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i agree with you. my family dosnt believe in god or anything.
its strange, because i believe in aliens.

they actually have Some proof they exist but iv never seen proof of god..
There is proof of God. Its the Bible. And if you havn't noticed by now, yes I do believe in God and Jesus and heaven.


There is proof of God. Its the Bible. And if you havn't noticed by now, yes I do believe in God and Jesus and heaven.
The thing is, the Bible isn't proof of anything. The Bible is stories and ideas written by people through thousands of generations in different languages.

The proof people want is face to face, see for yourself, proof and there isn't any.

The thing is, the Bible isn't proof of anything. The Bible is stories and ideas written by people through thousands of generations in different languages.
The proof people want is face to face, see for yourself, proof and there isn't any.
yes well you just have to believe and...even if you don't believe God can get to you in a way ( I'm not saying he definetly will)

yes well you just have to believe and...even if you don't believe God can get to you in a way ( I'm not saying he definetly will)
Yes, but most people wont believe something they can't see.

That's why people people say 'I want proof', they don't mean a book that's been rewritten thousands of time. They mean REAL proof.

I personally don't now and will never believe in any kind of god, but that's what people mean when they say they want proof. It's not an, 'oh go read the Bible' or, 'you just have to believe in it' kind of deal.

yes well you just have to believe and...even if you don't believe God can get to you in a way ( I'm not saying he definetly will)
What about people who belive in Hinduism?

Though, I belive in no god.

SK pointed out a point about the bible. It is just a collection of stories and fables. I doubt a snake talked to a man and woman, offering "forbiddin fruit" and so on.

I know God is real because well thats just my religon lol. But i also believe God didnt put any "proof" on this earth that he exsists. We arent supposed to need "proof" because we are just supposed to be believe. I pray every night and i trely do believe in God :eek:

P.S I havent been on for a long time so i guess i am bac for now lol


I honestly can say many many many people would STILL not believe if it bit them on the butt. You can see that example in the Bible when Jesus was walking amoung them- they saw his miracles, they saw how his life fulfilled prophesy but they still crucified him because he wasn't exactly how they wanted him to be for their own selfish benefit.

Am I right in saying that people don't want to have someone higher than them to tell them right from wrong? That much is obvious.

And I absolutely disagree with that he gave us no proof and we just have to believe- he gave us tons of it. The Bible for one. Now, I can't exactly sum up the accuracy of the Bible right here- heck, there are literally thousands of books on the matter- but I got a statistic from a woman who is an apologist and she told me that only 3% of the Bible's word/translation is disputed. But, they are words such as ‘is’ and the like that with different sets of tenses and how to say are just hard to squeeze into the English language. One of the rules of deciphering, if you will, the Bible or any text is to not build your ideologies on connecting words and others like is, are, etc. If I remember correctly they Bible even says it is foolish to believe in something without proof.

The Bible is one amazing book- it’s very unique. It was written by approximately 40 different people of all walks of life. Moses, priestly historians in the time of King David, a “lowly tax collector”, the brother of Jesus’ brother James- just to name a few.

Of course we had to go and string things together and sort them by date, time period, authorship, etc. but for someone just to create that mass amount of information over the 1,500 years or more is simply impossible and I would say it takes more faith to believe that than to believe in the Bible itself!

Another compelling argument for the credibility is the vast amount of prophesies fulfilled. There are 668 prophesies and none have ever been proven false though three remained unconfirmed. That in itself is ridiculous- unless it was from the Divine.

Again to no person in particular, to say that there is no evidence, especially on the Christian side, is simply ignorance. You can take what you find and decide what you believe but such claims show little understanding of the matter.

