Quick update! I asked Admin about Alicefly's idea (thank you for your suggestion!) for a group log over in the logs section, because I too was curious if logs are just limited to one person. Up until now, I thought it made a lot of sense to have a log run by one person because it's kind of like their own personal journal. Having a group log for this hatch, since there are so many of us, is a very nice idea. This is what Admin had to say:
Sounds like a good idea. If the 20 people involved in the hatch are going to be the ones posting in the log then I see no problem with it. I suggest the first post list out the members who are participating.
So we're heading over to the logs section for this hatch!

All this being said, I've been watching the board closely and this is my rough head count for the hatch, based on what I've seen and on my understanding of what's been going on around the board (people dropping out/unsure/members leaving the board/members banned/inactivity/etc.):
1. katface
2. brunotchi
3. Tama_dude2010
4. sandrababy
5. tamalvr23
6. furbitchi
7. sweet.angel
8. TamaSkittle2142
9. mew0099
10. XxXMyXxXImmortalXxX
11. OldSchoolTama
12. TamaLove754
13. djor
15. tama1237
14. misuzu_kamio
16. Dangoobotchi-lover~
17. katie_bug
18. Tamagotchi ~ Princess
19. Sandra~Marie
20. lolokotchi
21. NintenNerd
22. SquisheeMonster
23. ultratama
24. Alicefly
25. TamaChii
26. TurboTama
27. PretzelNymph
28. aerbear10
Phew! So if you don't see your name here, please don't take offense, I didn't mean anything by it. Just send me a friendly message or post here with your intent to participate and I'll gladly include you, alrighty?

Conversely, if you see your name here and you no longer wish to participate, please let me know here as well. In fact, I think it would be good if you all could just confirm with me one more time before I start the thread in the logs section (I'm in no hurry...I would prefer to start it a few days before Halloween at the MOST, because we all saw how iffy it is to start a thread for a hatch wayyyyy before the actual hatch date

). If you've posted here recently, I don't mind if you don't post a confirmation here (unless you don't want to participate anymore and wanted to let me know, which is cool) since it'd be kind of redundant. For those whom I haven't heard back in a while (i.e., since you first posted here 2 months ago, understandable), look for a PM from me about a week before Halloween. If I don't hear back from you one way or another, I will assume that you don't want to participate in the hatch (again, which is fine, you won't hurt anybody's feelings). It's really important that I get an accurate list going, per Admin's suggestion. Finally, I would also like to stay true to this little blurb about logs posted by Admin, said by TamaMum (and I can't sum it up any better than this):
The idea behind the Tamagotchi Logs is that it should be a "clean" diary of each tamas day to day stages. This makes it quick and easy to read and also provides useful information for other members.
The more members who post comments within the log, the more difficult it is to read a consistent report because it's broken up by off topic comments. And not all members like to read the comments....
There is also the danger that other members may post mean or rude comments about the log - believe me, it has happened often in the past.
If you want to pay someone a compliment about their log or make a polite comment, you can send them a TamaTalk PM - they will appreciate it and the log will remain clear for everyone else to read.
If the owner of the log invites you to post comments in their log, they are inviting you to break the rules! Remember to PM them instead
Offenders will be warned and repeat offenders will attract -ve karma.
I have no intention of excluding anyone but please, if anyone outside the hatch has comments, questions, etc., please do me the favor of sending any one of us a PM, rather than posting in the log? Thanks!
To answer a few questions, yes, people can still join. Please be so kind as to let me know here by
October 24th so that I can get that list going. Also, yes, you can do a hatch with any Tamagotchi you like (I don't mind if you switch or hatch more than one, just make sure to stay consistent

) and you don't have to start all the way over from generation one, just start with a new egg.
Wow, long post. Questions? Comments? Concerns?