Go Hug Somebody


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*Hugs* Sorry for sounding mean. :D ^_^ @ Tamaw/pants *hugs Tamaw/pants real tight*, go take cover! The lunchbox's coming!
No problem you didn't sound mean to me.

xD *watches as Locky458 is hit with lunch box* Poor Locky X)

*Puts warning sign on TamaW/pants: Hug With Caution* XD

Some kids made up a hugging contest in our school and i got 170 hugs =] it was alot of fun i got to hug the guys i like without them thinking i liked them almost all of the grade was playnig except for some losers i came in 2nd place..then the principle found out we were doing this and suspended a few kids..luckily not me =]
Why would they suspend children for giving hugs? Messed up School System. :(

Why would they suspend children for giving hugs? Messed up School System. :(
Because it can become a distraction and some people don't like to be touched by others.

Some girls were going around doing that one year and I hated it. I can't stand people being in 'my bubble', even friends, and that just made me mad. Going around, not even asking and giving hugs was very bothersome. I was about to smack the next annoying chic that tried to force me into giving me a hug to rack up their numbers. >.>

[Haha, nice sign. More to pound you with! xD]

Because it can become a distraction and some people don't like to be touched by others.
Some girls were going around doing that one year and I hated it. I can't stand people being in 'my bubble', even friends, and that just made me mad. Going around, not even asking and giving hugs was very bothersome. I was about to smack the next annoying chic that tried to force me into giving me a hug to rack up their numbers. >.>

[Haha, nice sign. More to pound you with! xD]
Thats terrible that they did that. I think your suposed to let the people come to you, not beg them to hug you OR just randomly give hugs without asking, you can get hurt that way.

*backs away slowly from Tamaw/pants with sign* I wasn't going to hug you I promise. :D

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