*Phew* I will get back to this discussion later. :]



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I have always been taught to believe in God and Christianity ever since I was in kindergarden. I have always gone to a Private, Catholic school where religion was a big part of my daily life. We prayed alot, went to church once a week, in fact religion was actually just another subject such as math or science which we got tested on regularly. If you had any questions about religion the teachers would say things like "You should'nt question religion." or " If you do you are not a true believer." So basically I was forced to believe in God or as you guys say, it was shoved down my throat. For awile I thought that Christianity was the only [/i] right religion to believe in. I knew there were other religions but I just thought those people were weird or crazy. Until I got to 6th grade. The afterlife and supernatural stuff I began to find quite interesting and I still do. Eventually I began to question if God was real or not. I had alot of questions and I still do. Such as why God gives us free will but then created a hell to torture us when we do the wrong thing. Whats the point of free will then? Another thing is that if God is so good and kind and loving then why does he let bad things happen? Also Catholics have a bible, jewish have a Torah, and virtually every religion has something they believe in. As Catholics they believe in Jesus and that he has come and did all this great stuff. In the Torah they are still waiting for Jesus to come. How do we know whatto believe. I do not believe in Heaven or Hell but instead we are reborn again on earth for another chance at life. I have now found my own religion that is not catholic or jewish or protestant, or buddhist or hindu that matches my belief. You guys the questions I listed above. I already have answers yo them but I would like to hear what you people have to think. No o :angry: :angry: :D :eek: :angry: :angry: ffense to catholics.

I have always been taught to believe in God and Christianity ever since I was in kindergarden. I have always gone to a Private, Catholic school where religion was a big part of my daily life. We prayed alot, went to church once a week, in fact religion was actually just another subject such as math or science which we got tested on regularly. If you had any questions about religion the teachers would say things like "You should'nt question religion." or " If you do you are not a true believer." So basically I was forced to believe in God or as you guys say, it was shoved down my throat. For awile I thought that Christianity was the only [/i] right religion to believe in. I knew there were other religions but I just thought those people were weird or crazy. Until I got to 6th grade. The afterlife and supernatural stuff I began to find quite interesting and I still do. Eventually I began to question if God was real or not. I had alot of questions and I still do. [1]Such as why God gives us free will but then created a hell to torture us when we do the wrong thing. Whats the point of free will then? [3]Another thing is that if God is so good and kind and loving then why does he let bad things happen? Also Catholics have a bible, jewish have a Torah, and virtually every religion has something they believe in. As Catholics they believe in Jesus and that he has come and did all this great stuff. In the Torah they are still waiting for Jesus to come. [2]How do we know whatto believe. I do not believe in Heaven or Hell but instead we are reborn again on earth for another chance at life. I have now found my own religion that is not catholic or jewish or protestant, or buddhist or hindu that matches my belief. You guys the questions I listed above. I already have answers yo them but I would like to hear what you people have to think. No o B) :p :huh: :mellow: ;) :eek: ffense to catholics.
Sadly, I'm not surprised they looked down on question asking but that really is quite ridiculous. The only "bad doubt" is one you have that you don't seek out the answer to. :]

I've had these same questions too and so I'd like to take a minute to explain them.

1. God gave us free will because he didn't want us to be like robots forced to love him. He wanted us to choose and gives us many chances to choose him. Secondly, he is a fair God and hell is a place for people who choose for whatever reason not to have a relationship with him. The absolute worst part in hell is the eternal seperation from God and how is that "not fair or just"? They choose to not have a relationship with him which is where hell steps in.

Romans 3:23 "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God"

See, we all are sinners and because of that sin we are condemed to hell. That is what we deserve.

But the Bible goes on to say:

Romans 5:8 "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

He loves us so much that he sent Jesus to come as the perfect sacrifice ["without the shedding of blood there can be no forgiveness"] for us.

We are not good enough to make it to heaven by ourselves. We are dirty, unclean and unholy and we deserve hell. But Christ was that last sacrificial lamb and gave us the gift of that relationship with him. All we have to do is accept it. If we choose against it, then we go to where we chose to be. With or without God.

2. You search and try to discern what is and what is not truth. You study, research and face hard truth and not settle for something that is centered around not just what you believe to be idealistic based on your biases and random thought but hard cold evidence, which I have found in Jesus Christ.

3. Sin has its consequences and we live in a sinfilled world. Just turning on the TV or flipping on the radio makes that quite evident in this sex saturated society. Bad things happen because we all our siners and because we our sinners we affect others around us aswell. Again, none are blameless and all fall short and we pay consequences for that sin.

