Jeez, I just realized something. I didn't even explain in my stupid post why it would be be bad to have another life. XD Haha, stupid me. I am sooo tired tonight. x___x Okay, here goes...:
The people who have that happen to them aren't ordinary, good people like you and me. They are....evil people who aren't even like human. They hate everyone and everything. They have no heart, no conscience, no anything. They have never felt love, or true happiness, or even guilt. Just a selfish happiness. Yet for their own selfish reasons, they believe in God. Not because they want Him to love them, but because they want to live somewhere perfect when they die. But they find out they don't want it. They want another, selfish, horrible life. Not a good life, not a fun life. You said, "If I believed in my heart that was true, I might even consider that option." That's understandable, lol. Another ordinary, fun life wiuld be great.

These people don't have fun lives. And they don't have hearts or any little bit of good in them at all, so they couldn't "feel it in their heart." They don't think about things like that. Also - I forgot to mention, I beleive in living again. Like, a normal life. If you choose to go to heaven, (this is my belief) after relaxing and having the time of your life in that perfect place, you want to go back to the imperfect world of Earth to learn about life. We set our goals before we come here, yet when we are born, we don't remember them. We follow our hearts and nearly always end up accomplishing them at the end, then we go back to our true Home. Again, this is my opinion. =P Just an opnion.
EDIT: Just read what you said, TW/P. For now I will just say that I did research this when I was questioning what exactly I beleived in. I'll write more tomorrow becuase I have to get off the computer now XP