christian theory totally childish, seriously. Oops. well i dont mean to be rude...u people get me so irritated though! ugh! How can u make it through church without falling asleep?
*Please watch you language- TWP*
Mmkay...so? Can you explain to me why catholic/christion religon is so childish? That was extremly rude and offensive and i think you should apoilgize to TW/P and everyone else who got offended

"How can you make it through church without falling asleep?" QUOTE Well i'm sorry thats my religon i am listening to and that was very rude of you.

"Its kind of a childish thoery" QUOTE You think that is childish? Have you ever had faith in anything in your life and just because these scientists havent found anything maybe God wasnt supposed to put proof on this earth, He wants you to love him and believe in him without proof.

Please watch you say :[ People get offended.


"Its kind of a childish thoery" QUOTE You think that is childish? Have you ever had faith in anything in your life and just because these scientists havent found anything maybe God wasnt supposed to put proof on this earth, He wants you to love him and believe in him without proof.
But the point is there is proof. You have to dig under the propaganda and the scientific spoofs but just because it's religion doesn't mean it can have nothing to back it up.

There's some really cool resources out there about Christianity and science. If you like that kind of stuff, check out Hand Hanagraff or Lee Strobel's books. They are amazing people with interesting reads that's not just blab blab blab.

I'm actually reading one [or in the process, I've had to put it back due to finals so I'll pick it up this summer] by Lee Stobel called The Case for the Creator. This guy was a evolutionist and journalist who set out to proove Christianity wrong.

I like science and my relationship with Christ and you can have both. ;)

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It is true, Jesus was actually born and actually died and actually has a grave, but he probably could not cure people of leprocy with a touch (was that what he supposedly did? I forget.), etc. He might have been an incredible man, sure, but for instance, have you ever played Telephone? Things get made up and misheard and eventually turn in to alot more than they were.

OMG. Why is everyone still getting so mad??!! it makes ME mad! I said sorry, ok... :angry: Now everyones ganging up on me..but i get really agitated when people talk like theyre certain god exists. Sigh. How can you be totally sure he exists? :p :( nothing totally proves any religion is true...really.

A really big sorry, again guys. Please stop getting so angry at me. Everyone has their own opinion..ok? :( :( :( *hugs everyone* ;) *takes chill pill*

How is Christianity childish?

Because it didn't happen so you could see it?

Well, if you look carefully you can see the impact Christianity [ and many other religions ] have had on our world today. Don't be so dang rude.

Exactly. If we evolved from monkeys, there probably wouldn't be any monkeys at all. Unless, the monkeys we see to this day are thousands of years old and have been trapped in carbonite or something.
actually, we evolved from APES. So the monkeys just stayed monkeys.

actually, we evolved from APES. So the monkeys just stayed monkeys.
Plus, apes andmonkeys are differnt.

Apes are pretty close to us aswell. They have thumbs. Apes do use tools in the wild to get food. Early man did also.

I honestly don't belive the whole "God made man. Then took a man's rib and created the woman" thing.

I have a question for an evolutionist- do you consider phylogeny as proof for evolution?

I believe in God And Jesus

I think my god is an awsome god(my opinion)

-god bless

I strongly believe in God, and will never believe a word of science. (or dinasuars)
You're just jealous cause dinosaurs have sharp teeth and can run fast! LOL I'M JOKING! XD They have evidence(actual bones) that prove the existence.

I do not believe in god. For all those who say i should, you give me no proof so how can you expect me to believe? In the bible it says to convert people, but don't try that with me, because I know you would not appreciate me trying to convert you to an athiest. So i guess i'm going to hell.



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