I do believe in God, I believe in Heaven, Hell, the afterlife.

I also HIGHLY disagree in the whole 'made up to make people feel better about life' thing.

I don't even think about believing the big bang theory.

Just like the 'aliens/ghosts/spirits are real' thing. If theres no afterlife and everything, theres definitly NO ghosts or spirits.

Just like the 'aliens/ghosts/spirits are real' thing. If theres no afterlife and everything, theres definitly NO ghosts or spirits.
People who believe in ghosts and spirits also believe there is an afterlife. Just not always the stereotypical heaven and hell.

Ghosts and spirits are looked as as lost souls that are unable to cross over to the afterlife for one reason or another.

People can believe in a religion and still believe in ghosts/spirits.

I believe in God and creation. The qay I see it is you can't make something out of nothing.

And I don't want to hear all the scientific facts thrown at me either, thanks.

It's annoying at my school because yesterday we got taught that God created the Earth etc..

and today in science we got taught about the Big Bang and evolution.

I just don't believe in the Big Bang or evolution.

i believe in god and creation... even though we should still consider scientific theories though...

1. Such as why God gives us free will but then created a hell to torture us when we do the wrong thing. Whats the point of free will then? 2. Another thing is that if God is so good and kind and loving then why does he let bad things happen?
1. We have free will because God didn't want robots forced to believe him like tamaw/pants said and really in our life we have alot of oppotunities to believe in God hell wasn't ment for US it was ment for the devil but people go to hell because they choose not to believe in God for any reason such as 'there is mo proof of him' and like the bible is only stories rewritten over the years!!!!!!!!

2.Sometimes god lets bad things happen to us because we are getting punished for something really bad that we did or because he wants us to ask him for help so that we realize that he's real. *I'm not sure if i used correct wording on the 2nd one so if anyone can say it in a better way please do*


The thing is, the Bible isn't proof of anything. The Bible is stories and ideas written by people through thousands of generations in different languages.
The proof people want is face to face, see for yourself, proof and there isn't any.
I supose Sweet Kandi Is right. It could've been a book just made by some drunken men who made up a character which'll go down in history. But I do respect that people believe in Him. Good on you :]

i believe in god and creation... even though we should still consider scientific theories though...
But who can believe we were made from monkeys or gorillas what ever they say it was? And if people believe THAT how did the mokeys/gorrillas get here? There's no proof that we came from the monkeys/gorillas. You might say there's no proof God made us either but then what's your 'reason' to not believe that God made us?

this isn't directed to Angel:) in paticular


[SIZE=8pt]Life is like a test..........its your own free way and you could be whatever the heck you want to be. You can be catholic, christain, jewish, or athiest. You could be a good person or a bad person. You could be a murderer, stealer, saint, crimnal, doctor, or scientist. But if you make one mistake you surely wont go directly to hell. God loves you and will forgive you. Thats what i think..[/SIZE]


But who can believe we were made from monkeys or gorillas what ever they say it was? And if people believe THAT how did the mokeys/gorrillas get here? There's no proof that we came from the monkeys/gorillas. You might say there's no proof God made us either but then what's your 'reason' to not believe that God made us?
this isn't directed to Angel:) in paticular

umn, you are so wrong. there is proof that we evolved from ape. and not monkeys! we are related to primates.

with chimpanzees, we share 97 % same DNA.

we have bone structures of the same, except they hunch due to lack of evolution.

humans aren't a whole new category; we are primates.

we have apposable thumbs and have live off spring, and walk on two legs.

we have the same ancestor's as the apes do.

there is proof of that. scientific proof.

and as far as where did the apes came from, they came from early hominids that evolved from Sahelanthropus tchadensis. hominids are human/ape like creatures that walk on two feet- man like. the first known hominid- Australopithecus.

the only reason we came to be was the split in the line of ape- thus seperating us to evolve into humans, and letting the apes evolve and stay ape.

the bible... i don't think it's proof of anything really. i agree with SK, it could be stories.

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