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^ Michelle, you have me all inspired, so I may try to go work on the tampon thing again soon. xD

My periods keep getting lighter and shorter. O_O

When I first got my period, it was 10 days straight of extremely heavy bleeding. Now, I got my period Monday morning, and it's basically done - hardly any bleeding at all. The first day was a little bad, and I got MISERABLE cramps on Tuesday, but it's basically done. They've been getting consistantly lighter. Next time there might not be any period at all. @_@

Inspirational Michelle. Sounds semi-wrong. But glad to be helping morally.

Mines over already. 3 days. Its my lightest yet. Not my shortest though.

I didn't even PMS or get moody. Mums like "Are you sure you got your period darling? Your unusually kind"

Now i'm all PMS-y. It saved itself up and exploded after my period left. I also gotta get a new door lock. I slammed it and it broke. Greeat.

^ If you just got your period for the first time, it can be very unregular. It's not uncommon for girls to get their first period and not get their second until six months later.

It usually takes about two years for it to become completely regular.

^^ Yeah. Mine became regular early on, every 48 days exactly for 3 periods now its all over the place. This time it was 1 month and a week. Its just spazzy.

Mine's honestly pretty regular. I can't predict it down to the day, but to about a three-day span I can guess.

The only thing throwing me off is how it's getting progressivly shorter and lighter. D:<

I get small cramps, and get PMSy-ish. I don't really have mood swings, sometimes I get a little too emotional. I was at a sleepover, once and we were watching sad things on youtube, everyone cried, but me the most.

I just get really tired, sometimes I get a headache, and it's weird, but my legs get really sore sometimes, but I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it.

I use pads or pantie liners, I dunno, I just can't work tampons!

No :\ I'm freaking out about it, because it's like.. Blood and blood is disgusting and makes me feel weird.

Like, far out, the bit that scares me the most is the PMS. I'm NOT an angry person D: & Sure, I'll cry occasionally, but I won't sit there and bawl for hours.

And the thought of putting something that isn't like... You, into YOUR body... Eugh.

And I'd wet myself if the pad leaked.

But then again, I'm a late bloomer.

I'm thirteen and I have no ****s, no period... Nothing, when all of my friends are like "... Are you a man?" (Jokingly of course xD)

It's very sad D:

But yeah, I dunno. Mum would be so happy lol ^-^

omfG!! I've had my period for like a year and a half and its still not regular. it really annoys me because i always manage to get it when its least convenient..and completely unexpectedly.

I wear tampons now. They're just a hell of a lot easier than pads, less messy, less uncomfortable. Plus the ones i get have neat little tins that i put stuff in after they're empty ;) haha

I used to get really bad cramps, but now not so much. I take a naprogesic as soon as i get my period and I'm fine.

and I pms really bad. even the freaking boys know when i have my period because i like scream at everyone and everything. (i don't cry, i just get

And I don't understand the whole "omg don't tell anyone i've got it" thing. I got bloodstains ALL OVER my dress school photo day because it came unexpectedly and all the boys found out and teased me, but i didn't really care. I just either joined in joking about it or ignored them, depending on who it was. So if my pad leaked, the only thing I'd be bummed about it getting stains on my clothes.

I think I might get mine soon.....

Today I felt really terrible. Stomach and groin cramps, very heavy discharge, couldn't concentrate, headache and I feloody, then sorry for myself, then moody again.

This sucks

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