Glitchiest Tamagotchi version?


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Eternal Mametchi Fan

Well-known member
Jan 22, 2012
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In an egg
What do you think is the Tamagotchi with the most or the worst glitches?

My datemate said he heard that Version 4 is full of glitches, which really confused me since I have a bunch of V4s and none of them have had any problems over the years I've owned them. Aside from a time several years ago my teenage character on my V4 married a V4.5 adult via connection.

Personally I think Version 5 is glitchiest. Here are things I have experienced with mine:

  • The Download/reset screen appears for no reason; I press 'download' but it still resets the whole thing and I have to put in the time, my birthday, username, etc.
  • Occasionally they make a random weird beep instead of the beep they're supposed to make when I do something.
  • A couple of mine have a problem where I push a button and it registers as being pressed a whole bunch of times; a problem with the buttons I guess. This problem remained after I cleaned them.
  • One time I married a V5 character to a V5.5 character via connection. The V5.5 character jumped up and left my screen to go marry the V5. But then my V5 said the connection failed and went back to the main screen without the wedding happening. My V5.5 character was neither married to my V5 nor returned to my V5.5. She was just erased into oblivion and that was really sad to me. Her siblings still remained.

What are your opinions?

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I've had some odd glitches on my V4.5, including the name glitch, the gay marriage glitch (the matchmaker brought an Ura Mametchi for my Celebtchi...), and the matchmaker bringing along a jumble of pixels for a mate, which promptly froze my screen when I pressed a button. So I'd say the V4/4.5. I've definitely heard a lot of people say the V5 is glitchy as well.


I had a few weird things happen to my v6. I'm not sure if it's due to old age and constant wear, but when I put a battery back in (I was taking a break from it so I also wanted to save battery life), it actually reset the entire thing. There was no download or reset option. Just the default screen with the three gifts on top which made me really upset. Then at the screen to play the third music game at the bottom, it'd make a weird tune that never happens before. It didn't affect anything else but I thought that was interesting.

I don't think I saw anything weird happen to my v4 yet, although I've heard people reporting glitches on it.

I had a few weird things happen to my v6. I'm not sure if it's due to old age and constant wear, but when I put a battery back in (I was taking a break from it so I also wanted to save battery life), it actually reset the entire thing. There was no download or reset option. Just the default screen with the three gifts on top which made me really upset.
That happened to my V4.5 one time! No download or reset screen, it just automatically reset. :(

That being said, I have experienced glitches most often with the V4/V4.5. I've never had the pile of pixels for a mate thing but I've experienced most of the other, more common, glitches of the version (age, weight, etc.). My Music Star also has a few glitches but that's because it stopped working a few years ago and we opened it up and tried to fix it. It still kind of works but it has been known to glitch out. :p

The only glitch I can actively think of would be the same as Rjalda, where my tamagotchi on the v4.5 (or v4, can't remember which one) received a strange lump of pixels as their "mate" also didn't end well for mine. Think I had to fully reset, if I remember right.

Other than that, I haven't experienced any other glitches. That last one for the V5 sounds awful though...I've been wanting to get the V5, but that makes me a little scared to do so, if it's a common glitch.

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The only glitch I've had was the Ball Glitch on the V3, so I'll say V3 from past experience.

I've had problems with both V4 and V5.

For V5, the only problem I had was it randomly resetting and deleting everything. At the time, I thought it was the nearby Nintendo DS's fault since my brother said the screen glitched the moment my V5 beeped.

My V4/ V4.5 problems were:

A teen married one of my adult tamas when connecting them.

Glitch items started getting sent over when I was trying to gift items and attempting to use them was a huge mistake since it deleted the data on one of my tamas.

I also encountered the name changing glitch but it only affected the friend list. (And seemingly also reset friendships)

Years ago on a V3 I had a weird glitch that when a chest turned my baby Tama into an oldie, it remained an oldie. I was extremely confused and a little frightened at that time.

Luckily when it came time for it to evolve into a child everything went back to normal except that I had a double of every food item that I already had in stock. So free food!

I've never had a music star that wasn't glitchy.

My v5's and V4s are wonderful but the music star has whacky buttons, it sometimes won't play the games right, failed connections to other music stars, its just a mess.

Just here lately I had a glitch with my V2 connection when I had a Marumimitchi that spazzed out the other day. He doesn't have a singing animation, just a freak out image

As for anything else, so far that's all I found (besides having a previous generation on the same Tama that went 2 days without aging a day and there was no pausing involved) but nothing worth taking a picture

I've only really experienced glitches on the V5. Mine would just randomly reset whenever it felt like it, although it would mainly happen when either trying to connect to another tama, or while putting in a new battery.

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